Status: This is one of my other projects I am working on. I started writing it and decided to start putting it up.

Blue Moon

The Valorin Family was known for their strikingly handsome boys, their moon tattoos and the wealthy family. The only thing people didn't know about was their curse. During the day, the Valorin boys turn into terrifying monsters, creatures so feral that even the girls of the family have run scared. During the night though, they turn back into their normal selves. This curse had been brought down from one generation to another. Trying to break the curse had cost many Valorin boys their lives. Very few actually break it. The only way to break the curse is for a girl to fall in love with a Valorin and the Valorin to love them back before the next blue moon on their 20th birthday. If not, by the blue moon, they will die as the beast they turn into. But how hard can it be to find a girl with looks like them?

Girls had been brought to the house after being kidnapped and made slaves for the Valorin boys. Sometimes, they stay that way until the Valorin dies or releases them. The thing is that the boys are trying their hardest to find a girl to love them and someone to love back. The girls were to never see the boys' true form. But will a girl be able to fall in love with a beast? Or will a Valorin have to die as the beast within?

This is the story of Talen Valorin and Valeriana (Val) Pierce. Their struggle through the curse and the last cursed boy of the Valorin family.