Operation: Potential Breakup

Chapter 04


Abigail gaped at Hermione and Ron, a frown of incredulousness tugging at the ends of her mouth. She sat up, scratched the back of her neck nervously and nodded slowly.

“Oh c’mon!” Hermione raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, pleased with herself. “Your idea sounded more insane this does.”

Shifting her eyes from Ron to Hermione uneasily, Abigail continued to scratch the nape of her neck. She let out a sigh, bit her lip and forced an unconvincing smile Hermione’s way.

“I mean I guess,” Abigail shrugged, momentarily glancing at the empty bed beside Ron’s. It must’ve been Harry’s, she told herself. “But I haven’t even heard your plan yet, Granger. You looked at Weasley and he read your mind!”

Both girls turned back to Ron, who was still contemplating the idea. From time to time, he would look at the girls and then back at his hands. Abigail watched as he repeated this pattern for a few more moments; she could sense the stress that was building within Ron’s being.

“Hermione, we can’t just take it. He would know,” the redhead repeated silently.

Hermione groaned as she leaned forward, bringing herself closer to the lanky boy. “Ron, he hasn’t used it in ages now!” she reasoned. “Not since he started dating Caitlyn last year…”

Wow, Abigail thought, it was almost a year since the time the oh-so-loving couple started dating; it felt like centuries had passed since the two of them had started going out!

“But going against his trust?” Ron drew himself closer to Hermione, as if challenging her. “This is not how to handle it; we can’t just take his stuff…”

“That’s why Abs will take it!” Hermione motioned to Abigail, who was confused as ever.

Hermione looked at Ron with pleading eyes; this was their only chance to get rid of Caitlyn Moore and the more time they wasted, the less they had to get their plan going. Abigail sighed, still not understanding what Hermione and Ron were talking about; however, she did comprehend that whatever it was 1) involved her and 2) was going to potentially ruin the friendship of the Golden Trio.

“Hermione!” Ron chided, giving her a look of disapproval. “I know that you want to get rid of Caitlyn, but putting Abigail in the line of fire is something else. What about Harry’s trust in her-?”

“Harry and I aren’t really even friends,” Abigail stated with a shrug. “Look, I know this sounds really bad, but I’m willing to do whatever you guys need me to do. I can’t afford to have this plan jeopardize a six year friendship, so I might as well do it myself, right?”

Hermione turned her head back to Ron. “See?” she replied, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning back on the bedpost. “We wouldn’t have to do anything!”

“But… we were the ones who thought of it,” Ron murmured, looking back at the bed beside him. “I would feel guilty.”

“Did you feel guilty last year when you accidentally pushed Caitlyn into the Black Lake?” Hermione readjusted her position on the bed as she flashed a huge, knowing grin Ron’s way.

The redhead hung his head in shame. “No,” he muttered lightly. “But that looked like an accident… this will look like a crime.”

As Hermione stared sadly as Ron, Abigail shrugged once more as she scanned the rest of the room. The other boys seemed to be minding their own business; she didn’t want to disrupt them anymore than she had already. The blonde turned her gaze back to the two people she was with and frowned.

“That’s why we just have to trust Hermione,” she finally said, breaking the silence between the two. “If she said that Harry hasn’t used it in about a year, there won’t be a reason he’ll be using it anytime soon, right? I still have no idea what this thing we’re referring to is, but I’ll take it. Besides, Weasley, it’s only a crime if you get caught.”

Ron’s eyes widened as Abigail’s statement. “Hermione, where did you find her?” he asked, shocked.

“In the girls’ bathroom,” Hermione looked at Abigail, smirked and then laughed, “during our first year. She came to comfort me after a certain someone made a couple of rude comments about me.”

Abigail’s eyes shifted in Ron’s direction as he scratched the back of his head nervously. Trying to hold in her laughter, she watched as Ron’s expression when from nervous to afraid. “Ron,” she assured, “I’m not dangerous, I swear. I’ve just been dealing with Moore for a majority of my life, so I know how to maneuver my way through a sensible scheme. Trust me. Just tell me what I need to do and I’ll do it.”

Ron exchanged a glance with Hermione before looking back at Harry’s bed. He turned to Abigail and nodded. “I… trust you.”

Moving closer to Ron, Hermione motioned for Abigail to do the same. Once the three of them were huddled up together, Hermione began to formulate her plan.

“So Abs said that the best way to do this is to get Abigail out of Harry’s sight. I figured since that is the easiest way to do this, we’re going to need the map,” Hermione whispered to her two friends. “Abs, before you go asking any questions, this map is more than just a map; it’s a magical artifact that allows its user to see all of Hogwarts grounds.”

“My brothers used to use it for a lot of their pranks,” Ron added.

Abigail’s eyes lit up. “Where’s this map and how do I use it?”

Hermione shook her head. “Abigail, focus! We’re not going to use the map to prank Caitlyn or anyone, for that matter. We’re going to use it to locate Harry when he’s alone.”

“So you basically want me to stalk the Boy Wonder from afar,” Abigail noted dully. “Geez, Hermione, thanks. I like him and all, but don’t you think this is going a little too far?”

Ron lifted his head from the circle and looked at Abigail, tilting his head curiously. He raised an eyebrow at the blonde on his bed. “Wait, you like Harry?” he whispered.

Grabbing Ron’s tie, Hermione pulled him back into the huddle. “Ronald, focus! Abigail’s feelings for Harry, whether they be existent or not, don’t matter right now. We need to focus on the plan! Okay, so here’s what’s going to happen: Abs, there’s a blank, folded-up parchment in the trunk over there. Take it and I’ll show you how to use it in the girls’ dorm.”

“He taught you how to use it!” Ron exclaimed, poking his head out of the circle once more. “That prick!”

“Ronald, focus!” Hermione scolded again. “Harry did not teach me how to use it; it’s something I learned from watching him. Now, will you please tone it down? I think the others are getting suspicious.”

One look around the room and Ron smiled apprehensively before returning his attention to Hermione and Abigail.

“Okay, so that’s it?” Abigail wondered. “I just have to find a way to sneak into Harry’s trunk and grab a piece of parchment? Sounds easy enough. I’ll sneak back up here when everyone’s at dinner or something.”

Hermione nodded. “Then I’ll teach you how to use it,” she repeated. “But now, let’s discuss the rest of the matters. Our only goal is to stage an intervention; we need to open Harry’s eyes to the toxicity of his relationship.”

“And then we break them up!” Ron blurted out.

“Ronald!” Hermione glared at Ron, smacking the backside of his head. “That is not what we are going to do! We are simply going to hold an intervention for Harry when Caitlyn is not within reach and then we’re going to hope that what we said will convince him that he’s in a toxic relationship. From there, he can either do something to fix it or he can breakup with her.”

Abigail and Ron glanced at each other. Then, the two of them looked at Hermione and sighed; a nod soon followed as Hermione cleared her throat.

“Now that we’re all clear,” Hermione said, glancing at Abigail, “I want to be clear that the three of us cannot do anything to influence Harry’s decision. We have to treat this like an intervention, not an interference!”

While Hermione droned on about her plan, Abigail stared at the trunk at the foot of Harry’s bed. She sighed, thinking about all the possibilities that the plan could hold. She didn’t understand why Hermione was treating it like such a mission if the only thing that needed to be done was get Harry away from Caitlyn; that was the easiest part, right? So why was Hermione going all “mission mode” on the whole thing?

There was the fact that it was such a mission to find Harry when he was alone, Abigail told herself, but seriously? Why was Hermione going as far as to having a completely thought out plan? Abigail continued think about Hermione’s ability to become extremely enthusiastic when it came to plans. With another sigh, Abigail looked at her wristwatch.

“Hermione,” she said, pulling away from the circle, “we should probably leave now if we don’t want Potter to catch us in here. It’s been a good amount of time since I broke the vase; knowing how their fights are, I think it’s safe to assume that they’ll be here any minute.”

Hermione nodded. She, too, pulled away from the circle. Quickly, she and Abigail rushed out of the boys’ dormitory and down to the common room, which was oddly empty.

“Where do you think they went?” Hermione asked.

Abigail rolled her eyes and scoffed, “Knowing that girl, probably to the Room of Requirements to conquer her prize for winning the fight.”

Groaning, Hermione stepped over to the broken glass. “Reparo. Abs, do you think we’re doing the right thing?”

As the broken vase pieced itself back together again, Abigail shrugged nonchalantly. If the plan went the way Hermione had hoped, then all would be well. It was made with good intentions in mind. The only thing “wrong” about all of it was that they would be stealing from Harry, Abigail reminded herself.

“We’re only borrowing it, Hermione,” Abigail state, plopping herself on the couch. “Without his permission, yes, but you have the best intentions at heart…so it can’t really be all that bad, right? I mean, all I’m going to do is signal you and Ron when the coast is clear… then the two of you can make you move and talk to Wonder Boy.”

Hermione bit her lip. Thinking for a moment, she nodded and sat down in the armchair across from Abigail. “I hope this all goes well…” her voice trailed off as her gaze drifted from Abigail to the mended vase. “Because not everything can be fixed with a simple spell…”
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Again, sorry that it's been a while! Thank you for reading. Please leave a comment and I'll see you in the next installment of Operation: Potential Breakup.

- MV