Status: This is a work in progress ... Enjoy :p

Maybe We're Just Having Too Much Fun

I Can't Spend Another Night in this Home

*Sadie's P.O.V*
I closed the front door behind me with a soft click and rolled my suitcase down the driveway. I stopped at the end of it and turned to look at the house that I had grown up in. I knew that inside my parents slept soundly in their bed , completely unaware that their daughter had left and would never be coming back. That's the way I wanted it to be though. I wanted to leave them blissfully unaware of all the problems that their daughter has had to face over the last seven years, I had put so much work into keeping them oblivious to my struggle, it would be pointless to ruin that now.
After all they're not the reason I'm leaving. In fact their the only thing that could make me want to stay. I'm leaving because there are way too many bad people and memories in this town and I cannot go through each day with them taunting me. Every single day and every single place here reminds me of a bad time in my life, I can't relive my entire high school experience when I walk through the doors of the grocery store anymore. I can't wake up screaming every night because sleeping in my room reminds me of an abusive ex-boyfriend. So what else is there to do besides leave?
I stuffed my suitcases in the trunk of my old Honda and climbed into the front seat. I sighed as I put my key in the ignition and pulled away from my childhood memories. I couldn't help but think as I rolled down the street: " What are you going to do now Sadie?" I actually had no clue in hell. I hadn't planned that part. I had'nt planned any of this actually. I was winging it. The only thing I knew for sure is that I was headed for San Diego. I had five hundred dollars to my name and no job to speak of. What would happen when that money ran out? I need a job... But how would I get one with no experience? I could be a stripper.... No! You will NOT stoop to that level unless completely necessary!
After all these years of running away from my problems I had finally tried to run from the biggest one yet , myself. But how can you run from something that will just follow you wherever you go? I didn't know and I didn't want to think about it. All I knew was that I had made my decision and there was no turning back. I would seem like a coward. I would look pathetic. No keep driving. I turned on the radio as I sped down the highway. It's two o'clock in the morning and once I dropped everything from my mind I actually felt kind of free.
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I'm sorry it's so short it's just kind of an introduction chapter things will start picking up with Sadie once she gets to San Diego
I'm also doing one of these for Mike and that's the next chapter so I'll be workin on that right now...
My names Katalina by the way nice to meet you and thanks for reading my story!
If you liked it feel free to leave me a commet saying what you liked and even what you didn't. I'm all for constuctive criticism. But if you liked it please subscribe it'll make me smile
-Lots of love from Kat :)