Status: This is a work in progress ... Enjoy :p

Maybe We're Just Having Too Much Fun

The Consequence is if I Leave I'm Alone.....

*Mike's P.O.V*
I was... I don't know what's going on with me... I have just been getting this feeling lately that there is something missing. Not just with Stephanie but with my entire life. There's a hole somewhere in me and it hurts and I can't seem to find something to fill the hole and stop the ache.... Except for liquor but that's only a temporary and very stupid solution but hell! It stops the fucking pain! I don't want to hurt Steph , I love her, I really do but I feel like I'd be hurting her more if I didnt find a way to hide my sadness. Now it just seems like either way I lose cause I'm drunk and she's pissed.
"I'm sorry babe" I slurr trying to make things ok.
Even in my drunken state I can feel the blow of her statement. Tears began to fall from my eyes and I couldn't speak all I could do is stare stupidly as she ran around and threw all of my shit into garbage bags. My mind chanted: " Say something you fucking pussy bitch! This is your fault! You caused this problem now fucking solve it or you'll lose her!" I tried to speak but my tongue for numb and heavy and I couldn't form the words. So I stood there as she threw bag after bag out the front door. Finally she threw me out with them.
What the fuck had I just done?! I collapsed against the curb , wanting to run up to the door and beg for her forgiveness but too drunk to stand up. So I laid there , completely stripped of my dignity , tears rushing down my face. Sooner or later a car pulled up and my brother and Tony got out. Stephanie must have called them... I stared up at my brother and cried. I saw the disappointed look on his face and cried harder.
"Come on Mikey let's get you home." Vic says as he and Tony help me up and into the back seat of the car
I lay sprawled out on the seat as they load my bags into the trunk , I could feel myself drifting off into a drunken sleep but before I knocked out I could hear Stephanie in my head "JUST LEAVE MICHEAL WE'RE DONE" and I wanted to call out to her and say: "I'm sorry darling I guess I just had way too much fun."
♠ ♠ ♠
Again short chapter sorry....
Im just trying to give you a little idea of the situations that Sadie and Mike are in
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