Status: All done!

The Webs We Weave


Fuck Angelo. He was still a dick to me even after I admitted to being a dick. I get that he wasn't going to jump up and down and hug me, but he didn't have to be... Well... A dick. I was upset enough. I fucked everything in my life up over something stupid. At least Chris probably wasn't that pissed off at him. I was just glad that Chris didn't hate me.

I avoided going to school for the next 2 days. I needed some time to think about what I'd done and what I could do to make it better if there was anything. The third day I planned to stay home though, I got a very unexpected visit. There was someone pounding like mad on my grandparents front door. When I opened it I could feel the color drain from my face. "A-Ang--"

"Get your ass ready and to school. He's still pissed at you but he's fucking worried. Its annoying and written all over his face. Now drag your ass from your pity party and hurry the hell up."


"Nope! Shut up and go. I'll be in my car. And if you aren't out here in 10 minutes, I guarantee that I will drag you out." He closed the door for me and I ran upstairs immediately afterwards. Would he really come up here and drag me out?

I looked out my window and saw him leaning against his car, glaring right at me. Oh yeah, he'd definitely come up here and drag me out. Why did I even question it? Am I stupid? This is Angelo I was thinking about. Seeing him glaring up at my window almost made me think of pressing my ass to it but I didn't think he's like that too much. Might not be a good idea. Plus who knows who else was being a creeper, I didn't need the neighborhood seeing my ass.

So I scrambled to get ready and I swear I'd never gotten done doing anything so fast. I grabbed my bag and bolted out the front door. "Good, now get in." Angelo said climbing into the drivers seat and slamming his door shut.

I climbed in and closed my door much more lightly. I fidgeted as the awkwardness set in. "I'll never understand Chris's kindness. He's scared you fucking hurt yourself." He looked at me. "You didn't hurt yourself did you?"

I'd never hurt myself ever. I was terrified of pain. "N-No... never."

He narrowed his gaze at me at he pulled out of my driveway. "You better be telling the truth." He said, driving off towards the school.

"I h-have a phobia of pain so..."

"A phobia of pain... And you're gay?" he laughed. "You are a walking contradiction."

"There's a lot you don't know. Tread lightly." I whispered as we pulled into the school parking lot. I saw Chris waiting anxiously by the flag pole out front. He looked so worried and torn up I hated myself a little more for making him freak out like this. I stepped out of the car and let out a sigh. "So I'm gonna go now. He's seen me. He knows I'm okay."

"You're going to go, right up there and tell him you're sorry. And then you're going to go right into class."


"I will stomp a hole in your ass kid! Go!" He growled at me.

I grumbled to myself as I made my way over to Chris.