Status: All done!

The Webs We Weave


"Yeah yeah." Chris and I grumbled at the same time.

"Dream ruiner!" Chris shouted dramatically before almost falling over in a fit of laughter.

"Lets go lets go. I'm sick of being here now. Let us frolic!" I cheered as I hurried Chris and Angelo out the door.

"You're so gay." Angelo muttered with a chuckle.

"Hey, my dick has been in your ass. You just think about that for a second." And in that moment, I swore I saw Angelo quiver.

I smirked up at him before I let out a snicker. "Sooooo! Where do you want to go Chrissy?" I asked the tall, handsome, devil beside me. Even though we were all only friends, I couldn't make my love for Chris go away. And another problem developed. Angelo... he was almost as perfect as Chris and I couldn't keep denying that.

"Something fun." Chris said. He ran down the driveway and was halfway down the street by the time Angelo and I got to the mailbox. "HURRY UP!" he yelled after us and took off again.

Angelo and I gave each other confused looks but took off after him anyway. With no idea where he was going or why the hell he was running we struggled to keep up and catch him. This was a pain in the ass for me considering how short I was compared to both Angelo and Chris.

"You tall mother fuckers!" I shouted at them as I tried my hardest to keep up with at least Angelo.

"SPEED IT UP, SHORT STUFF!" Chris hollered, turning around the corner and completely disappearing from sight.

Angelo ran ahead to the corner where Chris disappeared and just stopped. "He's gone!" He hollered back to me.

I caught up to him panting and holding my side. I was so out of shape this was terrible. But I took a glance down the street and Chris had completely disappeared. "Well where the fuck did he go?"

"I don't know." he replied, looking around the street. "I can't remember who's street this is. I know it's someone we know..."

"You know everyone in school!" I hollered. "He's probably up a tree watching us like an ass."

"That does sound like something he would do." Angelo agreed. "Come on, we'll find him." he said starting to walk down the middle of the street and look around for the tall, lanky, twig of a boy we just lost. "Here Chrissy, Chrissy." he called, looking up into trees and through the open windows of random houses. Until he stopped at one. "OH! Beverly! That's who lives on this street." he walked up to the next house and knocked on the door.

I scurried up the path next to him and heard laughing from inside. That set me on edge, Beverly was the girl Chris had slept with the first time I broke up with him and hearing him laughing with her was not something I enjoyed at all.

"It's open!" Beverly's voice rang out, Angelo opened the door not looking concerned at all, but as it swung open I was expecting the worst.

But all we found was Chris laying face down on her couch while she did Wii Fit yoga in the middle of the room, wearing nothing but skimpy shorts and sports bra.