Who New?

The Beginning

AuBrie woke up to a soft knocking on her door. She yawned and stretched. Her dad peeked his head into the door to make sure she was awake. He pointed to the bed on the other side of the room. Jaycee’s bed. It was his way of telling her to get her sister up too. She rolled over and saw the clock in between their beds. It read 6:03 in bright red numbers. AuBrie sighed and decided this much too early to be up, especially on a weekend. She grabbed her stuffed bear her mother gave her from of the floor and threw it at Jay. Jay flinched but didn’t wake up. AuBrie grabbed another stuffed animal from under her bed. It was a pink stuffed elephant. Kyle had given it to her when she was nine, just before he left her. She whipped it at her sister, angry at Kyle again.

“AuBrie,” her dad scolded.

He was in the middle of their room now. Jaycee stirred and her eyes slowly opened. Jay stared at her dad confused. It was still dark outside and it was Saturday. Her dad flipped on the lights and both girls moaned from light. Jaycee noticed AuBrie was up too. She also noticed two of AuBrie’s stuffed animals in her bed. She wasn’t quite sure how they got there either. Gently, Jay tossed them back to AuBrie.

“I need you girls to get up, get ready, pack some things. Ziva and I just got called out, so we’ll have to take you to Braila’s,” their father said.

Their dad left the room. AuBrie looked at Jay and smiled; Jay did the same. The pulled themselves out of bed. AuBrie changed into jeans and a tee shirt that said “Freshmen: Class of 2014” on it and had “DiNozzo” on her back. Jaycee decided she was too tired to get dressed. AuBrie selected three days’ worth of clothes and a few extra pieces in case she changed her mind on what she wanted to wear. Jaycee grabbed a few pairs of pants and some shirts. There dad reappeared in their room see if they were ready.

“Grab your school stuff too. We might be out for a while. Are you girls packed?” he asked.
“Almost,” AuBrie replied. “Jay can you go grab my makeup and toothbrush please?”

Obediently, her little sister went to the bathroom to grab their things. AuBrie grabbed the brown bear off her bed and placed it in her bag. She took the pink elephant and pushed back under her bed. Her dad didn’t say anything; he just had a sad smile. Jay reappeared with Aubrie’s pink and white makeup bag, and two toothbrushes. It was now almost 6:30.

“Alright girls, get some shoes on, a jacket too probably,” he instructed.

He ushered the girls out of their bedroom. AuBrie had her bag with her; Jay left her’s lying on the floor. Tony picked it up and slung it over his shoulder. Her grabbed the pink elephant from under Aubrie’s bed and put in his room before meeting the girls and Ziva, who had baby Mason, by the elevator door. The elevator took them down to the ground floor. Tony told the manager at the bell-hop at the desk that Braila may stop by but no one else should be up in his penthouse. The man at the desk nodded and took the note down so the others knew as well.

Tony unlocked his car, Ziva pulled open the back driver side door and placed sleeping Mason in his car seat. She tucked the baby bag on the floor behind the driver’s seat and buckled Mason in. Tony got in the driver side, AuBrie in the front, and Jay in the back with Mason. Ziva gave Tony a kiss.

“I’ll see you later,” she whispered. “Bye girls.”
“Bye Ziva,” Jaycee said waving.

Ziva waved back. AuBrie just lifted her hand and smiled. Once Ziva was in her own car Tony gave AuBrie his “dad look”. It meant “I’m upset with you but you already know why so there’s no reason to vocalize it”. Ziva pulled out of the parking lot first, Tony was right behind her. She turned out of the lot right, towards work. Tony turned left, towards Braila’s house.
* * *
It was nearly seven o’clock by the time Tony got to NCIS headquarters. He showed his badge to the guards, placed his backpack through the scanner and walked through the scanner. He prayed he hadn’t forgotten to take out any metal. He couldn’t have any more delays. To his dismay, his bag set some sort of suspicion. The guards took his bag and dumped it out on the metal table. He tried to think of what he had in there. As the guards spread out his belongings, he looked behind him.
Timothy McGee was standing there. He was even later than Tony. Tony took a deep breath and looked at the guard who was searching through his things. The guard held up an embroidered coin purse. Ziva’s, Tony thought. He remembered that he had let Ziva borrow his bag Friday night. She must have put it in there, he thought. The guard opened the coin purse and looked satisfied that there were only coins in there. Tony looked back again. It didn’t seem that Tim had noticed him. Tony quickly stuffed everything back into his bag and quickly walked to the elevator.

The elevator was empty. It was Saturday morning, most everyone had off. Even on a week day morning Tony wouldn’t be here this early. He arrived at the fifth floor after what seemed like a painfully long elevator ride. He walked over to his desk and let his backpack crash to the ground.

“How nice of you to show up, DiNozzo,” Gibbs said sarcastically.
“Sorry boss. Security stopped me downstairs,” Tony replied.
“For how long?”
“Maybe ten minutes.”
“Ok so what about the other half an hour?”
“Got lost?”

Gibbs was not amused but didn’t ask any more questions. He would find out anyway. Shortly after, Timothy McGee walked onto the fifth floor.

“Sorry Gibbs. Some girl thought she could bring her coin purse stuffed full of coins into NCIS without being stopped,” Tim said the minute he got near Gibbs. “I got stuck behind her.”
“Ziva let’s go. Boys stay here and go through the files on your desk,” Gibbs said.
“Wait, why does she get to out to the field?” Tony asked.
“Because, unlike the two of you, she was on time.”