Wild Heart


-Bandit's POV-

"God damn it, Luke! Stop moving!" I yelled at the boy with a small giggle. He pouted and crossed his arms across his chest.

"But it's so hard," he whined as I put the blonde hair dye into his hair.

I was currently in the bathroom of the Brooks' house, dying Luke's hair. But he wouldn't sit still.

"We'll at least try to," I told Luke. I bit my lip, trying to hold back a smile.

Luke had called me that morning to do his hair. I knew it wasn't gonna take long since he only wanted it in his fringe, so I agreed.

"Now we just have to wait an hour, then you can wash it out," I said as I took off my rubber gloves. Luke stood up and stretched, his back cracking in the process.

"Thanks, gorgeous," he said and kissed my cheek. I followed him out of the bathroom and into his old bedroom. Well, his and his twin brother, Jai's old bedroom.

I climbed up onto the top bunk, which was Luke's, and grabbed the xbox controller. He sat down in the bean bag chair and we started to play FIFA.

Luke and I are best friends. Have been since sophomore year of high school, when I moved to Melbourne. He had followed me around the whole day, trying to make me laugh or smile.

The day I started going to his school was the worst for me. I left all of my friend and close family back in Sydney. I didn't know anyone in Melbourne.

I've always hated being the new girl. People stared at me and whispered things to their friends. But being 18 now, I have learned to accept it.

Like was the first one to try and talk to me. Since I was shy, I never answered him. I would just sit there with a small frown on my face. Finally during lunch, he got me to smile. We've been inseparable ever since.

In junior year. I dropped out of school so I could pursue me my dream of becoming a professional dancer. Luke dropped out soon after that. He said that he couldn't deal with school when I wasn't there. But jail told me people started to bully him.

"No!" Luke yelled when I scored a goal. I laughed. "I'm not playing anymore!" With that, he threw his controller onto the floor. I jumped down from the top bunk and set my controller onto the gaming system.

"Hungry?" He asked me. I nodded and followed behind him to the kitchen. "What do you want?"

I didn't answer. He watched as I walked over to the cabinet and pulled out a pack of overstuffed Oreos. He smiled. "I should've known," was all he said. I grinned and popped a cookie into my mouth.

Luke got two cups out of the cupboard and the gallon of milk out of the fridge. We sat down at the bar, he grabbed a couple of cookies and started to eat them.

We sat there for about an hour, eating cookies.

"You can go wash your hair out now," I told him. He got up and went into the bathroom. A minute later, I heard the shower turn on.

I stood up from the bar stool and went into the living room. Beau, Skip, and James were playing the xbox. "Where's Jai?" I asked them as I sat down on the couch.

"Probably hanging out with Ariana before she leaves," Beau answered without turning his head away from the tv.

Jai, Luke's twin brother, is currently dating Ariana Grande. They met through me since I'm one of her dancers. Jai and Ariana met when the boys came to visit me. It was at the tour date here in Melbourne. They immediately hit it off. That was about 4 months ago, and they've been together ever since.

"Wanna play?" James asked me. I shook my head.

"I already played FIFA with Luke," I answered.

I pulled out my phone when I felt it vibrate. It was a text from my dance partner, Aaron.

[hey. Had fun with you yesterday. You were amazing. -A]

I smiled and texted a message back.

[so were you! (: -B]

I say my phone down on the coffee table and got up to grab one of Luke's sweaters out of his suitcase.


-Luke's POV-

I walked out of the bathroom to see that Bandit wasn't anywhere in sight. Her phone buzzed from the coffee table. I hesitantly picked it up and unlocked it. It was a message from some guy named Aaron.

[when can we do it again? -A]

Quickly, I read through the other texts between him and Bandit before she caught me. Anger boiled up in me.

She was seeing some guy without even mentioning him to me? And they were having sex?

I could hear Bandit walking downstairs. I quickly locked her phone and sat it back down on the table, she came into view, wearing my favorite sweater.

Damn, she looked beautiful. It ended a couple inches below her hips. The sleeves were a little too long for her arms. It hurts to know that she kept her relationship from me. I'm her best friend. The best friend that has been in live with her since she first moved here. I just haven't had the balls to tell her. Too bad she belongs to some stranger. And she probably doesn't feel the same way.

My hands balled into fists. I pushed passed her and went upstairs to lock myself into my bedroom.


-Bandit's POV-

I watched Luke leave with a confused look on my face. Then I turned towards the rest of the boys. "What's wrong with him?" I asked. They all answered with a small shrugged.

I sighed. Knowing Luke, it was probably something small and he would be over it by tomorrow.

"I'm going to go home. I've got rehearsals tomorrow," I told then as I gathered all my things. On my way out, I hugged all the boys goodbye and gave Luke's mom, Gina, a kiss on the cheek.
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What do you think so far? This is my first Janoskians story so I hope you like it. I will be updating a new chapter every Wednesday.

Please give me some feed back. (:
