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Stay Away From Me!

As my dad walked away from me I began to cry uncontrollably, and finding the strength some how to get dressed. When I was walking to my room I heard my dad coming up behind me.

"Now Frankie...." He began in a quiet tone, "Don't you have any homework to do since you are going to a school now?"

"I-I f-finished i-it in m-my de-detention..." I managed to choke out. He just punched my in the stomach and left out of the house cursing. It was then I heard my mom come into the driveway. She is NO better than my dad...Well I guess she is because at least she isn't sick enough to rape me! I decided on going into my room to wait....Wait for her to come up to my room.

She entered my room and stared at me for a long while. "Well...I see your dad gave you punishment for the detention....THAT IS REDICULOUS FRANKLIN ANTHONY IERO....NOT EVEN ONE FUCKING HOUR IN A SCHOOL AND YOU MANAGE TO GET A DETENTION!" She screamed at me.

She came over to me and drug me downstairs to the kitchen and sat me down. "DO YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK!"

"I-I f-f-inished i-it a-all al-already..." I drifted off. She just grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and threw me onto the stove that she was cooking on. I couldn't move either...I tried to wiggle my way off the steaming hot burners but I just couldn't get the feeling back throughout my body. Then I blacked out...

*the next day*
I woke up to a haze and coudn't see but I felt the springs of the matress under my back and knew that my mom had moved me off the burning stove but I still felt like I had the firey burners under my back. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror...What I saw was not good. It was a full body mirror so I saw the multiple bruises that covered my entire body, I saw third degree burns all up and down my left side, and two new lacerations in my head. I walked downstairs not knowing what lie ahead.... Especially after Kyle saw even what he did...

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen just to see my mom and dad waiting for me there.

"Now Frankie....I hope you don't get a detention today," He said snickering, and they both laughed. My dad just came over to and pinned me up against the wall, holding my wrists. "Or you know what will happen...Or maybe....Just maybe I'll think of something else." He said and twisted my arm until I heard a loud...Nasty crack and could feel a sweep of pain go through it. I fell to the floor holding my wrist while my dad walked away chuckling.

Deciding against food I threw on a shirt and a new hoodie and walked out to the front yard to see the bus waiting for me. When I stumbled onto the bus I saw that the only vacant seat was next to Kyle . I staggered over to the seat and plopped down onto it. I saw Jake throw me a severely concerned look.

"Look Jake..." I began, "It's nothi-ing I-I c-can't handle...I-I h-have delt w-with it s-since I was f-five.." I said and felt blood coming out of my mouth I reached up to wipe it off.

"I can't just sit back and let them do that to you Frankie...I mean Frank!" He exclaimed catching himself on my name.

"I am going to die sooner or later anyway....So why don't you just not worry about it and stay away from me or I will tell the police that you are stalking me!" I said with a shakey voice. Kyle just gave me an astonished yet hurt look and looked away. THANK GOD! I think I might have got him to leave me the hell alone !

The pain in my wrist was almost unbearable considering he had broken the arm that I write with. I was having trouble writing and staying concious through the entire day until I stumbled through the door at home to find that my mom was unconcious and my father was gone...Thats it! THIS is the opportunity and I am going to take advantage!