Set Into Motion

Chapter: one

Kellin's pov
"Dude, I'm so fucking glad that we're done with classes for the weekend!" Alex laughs as he waves his hands in my face. What is wrong with him? I ask myself as we continue walking to our dorm room. Well, he is my best friend.

Where in the hell do I find the "crazies"? Alex is different though, he was there for me when no one else was. He's been by my side since eleventh grade. We met at lunch, and we've been besties ever since. I'm glad too, because if it wasn't for him, I'd be dead.

"We should seriously go to a party tonight!" he suggests, and I laugh as I shake my head. He knows I don't like to party, I'm just not into that kind of scene. I'd rather spend my nights in the library, studying, or just reading for "fun". I don't have much of a life, but Alex really respects it because I'm being myself.

"Please Kels? Please?!" Alex begs, and it's so hard for me to not say fine, but his begging worked (it always works).

"Fine. But I swear, if you begin to get all "Shit faced drunk" we're leaving, and I don't give a shit what you have to say." I said in the most serious voice I could, but he still laughs, thinking it's a joke.

"Alex, I'm a hundred and fifty percent serious. Do not get shit faced drunk." this time he got the memo. Hopefully he'll stick with it.

I really doubt it though, I've known him for seven years now. I know that he's too much of a party animal sometimes, (did I say sometimes? I meant all the fucking time we go to a party). That's the only time he drinks. He usually doesn't like to drink unless he's at a party. Sometimes he can be a mean drunk, and that's a fact, but most of the time he's a giggly drunk.

"I'll race you to the car!" Alex said, and before I could say "no" he's already speeding.

If you can't beat them, join them!

I then start speeding, and as I'm finally catching up, I accidentally run into somebody, knocking them, and myself to the ground.

"Ouch!" the person says, and it sounds like he's pissed.

"Good going Kellin! I'm so sorry about my klutz of a friend. Here, let me help you up!" Alex says as he reaches his hand out so he can help the guy up.

"I'm so sorry! I-It was an accident! Are you hurt?!" By this time, I'm freaking out. I don't know if he's hurt or not! I hope he's not!

"No need to apologize. It was an accident, no hard feelings " he smiled, and to me, it's kind of creepy, but I ignore it.

"So I'm Alex, and this is Kellin!" Alex smiles, and the guy smiles back, and he looks at me, biting his lip.

"I'm Vic! So, since you ran into me, you can make it up to me tonight. Both of you." Vic says, and I get a little worried. I hope it's nothing gross or something along those lines.

"How so?" Alex asks, and Vic smiles at me.

"Come to dinner with me and my best friend Jack!" Vic says, and Alex looks at me.

"For sure! We'll meet here at ten P.M." Alex answers for the both of us.

"It's a date then! Oh, and dress up fancy. My friend and I think it's sexy for guys to dress up. Well, I got to go... to class!" Vic says before walking away.

"That was fucking strange!" I say, and Alex just shakes his head. Great, even my own best friend doesn't see it.