Just One Step

Just One Step

Standing at the edge of the cliff, she looked down at the valley. Barren land. That’s all she could see. She didn’t know what else she expected to see; probably a house. Maybe a tree. Something that depicted life. Something that could change her mind.

Maybe this is how it was supposed to be. Maybe she was supposed to just stand there, right at the edge, taking in her surroundings, taking in the valley and all it’s barrenness.

She took a step back, shaking her head. She couldn’t look at the barren valley. She couldn’t believe that all there was was dry land. Not a tree in sight. She wondered about the animals that lived there; wondered how they survived.

Leaning her weight forward, she looked down at the valley again, squinting. She noticed some movement, though she was surprised she could notice anything at all. She wondered if that was just a dessert fox, wandering about, looking for something to eat. Or maybe it was just stumbling around, searching for water.

Her throat suddenly felt very dry. She suddenly felt very thirsty. Turning her back on the valley, she looked over at her jeep. Maybe she could walk over and get some water for herself. She fleetingly thought about the desert fox and immediately changed her mind. If he could go without water for days, she could do without it for a few more hours.

Turning back to the valley and the cliff, she took a deep breath. After having given the valley a last look over, she glanced up at the sky. Suddenly, she needed for it to rain. It had to rain. She wondered if she could make it rain by praying a bit too hard but immediately discarded the thought. Sighing once, she took a step forward to stand right at the edge.

Standing at the edge of the cliff, she looked down at the valley. Barren land. That’s all she could see. She didn’t know what else she expected to see; probably a house. Maybe a tree. Something that depicted life. Something that could change her mind.
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I realise it's short. But I wrote it up a long time ago. I do hope you guys like it!