Status: On going forever XD

Double D Does Not Mean Damsel in Distress

Actually Eddy, it's hip, it's now, but it smells funny.

"So let me get this straight." The dark skinned profiler folded his arms, brow lowering as he squared off in front of Tony. "This guy is abducting people, injecting them with god knows what, forcing them to be a part of his experiments, stealing from your company, living off-grid within your building – without your knowledge – hacking into your system trying to upload a computer program that is his Japanese animation 'wife' that doesn't even sort of appear to be post pubescent, altering Jarvis' cameras and video feed to keep his 'base of operations' off your cameras and you want to know if he's a danger?" Agent Morgan threw his arms up, exasperated. "What defines 'danger' for you, Stark? Making explosives capable of destroying the whole city?"
"Actually, I do that anyways so- no. But, uh, murdering my employees would be... bad." The billionaire seemed hardly concerned with the angry black man staring him down and instead was content to continue his appraisal of the blond liaison who was currently speaking with a few scientists who had come in to be interviewed. "And, you said she is married?" Tony pointed at JJ, a pout forming on his face. Morgan's look intensified.
"Yes. Happily. With a kid too." His voice was dangerously low.
"Pity." Tony turned away again and seemed to notice- as though for the first time- Agent Prentice standing next to the tall scrawny looking doctor. "Well, hello."
Double D, sitting at a table beside his boss, rolled his eyes. It never ceased to amaze him how quickly Stark got over any set back and launched himself into a new project. He shifted the papers on the conference table, sorting the incident reports according to date and offense as had been requested by one Dr. Reid.
"Hotch, are we seriously helping this guy? I'm not so sure we shouldn't be profiling Stark here." Derek Morgan folded his arms again, glaring at Stark who pretended not to notice as he complimented Prentice's hair. DD snorted and muttered under his breath. The Behavioral Analysis Unit chief, Aaron Hotchner sighed.
"Yes, Tony called in a few favors and has requested we help him with this." His soothing tone gave mention the fact that he was accustomed to dealing with exasperating people like Stark. Edgar glanced up, taking each of the unit members into stock. They all seemed very close, and worked quickly. They had come less than an hour ago, informed of the situation and started making requests for certain information, people to talk to and a space to set up. Double D's office had been turned into a base of operations. When he asked Tony why they didn't just use a conference room down the hall his boss had explained the view from Edgar's window was better. Double D has his suspicions that his annoyance was a larger factor than the cityscape.
"Here's all the information you asked for, organized as such." Edgar calmly stood, gesturing to the papers on the table. Reid sidestepped Prentice and leaned over the table, peering at the neatly stacked print outs with a scientists' curiosity.
"You got that done fast," The young doctor said, though his mind was clearly launching into other ventures and the comment seemed mostly off hand. The expression of intense concentration that crossed the young doctor's face was striking. And the way his hair was styled- brushing the brim of his shoulders with most of it pulled into a loose pony tail- was incredibly attractive. His black vest buttoned over a white shirt was also enough to give DD pause. The whole man tied together to form a beautiful example of how all men should look. Edgar wistfully wished everyone would dress like that. Edd shrugged.
"I already have most of it memorized so it was just a matter of putting them in the stacks." He moved aside, glancing from Reid to an older man leaning over his work desk.
"Oh, p-please don't touch that!" He squeaked, rushing over to the dark haired man just as his hand hovered above the ear piece for the CLIT prototype. Agent Rossi looked up, his confusion apparent.
"Sorry," He put his hands up as though to insure he meant no harm, taking a deliberate step away from the bench. Edd shook his head and turned back to Hotchner as he addressed Tony.
"Mr. Stark, we do need your attention on this, at least for right now." The agent's calm demeanor was strangely commanding though Edd couldn't decide why. He was accustomed to alphas being loud and obnoxious and to see one so quiet yet so obviously in charge was disarming. Tony glanced back over.
"Right. You were saying?" The raised eyebrows on Tony's face spoke volumes, the condescending expression as though to ask why he was being bothered reminded Edd why he usually hated geniuses.
"Our technical analyst has requested to come here to set up directly, she'll be here any minute and she will start helping you locate the channels Kreiger is using to infiltrate Jarvis."
"Requested? Garcia begged to be here, I'm fairly certain she offered you her first born child. Apparently Jarvis is something special," Agent Prentice laughed, though it was clear she didn't understand her friend's desire to come all the way just for a computer. Jarvis rang out over them.
"I'll have as much data as I can ready for her, she can use the access port in Edgar's desktop." Prentice and Rossi looked up and around, brows furrowed. Reid glanced up from the papers, a smile tugging at his lips, his hands grasped at each other across his chest.
"Jarvis is one of the most sophisticated artificial intelligence programs to date, not to mention the coolest thing since Siri, or at least that's what Garcia tells me." He turned to Tony, a boyish grin lighting up his face. "I've read a lot about the advances in technology Stark Industries has recently been making, and that your style of virtual data will soon be available to the public." Edd noted that Stark looked bored and waved a hand.
"Uhh, no. My technology stays in house, but I have been thinking of selling Jarvis' voice to certain companies for kicks."
"Greetings my crime fighting fellows and esteemed Avengers alike!" Penelope Garcia waltzed in, heels clicking and wheeling her suitcase behind her with a grin lighting up her face the likes of which Edd imagined had been on his when he first came to the tower. He gave her a sympathetic smile, remembering how excited he had been to come here and even more so to meet Tony Stark himself. In just a few short weeks that had been taken away. He still loved working at the tower but it had lost it's luster rather quickly. The woman stalked right up to Tony and held out a hand. Edd also noted that this woman was dripping with enthusiasm, not only was she color-coordinated to match Iron Man's colors her voice couldn't seem to keep still.
"Mr. Stark it is an honor to meet you, I am such a huge fan of your work with artificial intelligence and, you know, bad ass suits of armor, huge advances in weaponry and super ridiculously sexy computer voices... " She looked so blissfully content to be shaking Tony's hand. Content might not be the best word, Edd though to himself, more like weak in the knees.
"Uhhh, right. Garcia? Was it?" Tony gentle extracted his hand from hers and gave her his awkward 'dealing with fans' smile. "Let me get you set up with Jarvis' access codes so you can help me find Kreiger."
"Actually sir, I don't really need that. Jarvis has agreed to help me already." Garcia smiled at him and went to set up at Edgar's desk. Tony looked confused for a moment and looked upward in Jarvis' general direction.
"Care to explain, pal?"
"...She asked nicely, sir." At Jarvis' sheepish reply Edd burst into laughter. Tony dropped his face into his hand.
"So that's all it takes to break into my system... Jarvis is this how Krieger got in?" Tony's raised voice was akin to a parent scolding his child. Edd laughed a bit harder, leaning onto the table. Tony glared over at Double D.
"No, sir. Though he did try that at first. He got really angry when I denied him access at which point he..."
After it became apparent the story didn't continue from there, Tony glanced at Edd who had finally stopped talking.
"Yea, it seems there is section of Jarvis' memory that was disrupted. I ran into that problem when I was trying to help Jarvis gather the information we have on him. It seems like he has just removed sections of Jarvis' memory that might point to where he stays or how he gets into the system."
"Ms. Garcia asked nicely and I was prepared to help her anyway, sir. Granting her access without the guest codes just seemed an easier path." The computer continued. Stark went silent for a moment then tossed his hands up.
"Whatever, Jarvis, you know where to find me if the BAU needs me at all. Otherwise," He turned to the room and then pointed at Edgar. "If you need anything at all, Edgar here will be more than happy to help you out. Think of him as me in the absence of me... except, you know, less handsome and he mutters to himself- no seriously listen to him, it's hilarious." With that, the billionaire turned on his heel and left. Edd shook his head, mumbling under his breath something along the lines of if rapier wit was lethal Stark would be on death row. Beside him, Agent Prentice laughed warmly.
"Seriously, the narcissism is dripping off him, it's nauseating." Her tone was annoyed but Edgar sensed she was more amused than anything. He glanced at Dr. Reid who was pulling a white board across the room. Edd, slightly confused as to where the white board had come from, tilted his head. A small smile came across his face as he noticed Reid had two different socks on.
"What are you up to, Doctor?"
"Geographic Profile. I'm going to plot his movements across the building, see if we can find a comfort zone where he is more likely to frequent or even locate his bases, maybe he's left something there that will tell us who he is and where he might go next." Edd found himself intrigued by the formal yet personal tone of the young man, his speech pattern was strangely alluring. Not to mention the fact he seemed intelligent.
"That makes sense but..." Edd held up a finger to ask for a moment of time and moved to the empty part of the room where the three dimensional data interface was located. "Jarvis get me the plans for the building please." A model for the building appeared before him, glowing faintly blue. Behind him, Garcia squealed with unconstrained delight and Edd could hear her scurrying over in a flurry of movement. She came to stand next to him, her hand bejeweled with rings and bracelets clutching at his arm.
"Oh my angel of sweet technological advances, this is why I wanted to come here!" She stepped forward, face lit up like a child seeing a dinosaur in real life. Edd flashed her a friendly smile, remembering how excited he had been upon seeing it up close for the first time, even now he still had to contain his little joyous dance upon seeing the 3-D models and data flow in real space. He glanced over his shoulder at Spencer Reid, only to find the man giving him a wounded look. Edd grinned, recognizing a technophobe.
"Just wait, Dr. Reid." He said soothingly, turning back to the model. "Jarvis, can we scale this to white-board simulations, lets say eight foot by five feet, blueprints of all areas with reported sightings of Kreiger." The model grew in size then separated into floor-by-floor sections which rotated vertically then flattened into rectangles that vaguely resembled virtual white boards. Having worked with many people all throughout his life that did not like technology and in fact preferred old-school methods of data transfer, Edgar was accustomed to seeing to the needs of such learned people. He turned back to Spencer who no longer looked as though he was being led into a dark wood on a stormy night and more like a child shown a glimpse of something sweet- hopeful yet confused. Edd smiled at the tilt of the man's head, finding it to be cute.
Crossing to the table, Edd picked up one of the first piles of papers and brought it over to a corresponding white board simulation.
"Video surveillance puts Kreiger here," He touched the board with his index finger and a small orange dot appeared. "At ten fifty six am on Tuesday the fifth of June," His words were dictated and appeared in hand-script text (his own hand writing, in fact) above the newly formed dot. He turned over his shoulder. "One day after the cameras were first set up, by the way," He grinned at Reid and gestured for the young doctor to join him. Spencer came over and looked from the papers held out to him to the boards. Without taking the papers he pressed a finger to the board a few rooms over from the first dot.
"And he was seen again here two days later at eleven thirty pm," A boyish expression of delight formed across Reid's face as his words were also dictated in Edd's handwriting above his dot. "This is kinda fun," He said sheepishly to Edd. Edgar smiled at him, suddenly aware of how close the two were standing. While he wasn't upset by the close proximity, years of conditioning told him to step away. He handed the papers to Reid, who just shook his head and gave a short breathy laugh.
"I don't need those, but thank you." He turned back to the board and set to marking all the known whereabouts of Kreiger. Edd crossed back to the other members of the team, giggling at Garcia's continued excitement as she gushed to Spencer about the technical aspect of the program.
Hotch was looking over some of the files still on the table with a thoughtful frown.
"We need to know what his experiments are trying to accomplish, if he's attempting to weaponize something we might have a problem but if it's simply boredom he might not be a threat." Edd's brow furrowed.
"How could he not be a threat?"
Prentice glanced up and turned to explain. "If he is trying to create weapons, with the intent to harm, he is a threat. If he is conducting experiments without an end game he isn't as much of a threat. Granted, if he is a psychopath - regardless of his end game- he is a threat as killing won't be an issue for him." Edd nodded and turned to Hotch again.
"What do you need from me?"
Hotch seemed ready for the question.
"We need you to call meetings for each department, so we can give them the profile we have worked up and ask for those who know anything to come forward- anyone who's talked with him, seen him so we can see what they can tell us about him- and we will give instructions on what to do if anyone sees him in the future." Edd nodded.
"Jarvis, did you get all that?"
"Yes sir. Your department is being summoned to the conference room down the hall, all other departments are being set up for meetings every other hour for the rest of the day."
Edd turned back to Hotch, and now Rossi as the older man had crossed the room to stand next to his chief.
"I don't know how I feel about all this tech stuff," Rossi's gravely voice. Edgar laughed.
"It's not so scary. It's very helpful and the best part is I could, if I so chose, still call everyone personally, or use the PA system to call the meetings. I'm just lazy." He grinned at the older men, pulling off his lab coat and hanging it on the back of his chair, taking care to lay it perfectly across the back, folding the collar over to keep it from getting wrinkled. Behind him, Rossi and Hotch glanced at each other with small knowing smiles. They had been observing the boy, not pointedly but passively as profilers were wont to. His compulsions were amusing if anything, as everything in his office was labeled and put precisely in place- even the boy's hair was combed through with gel as if to attempt to keep every strand in place exactly as he wanted it to be. Derek Morgan was still frowning at the doorway. Edd saw this and laughed again.
"You get used to it, after a while. He's obnoxious but harmless really." Agent Morgan glanced over his shoulder at Double D and shook his head before walking away. Hotch gave Edd a patient smile.
"You have to realize that most of the people we see that have Tony's level of narcissism are hiding homicidal tendencies. His need to be in control, and have power in any situation generally leads down a path of organized killing. Though, Tony is a sociopath so it's not as likely to happen. If he were a psychopath..." He trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished. Edd grimaced. If his boss had been a psychopath, with his resources and skills they would never find the bodies to even try to put a case against him. The thought was haunting. Edd nodded in understanding.
"Well, lets get to the meeting then." Edd gestured to the hall. Rossi, Hotch, Morgan and Prentice all funneled out into the hallway and followed Edd as he led them down to the conference room.