‹ Prequel: If I Knew

And So I Know


Brie woke up the following morning, her neck aching terribly from the position she had slept on the couch. She shifted and she felt Derick’s arms close around her middle before he groaned.

"Sorry," she said quietly.


"For falling asleep and staying."

"I didn't mind."

"I think we're skipping some steps."

"I don't care. There's no rule book to relationships. You just do whatever feels right, and it's not anyone else's business, okay?"


“Now, what time is it?”

Brie grabbed her phone from his coffee table. “Eight thirty.”

“Are you hungry?”

“Getting there.”

“If we go get coffee, we can show up uninvited to breakfast at Marc’s.”

“How often does Felicia feed you?”

“A lot. But I’m a guy and I can’t take care of myself.” Brie giggled. “I’m glad you wore my number last night.”

“I’m glad you gave me another chance.”

When they reached Derick’s apartment the night before, he had given her a tour of the place before they settled into the kitchen. Raiding his cupboards and fridge had been fun and soon they were working side by side on an angel hair pasta and pesto dish. She had apologized again for her behavior and Derick turned to her, grabbing her hands in his to still her movements.

“You don’t have to apologize but I do want you to ask me everything you want to know. Honest, open communication, okay?”

"I need to apologize though."

"You already did. You don't have to keep doing it."

"Yeah, but."

"No buts," Derick interrupted. "We had a connection and even after what happened, I couldn't get you off my mind. Not even when I had Zucc take me out to try and meet someone else."

"You met someone else?"

"Truth?" Brie nodded. "When you stood me up, I went out with Zucc and Hags and got drunk. Mats found me a girl to take home but I couldn't do it. Not when I couldn't stop thinking about you."


Derick smiled. "I like to think I'm a good judge of character. I know you're sorry, I know you mean that. So I'm willing to forget this, to move on and start again if you are."

"Are you real?" Brie blurted out.

"I think so," he laughed.

"It's just...that's it? All forgiven? Most guys aren't usually so nice, not when they get stood up."

"I'm not most guys."


"And I've heard your reasons and I understand. I think if the roles were reversed I might have done the same."

"That is a lie but I am choosing to believe it."

"Good." He leaned in close to her. "Cela signifie que je dois vous là où je te veux." He kissed her, soft, a whisper of a kiss. As he started to pull back, Brie grabbed him, pulling him back in for more.

When they broke apart, Brie touched her lips and Derick smirked. "I'm going to need to learn French, aren't I?"

Derick chuckled. "You want to know what I said, don't you?" She nodded as she turned back to finish cooking. "I think I'll let you think about it awhile," he teased before moving around her, grabbing plates for her to dish out the food.

They sat down across from each other at his small kitchen table and over their meal, he told her about playing junior hockey to being drafted and playing in the minors, his NHL debut, all the way to his trade from Columbus to New York. He told her there were no guarantees in life, no matter what you did, and that he planned on living life to its fullest and without regrets as best he could.

He asked her about how she came to live and work in New York City and she told him about growing up in Nebraska, going away to college and making the decision to uproot her entire life for a dream job in a city so completely opposite of the life she was used to. They kept talking as they cleaned the dishes and as they settled onto his couch. Derick put a movie in and without a word, settled into the spot beside Brie and put an arm around her, holding her close at his side.

“Do you trust me?”

“Yes,” she answered without hesitation.

"Good. That definitely means I've got you right where I want you."

"Is that what you said before?"

"Oui. Now shh, the movie is starting."

It was the last they spoke for the night. Brie fell asleep twenty minutes into the movie and Derick moved to stretch out on the couch, pulling Brie into him as he did, falling asleep quickly after until he felt her stirring awake the next morning. He didn't care if it meant things were going too fast or if it was weird or whatever. He had the girl. And he didn't intend on losing out a second time.

“So breakfast?” Derick asked.

“Are you sure Felicia and Marc won’t mind the interruption?”

“She’s probably dying to know what happened last night. I bet Lennon has already called for details.”

“She is a romantic.”

“Yet she ended up with Carbomb.”

“Their story is sweet. It makes you believe in love, that there truly is that one person for everyone.”

“Don’t tell that to Len; she’ll probably cry.”

They got up a few minutes later and Derick found her a clean shirt of his and a sweatshirt that she threw on with her jeans and flats. The walk to Pushcart was short and they were back in the building and riding the elevator to Marc and Felicia's twenty minutes later. Derick knocked at the door and waited for one of the two to answer.

"Brassy!" Felicia exclaimed. "And Brie! Get in here and tell me everything."

"Then call Len so she'll stop calling Flea," Marc added.

"Told you, didn't I?" Derick nudged Brie as he handed Felicia her tea. They followed her into the living room and Brie passed Marc a coffee. "Where are your parents?" He asked Marc.

"Already left for Raleigh. They wanted to spend some time with their other grand kids before the best one arrives."

Brie giggled as Marc pulled Felicia down to him on the couch, kissing her neck before she turned to hug him. "I love you," Felicia smiled.

"Ditto," Marc replied. "Now what are you making for breakfast?" Felicia laughed as she swatted Marc before standing.

"What do you want for breakfast, Brassy? Or should I let Brie pick?" Felicia teased.

"Can I make breakfast? If your kitchen is stocked as well as Derick's, I'm sure I could come up with something," Brie said.

"Oh, you've seen Derick's kitchen?" Felicia replied with a raised eyebrow. "She's seen your kitchen," she said, turning to face Derick.

Derick rolled his eyes. "You're worse than my actual sister."

"Thank you. I learned everything taking care of Jordy all my life."

Derick chuckled and Marc laughed loudly. "Brass has his head on way straighter than my brother ever did."

"Thanks, Staalsie," Derick grinned. "And if you must know Fefe, she saw my entire place, but mostly just the kitchen and the couch."

"The couch?! Derick Brassard!"

He laughed. "It wasn't like that so stop jumping ahead."

"Come on, Brie," Marc said as he stood. "I will help you make breakfast while Flea interrogates your boyfriend. He is your boyfriend now, right?"

Brie glanced quickly at Derick who winked at her. "I'd like it if she let me call her my girlfriend but that's up to her."

"You want me to be your girlfriend, after everything?"

"It's kind of funny that you thought me and Felicia," he shrugged. "You standing me up not so much but I understand why and it's okay."

"It's okay?"

"Yeah, it's okay."

"You aren't like any guy I've ever met. I stood you up and it's okay?"

"Yep. And we are also having this conversation in front of two of my best friends, which is also probably okay since Fe would have made me tell her everything anyways."

"I definitely would," Felicia spoke up.

"Since we've now sorted out that you two are a thing, can we eat? I'm starving here," Marc complained.

"Get into that kitchen and make your own breakfast, Marc Staal," Felicia chastised him.

"Do you think you have what I need to make eggs Benedict?" Brie asked. "I love eggs Benedict."

"Well, there's definitely eggs," Marc answered with a grin. He slung an arm around her shoulders. "Tell me what else you need and let's see what I can find."

They heard Brie laugh at something Marc said as they disappeared into the kitchen and Felicia turned to Derick as he sat on the couch. "Girlfriend?"

"I like her," he answered simply. "And you let her wear the jersey so you must like her too."

Felicia smiled softly. "I like her for you. And I might have been impressed that she did come with Kate to dinner and faced me but even more so that she put that jersey on and faced you. I just want to make sure you know what you're getting into. There are going to be ups and downs and she's going to need time to adjust to this."

"Which is why she'll have you and Lennon and Kate."

"At least until summer."

"Even if the four of you aren't back together here next season, you'll always all be friends. I'm positive of that."

"Yeah, I'm pretty positive about that too. But I really hope we're all together here. So Brie then?"

"We made a late dinner, which by the way, thank you for grocery shopping for me."

"You're very welcome."

"And we talked and we were honest and I told her that there are no guarantees except that we'd have each other. It was good, Fe. Really good. I really like her."

"What you're saying is that I have great taste when it comes to finding you a girlfriend."

"Sure Fefe, you have great taste," he chuckled.

"You wouldn't know what to do without me, Brassy."