Status: Wazzap.

Those Who Ask For Demons.

Those Who Steal My Souls

Beau sat at his desk, staring at the tattered black bag that the girl from this morning had dropped. He had searched all over for a name or any sort of contact details so he could return the bag. But all he could find was a tag that had ‘Property of M. Walters, Fairlane Orphanage’.

It was after reading that tag that Beau felt a sudden lump fall into his heart and immediately gave up his search for anything more. The sudden revelation that this girl lived in an orphanage seemed to sadden him, to the point where he felt further searching would be beyond rude.

‘Well, doesn’t this case just make you happy that you said ‘Yes’ to coming in, rather then staying at home and sleeping in a few more hours?’ joked his partner, Marcus, the sarcasm dripping from his every word.

Beau just sighed.

‘Ha! Come up with any explanations as to why these corpses look like road kill from the dinosaur ages?’

Silently, Beau shook his head, grabbing his coffee and taking a sip.

‘Nope, the only thing I can think of is hoax. Hopefully this guys autopsy report shows something more then the last.’

‘Ah yes! Which I have right here,’ Marcus held up a Manilla folder then threw it on Beau’s desk.

‘Corpse looks like shit, chest burnt to ashes, rest of body rotting like nobodies business and a missing heart. Lovely, it really is.’

Beau snickered, taking hold of the folder and the tattered school bag, which Marcus had noticed.

‘What’s that? Something from the scene?’

‘No, no. You saw that school girl I was talking too? Hers.’ replied Beau.

‘Right. Why bring it with you? I would have just left it.’

‘I don’t know, tell you the truth she was really odd.’

‘Don’t all men think that about girls?’

Beau rolled his eyes at Marcus, tucking the bag under his desk.

‘ She just seemed, different. Like, first she seemed normal, but then - she seemed distant, confused and maybe a bit afraid?’

Beau took one look at his partner and could tell that he understood nothing he said, causing them both to snicker and return their focus onto more important things. This mornings case.

'Okaaaay then...' Marcus laughed, returning to his computer

'She also knew Mr Priestly, so I once I return the bag Ill probably throw her a few questions'

Beau dragged the mouse of his computer to shut it down.

'Good idea, you do that.' Marcus nodded, not bothering to look up from his computer.

The autopsy report for Alador Priestly hadn’t been finalized until 5pm and even then with the reviewing of the report and a few closer examinations of the body, nothing became clear. It took the face of the clock to display 6pm for Beau to finally call it quits and go home.

‘Did you hear what Lira said about the bodies, Bobo?’ spoke Marcus, watching as Beau began to gather his things.

‘Nope, what did she have to say?’

Marcus began chuckling, ‘she likened it to stories that her grandmother used to tell her. Something about...ripping out some ones soul, hence the quick decaying. Then we laughed and both agreed her grandmother should never tell her children any bed time stories.’

‘The hell?’ laughed Beau, shaking his head. ‘Lira’s just as weird, thou.’

Beau caught a glimpse of the broken school bag once again and managed to convince himself that he should drop it off to the orphanage, no doubt this girl was gonna need it for tomorrow.

‘Well, im out - see you tomorrow, Marcus.’

‘That’s if your missus spares you for coming in today and almost doing over time.’

Rolling his eyes, Beau swung the bag over his shoulders and made his way out.

Within half an hour he was in Lyndesay suburb once more, thankfully the Fairlane orphanage was on his way home as well as the Rose Gold Apartments, Beau had spent most of his morning in. He liked Lyndesay, because something was always happening and the cases he would usually get satisfied his bordem. But lately, this last case was nothing but boring. Until he found anything more or got any further in the case, he wanted to give up.

He had finally come to the intersection in front of the Apartments, which lights had just turned red.

Looking left and right, noticing no other cars he groaned, leaning back in his chair.

‘I should just go. No ones fucken here.’ He grumbled, looking around once more.

Deciding to ignore the lights, he pressed on the pedal lightly - but out of no where someone had run in front of his vehicle, causing him to smash his foot onto the break.

‘What the fuck!’

A woman stood before the car, a sight of pure fright and terror. Her eyes glistened with tears and blood painted her light pink shirt.

‘Holly shi-‘. Beau could hear her crying from his seat in the car.

‘ me!’ she screamed, hands slapped over her ears.

As soon as Beau collected himself together and tried for the door, the street lights began to spark and within seconds they were out. Nothing could be seen, the woman was completely gone from sight.

Beau threw open his door, rushing to the front of his car. The street lights and his own car lights flickered every now and then and he would just manage to make out the woman, her head snapped in every direction, as though she was looking for something, she limped around, one arm holding the wound on her stomach and the other extended, hoping to find her way - then there was darkness.

‘Help me please! Don’t let them get me! I don’t want to die!’ screamed the woman

‘It wasn’t me, he wanted to do it - I swear!!’

Beau extended his arms. ‘Can you hear me!? Follow my voice, I can’t see you!’

‘Please! Please! Please, save me! He's coming, I hear them!! Pleease!’

The lights flickered again and this time Beau had managed to spot another person, someone smaller.

The lights flickered off then on again and they got closer and closer to the crying woman with every inch of darkness.

‘Pleeeeassse!’ she screamed once more.

Beau tried to sprint towards the woman once he noticed how close the person had gotten to the poor woman.

‘Stop right there!’ he yelled, as loud as he could, his throat almost aching and his heart thumping like never before. The lights continued on with their flickering and in one flash...he saw them turn.

He couldn't see any physical features due to the hood that they were wearing, but suddenly they charged at Beau. Beau flinched, his arms thrown up in defense.

But there was nothing.

And the street lights had flickered one last time before they had started to work again. Once light had returned to the streets, Beau reached to the back of his belt, pulling out his gun and quickly glancing around, looking for whoever ran at him - but there was no one.

‘Oh my god, thank you!’ cold arms wrapped around Beau’s stomach ever so tightly. His eyes trailed down to the weeping body of the woman, who’s long raven black hair was all awry and tainted with the smell of blood. Her tears soaked into his jacket and his own heart beat against her bloodied cheek.

Beau himself was slightly thankful that he wasn’t alone after this terrifying ordeal.

‘Thank you! Thank you so much!’ she continued. ‘If you hadn’t been there...’

Beau looked down at her, panting, his mind scrambled.

‘Y-Your wound, we need to get you to a hospital’ he managed to speak, slowly piecing his mind back together. Shaking his head he lead the poor woman to the passenger seat then made his way to the drivers seat.

He took one last look around for anything or anyone, but nothing but silence filled this street.

Buckling up, he sped off, still very unsure as to what had just happened.

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Yeaaah. Lols. Probably still a bit confusing, huh. Sorry about the blunt ending also XD