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Where Is She?

He sits there taking notes and he gets a little tired so he stretches and he looks around, until he sees her. She's wearing a blue stripped shirt which brings out her eyes. And long dark brown hair that's put up with a white bow which supposed to keep her hair out of her face but it still covers a little of her face which makes it more exciting for him to see what she looks like. Then all of a sudden out of no where "BAM" the teacher has already slammed the book on top of his desk he turns real quick to see what has happen. The teacher glares him down the eye looking overly mean then usually. She goes back to teach the boring subject of Geography. As soon as she goes back to teaching he turns around and..and..where is she? Where's the girl? Where did she go?
  1. where is she?
    after class he rushes down the halls having people looking at him like he as the saying look at me on his forehead.
  2. meet the family
    meet the family. His he crazy yet?