Too Close, Numbskull

here it is!

Karkat Vantas was crying.

Sobbing, actually, but he'd kill you if you said that. He was watching the human film The Notebook, and it had candy-red tears streaming down his cheeks like there was no tomorrow. A pillow was clasped against the troll's chest. Karkat was so busy being upset at the movie that he didn't even hear Sollux Captor, his matesprit, come into their shared hive.

"Karkleth, what in the name of all thingth good and pure on thith planet are you doing?" The taller troll peered at the television screen through bi-colored lenses. He rolled his eyes when he realized what film it was. "Theriouthly, Karkleth? You're watching thith trash again?"

That last comment had the mutant-blooded troll spinning around in fury.

"It's not trash, Sollux! It's a beautiful love story, and it'd be even better if she'd just send one gogdamned letter to him!" Karkat glared once more at Sollux before turning back to the film.

Sollux sighed. He knew better than to insult a sappy movie when Karkat was around, but he couldn't help it - Karkat was just so fucking adorable when he got angry. The yellow-blooded troll climbed onto the couch and wiggled his way between the back of it and Karkat. Said troll stiffened when he felt Sollux crawling around behind him.

"The hell are you doing, Captor?" Sollux smirked.

"Why, Karkat, I thought you wanted me to watch more romanth filmth with you." He wrapped his legs around Karkat's torso. "Bethideth, I'm pretty comfortable right where I am."

Though he couldn't see it, Sollux knew Karkat was scowling. With that thought in his thinkpan, Sollux made himself more comfortable and grinned. To be honest, the movie was kind of good - but he'd never admit it out loud.

Karkat sat stock-still for the next ten minutes, although it felt like ten sweeps. Eventually, it became too much to just sit there and stare blindly at the movie. Gogdamned Captor, ruining my movie night. Who the hell does he think he is?

“Get off of me.”

“No can do, Karkleth.”

“You’re too close, numbskull.”

“No, you’re just a prude.”

“Fuck you.”

“Where, when, how hard?”

Karkat threw his hands in the air. He was so done with Sollux’s bullshit.

And he let him know this with a hard kiss on the mouth.