Status: New chapter in progress 4/6/14

Before You


My first outing as a Trainee resulted in a few casualties and I was lucky enough not to be one of them. Most of them ended up being Trainee’s like me, lacking all the skills the higher ranks had. I was the only one of my rank to make it back alive that day. I steadily started to become the subject of my bosses attention. When it was time for me to advance, I’d learned all there was to know. I’d practiced how to shoot, learned the names of all the weapons, how to take one apart and put it back together. We made bombs using household items, learned about surviving in harsh environments. After all that, it was time for me to graduate to a higher class. To become an official Hit Man.

But that was years ago and I’m passed that, achieving the highest possible honor. An Elite. I’m apart of a group called the Elite Assassin Organization. Our building is located on the outskirts of Chimera, cleverly disguised as Genes & Arms Co. A genetics testing and bio chemical weapons manufacturer.

When I was first brought to the E.A.O. I was dubbed a Trainee. Each Trainee is forced to live at HQ. I was not allowed to leave but, for those that managed, it was unfortunately in a body bag. For months I ate, slept, and breathed training. I learned all the basics, til graduation day, or better yet, ‘initiation’. I would become the next highest rank; something they call a Hit Man. As a Hit Man, I was now allowed to leave HQ but only when I went on missions accompanied by an Assassin or an Elite. I continued my training and sessions in Room 55 until the next initiation.

Assassins are allotted a lot more freedom to come and go as they please but are still required to stay on the premises at night. The initiation of an Assassin is based on what they’ve been taught since the first day they were brought here. That death comes first, no matter what. If you manage to pass this, which many do not, you’ve become the highest of ranks. An Elite Assassin. Elites are allowed to live outside of HQ, with the boss’s full trust in you. You’ve proven you belong where you are and will follow orders as if nothing else in the world matters. Basically a brainless slave.

The flickering lights caught my attention and I headed in that general direction. Taylor was returning from the bathroom and walked by me with a skip in her step. “What are you doing?" she asked.

“Non of your damn business,” I kept walking but she turned and started to follow.

Most of the lights were busted on this end, but I kept going forward, reading the names of the stores. I turned a corner and found a small shop that sold snacks and other various paraphernalia and decided to check it out. Taylor continued to walk down the hall, yelling “Bullet! Bullet!” accompanied by incessant barking. She was out of sight, out of mind.

There were two people laying in heaps on the ground. Both have been dead and decomposing for a while and the smell was nothing short of gut wrenching but I pressed on. I jumped over the cashier counter and rolled over the corpse laying face down. His face was barely recognizable and his name tag said ‘bob’. I noticed his shirt pocket held a familiar rectangle shape and pulled out a box of smokes. I flipped it open, noting there was only four left and slipped one out. I let it rest between my lips as I scanned for a lighter. Luckily they are always sold near the desk so I grabbed one off the counter and lit up.

The feeling of the drug entering my body was ecstasy after not having it for so long. I didn’t realize how deprived my body was til I had it again. I hopped up on the counter and sat, inhaling and exhaling the smoke. Enjoying the peace and quiet. I was about finished when a scream alerted me. It sounded like Taylor. I let the cigarette fall out of my mouth as I hopped back over the counter and in the direction I thought I heard it from. As soon as I looked around the corner I found myself gazing at a glass exit door. Behind it, outside, I could see Taylor. She was on the ground, scrambling to crawl away from one of those undead things. It was missing an arm, and had her by the leg with the other. Its mouth was drooling and bloody, the body of a dead dog lay in the grass next to them. I started to run in her direction just as I watched her get up and stumble away. She burst through the doors and came running towards me, trailing blood after her with every step. She collapsed on the ground so I picked her up and started running back to the others. Of course she was crying, going on about something inaudible. The dogs name I think. Yeah, thats right. 'it killed bullet.' She kept repeating it in short labored breaths.

By the time I reached them, Ian and Aiden were already heading down the stairs. I met them halfway up, holding Taylor, both of us covered in blood. “What the fuck did you do to her?” Ian yelled, preparing to take me out.

“Undead,” I was barely out of breath but it still came out strained. Aiden took her, and by this time she was crying non stop. He ran her back into the little store we used as sleeping quarters and placed her on a bed. The rest of us followed but I stopped at the doorway. A large part of me didn’t want to be involved in this, but I had no other choice. I did my part so I planned on staying out of the way for now. Elexus, who was sitting upright on her bed, watched everything happen with indifference. I suppose I was weaker than she was. No, not weaker. I was more skilled at pretending to be human. She kept playing the game like that she will never win over anyones trust. All she’s good for is dealing death. I have a tactical advantage.

“Taylor, we are going to look at where the bleeding is coming from, okay?” Ian told her as he cut her jeans open. He pulled off her shoe and sock, revealing a obvious bite wound. It was gushing blood, and was covered in dirt and debris. While Taylor continued to thrash around, the rest of us stood still, letting the knowledge of what this meant linger. She had been bit. She was going to change into one of them, it was only a matter of time.

Ian’s eyes filled with tears and rage. He turned and took off out the door, leaving the rest of us to cope with a dying little girl.