
Chapter 10

What once used to be abandon tracks, had awoken us up from a roar of a train that hurdled down the tracks at a fast pace. It was near six in the morning when we started to head out. The clock was ticking for all of us; Claus was murmuring in his thoughts, he had mentioned something about my first known victim: a young man, of about twenty years, who lived in southern Kentucky. He stood at five foot eight, and he was built like a fighter. His arms revealed muscle that had stretched from his shoulder down to his wrist. I was looking at a picture; Claus had made it in my mind, he was clever like that.

Our feet had pounded the ground with light force, causing small things like twigs to break. About four other people had stayed back, only to cover our tracks, and made sure no one had found out where we were headed—people like Cullen.

Claus and Kenny had led the way; Eustace had his arm wrapped around me, tightly. My legs were beginning to grow weak from the walking we had to do—the sun was peaking in; the clouds had swung in, causing the sun to be created into a dot that was peeking out of a hole. There was light that snuck from the outside of the clouds; it was like a flashlight that emitted its small glow around us.

Everlette Lourdes, Claus had whispered to me, his voice seemed distant.

Who is that?

The first creature that is on your list. He had glanced around then, she should be around here somewhere.

Is this a werewolf, vampire, or something else? I had contemplated those choices before he had said anything else.

Werewolf, he had responded, he had let the word sit in the air for a moment, and then he spoke once more into my mind, she is slightly more powerful, and she is quite hard to take down if you don’t know what you’re doing. She is the ticket to the council, and to finding Miles Liverstone.

I see, I thought.

My mind process was set on finding Everlette, possibly attacking her, and getting information out of her.

She is also a therainthropist; do you remember what I had told you?

I nodded my head; Claus had mentioned that therianthropes couldn’t transform physically into a werewolf, they can however transform mentally. It was near nine o’clock when we had hit Dyersburg. Over one-hundred miles from Nashville. Claus looked forward. His eyes were focused; he could see something we couldn’t.

Everlette was here. He whispered to my thoughts.

We gazed onward, and exactly five feet from us, there laid a body-it was at least twelve hours old. The body had had enough scars on it to make it look like a murder. This was more than a mental image Claus had given me. The body was six feet in the ground, and all I could see was the body laying unconscious in my mind.

A nearby tree was uprooted, the stems from the ground had rained on us as the rest of the tree was sliced through. Eustace then approached, his arms digging deep until he had dug up a body. It was the body that mentally stored in my head. Long, glossy blond hair, and glowing blue eyes. She was beautiful. A sash was wrapped around her neck, indicating that she had either hung herself by force, or she was strangled, and left to die. The sash had read, Miss Nashville 2011.

I had undone the sash from her neck, her head hitting the ground hard, and wrapped it in her hands. Her body was then carried by Eustace and Kenny, and they laid her nicely underneath a tree. Whoever would discover her next would assume she’d died peacefully, instead of by force.

How far now? I asked.

In two minutes, you will meet your match. Claus smiled, and a loud thump in the air had ran through my eardrums. The blond girl from before had appeared before me, and my eyes mentally stored her image in my head, and I went out.