

I sat in the middle of the airport, my best friend on one side of me and my boyfriend on the other.

My boyfriend Alex’s leg was bouncing up and down, and I put my hand on it to steady it, because it was only making me nervous.

He laced his fingers through mine and sighed heavily.

“Are you sure you have to go?” He asked for the millionth time that day. I groaned, and my best friend, Lauren, quickly snapped at him.

“Yes, she has to go, you annoying little shit.” My best friend glared at him and I could help but to laugh.

I went for a softer approach and kissed his cheek.

“Yeah, babe, I have to go. He’s my only real family I have left. And he’s going to pay me to do a job, so there’s that.”

Alex scoffed and I sighed.

“I just find it weird that your own cousin is going to pay you to write music with him.” He said.

I shook my head, not wanting to have this conversation.

“I’m writing music with him and his band mates and he’s not paying me, his management is. Plus, it’s going to give me a chance to reconnect with my cousin and meet his friends, and make contacts with people who can help me move forward with a career.”

I was restating things I had already told him, but he was being annoying, so I was telling him again.

“You’re 17. You should be focused on having fun. Not settling into a career”

I ran a hand through my hair in frustration and then stood up.

“I’ll be back.” I told them, walking across the airport terminal and toward where I saw the bathrooms earlier.

I quickly dialed my cousin’s number, needing some reassurance.

He picked up after the third ring.

“What’s up, Ab?” He answered. I smiled.

“I need you to tell me that I’m making the right choice, Ash.”

I heard him sigh audibly.

“I think you’re absolutely making the right choice, Abigail.” His voice was stern, and he used my full name, so he was in serious mode. “You love to write. This is an amazing opportunity here for you. I know it’s out of your little bubble and comfort zone, but I think it’ll be worth it. Plus, I really miss you. We used to be best friends, remember?”

My heart hurt after he said those last words.

“I remember, Ash.” I bit my bottom lip. “I remember and I miss you too. I’m excited for this opportunity, I promise. Alex just had me freaking out and I-“

“If he loves you, he’ll let you have this and still be there for you. If not, then he’s a prick.” My cousin cut me off.

“You’re right.” I replied, taking a deep breath. “Okay, thank you, Ash, I’ve got to go.”

“Okay, Ab, I’ll see you when you land. I think Mikey’s coming with me to the airport, too. And probably everyone else, when they find out we’re both leaving, knowing them. They can’t be alone.”

“Your band mates?”

I was actually really excited to meet the rest of Ashton’s band. He talked highly of them, and from what I’d listened to of their music, they were all very talented. I hadn’t met any of them due to the fact that they were on a different continent, hell, I hadn’t even seen Ashton in 5 years.

“Yup. I hope you don’t hate them. I’ll see you later.”

I laughed and muttered a goodbye before hanging up the phone and going to the bathroom sink, looking at myself in the mirror. I could do this.

I walked out of the bathroom and practically ran into Alex.

He opened his arms and I sighed, walking into his embrace.

“I’m really sorry, Abby. I’m being selfish.” He kissed the top of my head. “I love you and I want you to be happy, okay?”

I nodded once as I pulled out of his embrace and we walked hand in hand back over to where Lauren was sitting.

“Take care of him, okay?” I said to my best friend. She nodded and stood up to hug me.

I was leaving a whole life behind, and it was damn hard. I wiped a tear out of my eye as they called my flight to board.

“Alright, this is it. I love you both and I’ll call you when I land, okay?”

They both nodded and I kissed Alex’s lips quickly before walking toward the gate.

I was sad to leave this life behind, but also damn excited to start a new journey reconnecting with my cousin and writing with 5 Seconds Of Summer.