Status: Hope it's good

Just You and Me

Chapter 1

“Welcome to your new house, Blaire,” Sue says pulling me inside her house. Or should I say mansion?

“Thank you,” I say and step a foot inside and examine my surroundings. The first thing that catches my eye is the big glass chandelier hanging in the middle of the ceiling. It shone directly in my face, so I couldn't have not noticed it. Too many negatives? To my left their is a stairway leading up to a second floor and to my right there is a glass door that leads to another room. You find the living room as soon as you enter the house. The living room has a black leather sectional sofa set. In front of the sofa sits a fireplace with a LED plasma tv on top of it.

“How do you like it?” A voice from behind me says.

I turn and smile at Rick, Sue’s husband, and say, “Your house is lovely.” And I mean it.

"We know that you moving in must be really hard for you, but we want you to feel at home. We want you to feel as though you've always lived here," Sue says with a warm smile.

It really is hard moving in with a new family that I don't know. I miss my parents and I want to go back, but I know I can't. Since I got in the plane I was really nervous. I was wondering if I would like them or if they would be mean. My doubts dissipated as soon as I met Sue and Rick. They are really sweet and really seem to care about me even though they just met me.

"Truthfully, it really is hard. Thank you for accepting in your home and wanting to make me feel at home. It really means a lot," I say and hug Sue. Might as well get used to hugging her.

"I gotta run, but welcome again, Blaire. I'll see you during dinner," Rick gives a kiss to Sue, waves at me, and walks out the door.

"It's no hassle, sweety. We really are glad to help. And anyways, it was time there was another female presence in this house," she says chuckling. "Anyways, let's show you around the house. You can leave your suitcases there. Matthew will come in shortly; I'll tell him to take them to your room." I leave my suitcase by the staircase and follow Sue. She leads me to another room past the living room.

The best room in the whole house.

The kitchen.

"If you're ever hungry and want something to eat don;'t think twice about getting something from the refrigerator. And if you would like me to get anything from the grocery store just write in a post-it and post it in the refrigerator," Sue says when we enter the kitchen.

Best kitchen I've ever seen in my entire life.

There is a big marble table in the middle of the room filled with exotic fruits that I've seen in my life. A silver two door refrigerator sits in the corner with what I hope is delicious food inside. There are cabinets on the wall and in between two of them is the microwave.

Sue showed me around the house for about five minutes more. Yep, that's how big the house is and it's just the first floor. "You have a lovely home," I say to Sue as we're walking back to the living room. Sue is a petite lady with auburn hair that falls over her shoulders her shoulders. She has green eyes that complements her auburn hair and a small face that makes her look sweet.

"Thank you. And now it's your home too," she says and gives me a smile that I'm starting to get used to.

As soon as we reach the living room the front door opens and I expect to see Rick, but instead I'm greeted by a boy. A very sexy boy.

"Hey mom. And... ?" the guy says in a deep voice.

"Hey Matthew. Glad you're home. Let me introduce you to Blaire," she says and pulls him toward me. "Blaire this is Matthew and Matthew this is Blaire."

"Hi," I say kind of shy. I'm not really shy, I'm just guessing that he left me speechless that I couldn't say anything else. If you were me you would of felt the same way. He could be a Hollister model. He has light brown skin and brown eyes and full lips and a narrow nose. He has little stubble that makes his jawline look great. He's wearing a blue plaid shirt with a white shirt under and navy blue Levi jeans.

He does the typical boyish head nod ."What's up?" He says and heads to the couch to leave a backpack he was a carrying.

"Just finished getting a tour of the house," I say.

"About that. I still have to show you to your room, so you can adjust. Matthew would you do me the favor of showing Blaire to her room and taking her suitcases? I have to start preparing dinner." Sue asks Matthew.

"Sure thing, mom. I'd be glad to help," he says and grabs my suitcases.

"Do you want me to help you make dinner," I ask Sue.

"It's alright. You need to get settled. Plus, you need to rest for the long trip you just made." Sue says waving me off.

"Are you sure?" I ask unsure. I don't want her to think that I'm ungrateful.

"Yes. No go on and follow Matthew," she says and walks away toward the kitchen.

"Are you ready? I got homework to do," Matthew says impatiently from the stairs.

"I'm coming," I say and start to go up the steps.

We reach my room which is the last room to the right. There are two other rooms in the right side and four other on the left side.

"There you go. You have your own bathroom. Yay. Why do girls always get excited for having their own bathroom?" Matthew asks and I'm about to say that maybe that we don't want to share them with them cause they never clean after themselves when he says,"Never mind. I don't want to know what you unearthly females do." He fakes a shudder.

"Thank you, Matthew. And if you change your mind and want to know, just come and ask me again. I'll be sure to elaborate nicely."

"I'm pretty sure I won't. Now, if you excuse me I have some business I have to do. If you ever need me for anything, and I mean anything, my room is on the other side. Second door on your right," he winks and walks away.

Did he really just say that?

"Don't forget. Second door on your right!" he shouts pointing at a door before walking inside.
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Hola! Tell me if it's good. Pleaseeee
Thank you
Adios (: