Status: Updates every Saturday.

Oliver Thorton

Unwanted Visits

Oliver’s parents were on their way. And Oliver was just about to lose his mind. He had been cleaning the house all day for this and he even called ill to work in order to prepare for their visit the following morning. After Thomas left Oliver has been feeling a bit alone. He missed his brother and their daily Skype calls were beginning to not cut it anymore. Then again, Thomas didn’t even Skype to speak to him, he spent the entire 20 minutes baby talking to Sam and making the small boy laugh.

Oliver was proud, his son was only getting cuter each day and he seemed to inherit a mass of curly hair from his mother’s side of the family. It was the cutest thing in the world.

Back to the emergency at hand. Oliver and the parenting visit. So far he wasn’t even sure if his father cared enough to make the trip down; his mother had not told him anything, therefore Oliver could only assume not. He had such caring parents. Hopefully they liked Sam enough to spoil him as much as James did. He wouldn’t mind them finally taking part in something in his life.

“Honestly, Oli, you’ve dusted a good seven times today. You don’t need to keep doing it, I think you’ll be fine.” Johanna scoffed, a half asleep Sam at her hip. “It’s not like the woman is going to take a magnifying glass to the place.”
Oliver gave a loud, dry laugh.

“Ha! She actually would do that too. Just to ‘ensure that the baby isn’t living in a pig hole’ as she would say.”
James finally popped out of his room and made straight for the door after a kiss to Sam’s forehead.

“As much as I would love to watch you run around like a chicken with your head cut off for the next couple of days, I think I’m going to go out and have fun with my life for once. Have a wonderful day.”
Smile and he was gone.

Oliver was surprised. James had changed since the birth of Sam, though he couldn’t say that it wasn’t appreciated. James had practically quit smoking altogether, since he spent most of his days at home with the baby and he refused to let him breathe any of the toxins in. And because he was home so often with the baby, he had not gone out clubbing as much as he used to. Oliver almost felt bad that he was taking James’s life away from him, but James never once complained and he said he would do it all again if need be.

Oliver sighed. Why did Thomas have to leave? He would have made this so much easier. Stupid university.

When Oliver finally did decide to take a break at supper time, Johanna dropped the two month old child in his lap and went to find herself something to eat.

Oliver lifted his son to eye level and just stared at him. Samuel really was a beautiful baby boy. He looked as though he would have big beautiful green-blue eyes like his daddy. Oliver lowered the baby back down to his lap and straightened his little onesie and sweatpants. He wondered fondly how he got so lucky to have such an adorable baby boy.

Samuel began opening and closing his mouth with his little tongue poking out. He was hungry. Oliver realized this, but it took only one second of hesitation for Sam to start hollering.

“Jo-Jo, your child would like to eat now.”
Johanna walked into the living area with a warmed bottle in hand, rolling her eyes at Oliver. She had attempted to breast feed in the hospital when Sam was born, only because the nurses had been so insistent, but that stopped the day Johanna took Sam home. She couldn’t stand pumping every hour on the hour.

The doorbell rang as Oliver was feeding Sam. Johanna had chosen that exact moment to take a shower before eating.
The person behind the door sure came as a surprise.

“Benjamin? What are you doing here?”
There he was. Standing all god-like on the other side of the door. Hands shoved into those sexy dark wash jeans and toned arms and chest underneath his tight, navy blue dress shirt. This was a surprise.

It was Sam’s impatient cry that reminded Oliver that he had taken the bottle out of his son’s mouth. He ushered the older man inside and made his way to the couch.

“I hope I’m not inconveniencing you in any way. I realized that since that day at your shop, I haven’t actually spoken to you since.” It was true. They haven’t spoken in the week and a half that Benjamin had come to trash his store.

“Oh...yeah, I guess that’s true. So...what have you been up to? Everything’s good at the restaurant?”
Benjamin gave an easy chuckle at Oliver’s awkwardness.

“Yes, everything is wonderful. There are some critics rumoured to be making their way down there within the next week or so. Hopefully it’s enough for that star that we so desperately need. You should make your way down there again sometime.”

Oliver’s mouth salivated at the sight of the man. He quickly licked his lips and looked away from the man. What would Benjamin say if he knew the thoughts Oliver was thinking.

“Are you kidding? Even if I make a reservation this second, I won’t be able to get in for months and there is no way I can afford to go down there without any occasion.”
Another chuckle. This one caused Oliver to join in.

“Hey, what’s the point of being friends with the head chef if you don’t get any benefits?” Another laugh between the two. “And don’t say the benefit is my fantastic personality...because I already know how awesome I am.”

That’s how Johanna found them when she stepped out of the bathroom, laughing away and sitting far too close for ‘just friends’.

Of course she had to rush to her phone to tell Charlotte all about this new friendship. Her and Charlotte squealed into the phone for a good 20 minutes. The boys heard this, of course.
Benjamin rolled his eyes. He had stolen Sam as soon as he finished eating and now set to rocking him to sleep.

“Goodness, those girls. They’re insane, really they are.”
Oliver let out a giggle. It was hot to see this man with his son. He would never admit this, of course.

“Well they have nothing else to do with their lives, they have to step into other people’s lives. Although I’m sure I have less of a social life then they do.”

“If you have less than a social life than they do, then I have the social skills of a rock. I think you’re the first friend I’ve had in...two years or so. And I’m pretty sure the one before that was simply out of pity.”

Oliver enjoyed this; he wouldn’t lie. He greatly liked being friends with Benjamin, he was a fun person to be friends with.

Benjamin would say that he was happy to be friends with Oliver. Like he had previously mentioned, he had not had a real friend in about two years. This was a nice change. Not to mention the fact that he wanted to ravish the young boy in front of him, but he would never say this.

An hour into their talk, Benjamin had lifted Sam into the air and was blowing kisses into his cheeks. It was the most adorable sight that Oliver could say that he had ever seen. 
And Benjamin was not trying to suck up to Oliver either, he truly thought that the baby in his arms had to be the cutest little thing he had ever seen...and he generally hated other people’s children.
15 minutes and Oliver was putting Sam down to bed. Another hour and Benjamin was finally making his way out the doors.

“Well this was certainly the most fun I can say that I’ve ever had in a long time.” Benjamin laughed, sticking his hands in his pockets.
Oliver had half the mind to jump and kiss him, but thought better of it.

‘The friendship just started, let’s not ruin in.’ He thought.

“I can honestly say that I agree with you.” Oliver managed to give his best ‘masculine’ laugh; he didn’t want to seem more like a flamer by giggling as usual.

The goodbyes were somewhat awkward. They both wanted very badly to lean in for a hug, but neither were sure if they were good enough friends. Plus, they were both men and both felt as though a hug would de-masculinize them. So they said goodbyes, Benjamin exited the home with promises to return and Oliver tried his hardest not to burst into giggles and wide grins.

Of course Johanna was leaning against the doorway, a knowing smirk on her face, arms crossed in business. Of course she would want to know every detail of everything that happened. She was already aware of what had happened at the shop last week - she knew just about everything when it came to Oliver - but she wanted the conversation word for word. As if Oliver could remember everything that was said when so much was exchanged. Childhoods, humour, even silly mundane facts, such as favourite colours (Oliver was fond of orange whereas Benjamin liked a deep, rich purple) and least favorite foods (Oliver deplored anything that had been touched by celery and Benjamin, being a chef, didn’t really ‘dislike’ much, but wasabi was high on his list of things to never cook with).

Johanna squealed through the entire account.

When Benjamin arrived at his own home, he was surprised - though not really - to see his sister sitting on his couch, waiting to be told the very same details that Johanna had been recounted. It was as if Benjamin and Oliver were the girls’ own special project. Whatever they were hoping for, Benjamin knew would never come to be. Yes, he sure was attracted to Oliver, but there was no way he would ever have enough time to not only devote to him but to Sam as well. He almost scolded himself for sounding so selfish in his head, but he could not deny that it was true. And he was sure that Oliver knew it as well. So they would remain friends...and hopefully Oliver would be content with just that.


Oliver had received a phone call from his mother saying that they were in the city and would arrive at the flat in less than 15 minutes. That was 20 minutes ago. Oliver had been ready for them five minutes ago...he wasn’t ready anymore. Why couldn’t they just show up on time? He was pacing the living area in front of the couch. Both James and Johanna were sitting, staring at him with the baby in his bassinet in front of Johanna, sound asleep. Oliver wished he could be asleep. He didn’t like being an adult, he wanted it all to stop.

“Oliver, calm down, they’ll be here any sec-”
Knock on the door. James quickly shut his mouth and sat rod straight in his seat. He hated meeting parents, but he had absolutely nothing else to do that day, so he chose to stay for moral support. He was beginning to think it was a very bad idea on his part.

Oliver shakily walked to the door and opened it to reveal his mother and father, as prissy as ever.
His mother stood straight on the step, a look of disgust on her face as she looked around the property; they were too good for this. Oliver’s father was on his phone, obviously he was too busy to deal with any of this.

“Mum, dad...welcome. Uh...come on in.”
The couple took careful steps into the house, but it was as clean as it was going to get. Oliver did his best with it and he was proud...until he saw the look his mother sent his way, then he wished he was cleaning some more.

Normally Oliver did not care what his parents said to him or thought of him, but it wasn’t only him this time. He wanted nothing less than their approval of his son. He didn’t want their money, or their time, he just wanted their approval. He wanted everyone to approve of his son; it was a fatherly thing, he supposed.

James and Johanna stiffly introduced themselves and offered their seats. James just excused himself from the room altogether; he never liked tension. Johanna wished she could do the same.

“Well I can’t say that I’m surprised at you, Oliver.” His mother began as she carefully sat on the edge of the sofa. “Getting a random girl pregnant. At least you know her name.” She gave a haughty laugh. Mr. Thorton remained silent, a bored expression on his face as he looked around.
Johanna wanted to cover herself up more. The way the woman spoke made her feel worthless.

“I-I know that this wasn’t ideal, but I love my son...and I love Johanna. Not like a wife or partner, but she’s the best mother I know and I’m glad that out of everyone, she’s the one who will be raising my child.”

Johanna turned to Oliver with tears in her eyes. No one had ever told her anything so sweet.
A scoff from his mother.

“Well...I can see that you’ve definitely missed being home, living in a place like...this. Is this really the best place to be raising a child, honestly Oliver, I thought you were growing up.” The second set of parents to remind him that this was not where he wanted to raise a family. But there was still nothing he could do about it. He was trying his hardest to save money from work in order for them to afford a better home, but it was hard when there were so many bills to pay. Johanna was now looking for work as well.

“I know that this isn’t the best neighbourhood, but I didn’t really ever plan on having children, therefore I wasn’t very prepared to move at a moment’s notice. But I am saving up for something a bit better-”

“And what exactly do you think you’re going to be able to afford?” His father finally stepped in. Oliver wished he would have kept his mouth shut. “Did you go to school like your brother to make something of yourself? No, you bummed around and then lived off of other people’s money. You work at a shop for heaven’s sake boy! If I were you, I wouldn’t bother saving money at all, you won’t be able to get much better than what you have right now. And you have a roommate with you. What happens when you move out on your own?”

“I...Johanna was going to look for work and -”

“And who looks after the baby? Every dime you save will go towards infant care; it’ll be like the girl’s not working at all. I don’t understand why you decided to keep this child, your life would have been so much better without it.”

His mother looked at him with a sort of amusement and agreement.

“Is that what you and mother wished when Thomas and I were born? That you wouldn’t have just given us up immediately? Lord known you would have managed to save so much more money.”

“Oh Oliver, stop being so overdramatic. Your father and I were prepared when you and Thomas came. It wasn’t just a drunken night of coitus and boom, twins! We loved each other and we wanted children with one another so we did and we did not regret it.”

“I bet you sure do now.” Oliver raised himself from his seat. “Sam might not have been anticipated, but he’s the most wonderful thing that could have happened to me and I do not regret for one second that we had him. If I had to choose to do it all over again, I would. I will work for a better life for him and yes, I know it will be hard, but I will give him the best that I can. And I can certainly give him something neither Thomas nor I ever had, loving parents. I’ll actually go out and spend time with him and talk to him and want to be there for him, unlike you sorry lot! I got nothing from you and I hope you know that neither Thomas nor I will be caring for you when you’re too old to wipe your own arses. I hope you two love each other enough to help with that much! 

“You were the most sorry excuse for parents that any child should ever have! It’s not like we were poor and you were working all the time, no! You would leave for weeks on vacations and holidays without even stopping to think if Thomas and I were ever alright! You never went out to throw a ball with us, you never asked how our days were. Nothing! You think you’re so perfect with-with your big house and your shiny new car and your expensive european clothing, well you don’t have one thing and that’s the love and respect of your own children!”

Deep breath. Oliver finally stopped to take a breath. The words he had just been shouting finally reached his ears and his stomach felt as though it had dropped down to his toes.

‘Did I really just say all of those things to my parents?’

But he had. And they heard him. Loud and clear. Johanna was rooted to her seat, mouth hanging open. James had been going to the kitchen for a drink, but stood in the middle of the room, too stunned to move. And then there was Mr. and Mrs. Thorton. Mrs. Thorton’s cheeks were flushed. Mr. Thorton’s expression returned to one of boredom and exhaustion. Oliver wasn’t quite sure what to do. 
He cleared his throat and straightened up, picking up the crying Sam on the way. He didn’t think that his parents had even bothered to see what their grandson even looked like. And that disgusted Oliver. He suddenly became angry all over again. He didn’t care if his parents were upset by what he said, it was true and they ought to know it.

“Well....” His mother began. This seemed to snap everyone out of their trances. Johanna closed her mouth and sank into the chair. James quickly made his way back into his bedroom without his drink and Oliver sat back down with Sam on his lap. “Is this how you really feel?” Oliver nodded confidently. “Well it’s just rude that you would be speaking for your brother. Thomas absolutely loves us, he would never -”

“He lived here for four months! He literally went back to uni like two weeks ago! Of course that’s how he feels, he’s my twin brother and my best friend!”
That shut her up quickly enough.

“We just came here to visit our grandson, not get attacked by you! Your father and I are leaving now, don’t think about contacting us unless it’s with an apology!”

“Attacking you? Since you stepped foot into my home, you’ve done nothing but criticize me and my life decisions! I don’t think a single positive word has left your lips since you got here! Oh and don’t ever expect that phone call!”

Johanna decided to be the one to walk them to the door. Mr. Thorton exited calmly while Mrs. Thorton hurried away in a huff.

Oliver was calming Sam down when Johanna returned to the living area. James had exited his bedroom and was standing by his friend.

“Did that feel good?” He asked. Oliver sighed.

“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to say that to them. Now,” He handed Sam over to James. “If you don’t mind, I must call Thomas. Chances are mother will be on the phone with him very soon to get his side of things to come back at me with.”

Johanna and James stayed where they were, watching after their friend. James turned to Jo, a smirk on his face.

“Does that turn you on. I bet you so want to have another baby with him.” He received a nice slap to the back of his head for that one.

In his and Johanna’s bedroom, Oliver quickly picked up his phone and dialled his brother’s number. He knew Thomas would not be in class at the time, he had written his schedule down before he left for everyone to know when to contact him.

“Come on, Tom, please pick up the phone!” Oliver paced back and fourth, cell placed against his ear.

“‘Ello, Helga’s house of sex, submissive or dominant?”
Oliver rolled his eyes. How else would his brother answer the phone?

“Thomas, shut up and listen. Mum and dad were just here and let’s just didn’t go as well as planned. She may be calling you to tell you how horrible of a son and brother I am and how you should never speak to me again.”

Thomas sighed from the other end. Oliver knew he was running his hand through his hair.

“Honestly, Oli, what did you say to them?”
Oliver ran through the entire meeting with his brother, not leaving a single syllable out. He knew Thomas would take his side on all of it, but he wanted to be 100% sure that his brother wouldn’t be mad at him for what he said to their parents. Especially because he had brought Thomas into all of it.

“I’m sorry it went down like that Oli, I know how horrible of people they are. well you know that I have your back on all of this, alright. I completely agree with you and if they call, I’ll be sure to tell them that.”
Oliver sighed in relief.

“Thanks, Tommy, I knew I could count on you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Um....yeah....there you go.

