Status: Updates every Saturday.

Oliver Thorton

Where art thou, Romeo?

The flat had to be spotless! From the moment Thomas announced his plan to visit, Oliver has done nothing but clean and attempt to make the flat look somewhat presentable. The holes in the walls got covered by small paintings and ornaments. Thankfully the heat outside was stifling enough that Thomas would not have to know about the lack thereof in the house. James would often get scolded for using a glass without a proper coaster or leaving his dirty laundry in the living area. All of which had been no problem before.

Johanna was enjoying poking fun at him and calling him a housewife, but Oliver was too preoccupied to care. He had also taken three extra 16 hour shifts at the shop to make up for the time that he would take off to spend with his brother, who would have to sleep on the very uncomfortable sofa.
There was nothing Oliver could do for that. He also could not make it look any better – it was quite run down. So he got James to purchase fluffy pillows and throws…it helped…somewhat.

But Thomas would arrive in less than three hours. James had gone for groceries two hours ago! How could that boy get lost while doing the groceries?!

“Oliver, you need to calm down! It will be fine! Thomas is not going to judge you and I’m sure your parents will be more than happy with the news of their first grandchild.” Johanna placed a gentle hand on Oliver’s forearm while the other wrapped around to her lower back.

“Oh no, he will judge me, especially after I tell him that you aren’t really my girlfriend and then my parents will surely disown me! Even though I’m sure they already have. And where in the hell is James? How long does it take to pick out food?”
Johanna sighed, wobbling to the sofa and dropping onto it. There was only so much she could say. Oliver would not listen.

James returned ten minutes later holding about fifteen bags – how much did he buy??

“Sorry I’m late, but there was this baby store near the shop and I had to go in and look at absolutely everything because they were all too precious.”

Of course. James was like a woman when it came to the baby. He adored everything small.
He set the bags from the shop on the ground and went to put the food away. Johanna had a talk with Oliver on allowing James to spend money on the baby. She had no problem with it and explained that James was just excited to have another member of the family. So Oliver began to allow James to spend his money on clothes and diapers and toys and whatever else the crazy man wanted. Oliver was grateful. He realized that he was not alone.

James practically skipped back into the living area, tearing through the bags, pulling out one item after the other. Oliver’s favourite had to be the tiny pair of red and black checkered booties with fur inlay. They were so small and adorable. Johanna adored the orange onesie that read “I just did nine months on the inside”. James loved everything. Which was why he purchased them! He was so excited when Oliver had given him permission to buy things for the baby. He didn't know what he would do with himself if he could not spoil this child.

“I also purchased a baby book, because I feel that every moment needs to be recorded and-”
The bell rang. Oliver’s stomach dropped to his shoes. Has it already been three hours? The three adults had been busy fawning over clothing and accessories online that they must have lost track of time. But Oliver remained planted in his seat. Johanna eventually sighed and went to answer the door. At least she knew how to remain calm under pressure.

Thomas and Oliver looked…exactly alike. The only difference in their appearances really was where Oliver had sea green eyes, Thomas had blue and his hair was shorter and placed more neatly on his head whereas Oliver rolled out of bed and stopped caring after that.

“Hello,” Johanna gave her award winning smile. “You must be Thomas! Well, of course you are! You two look exactly the same, come in.”
Thomas gave her a kind smile and entered. Oliver suddenly wished he had cleaned more. Thomas looked almost too polished to be in the neighbourhood.

“And you must be Johanna. It is a pleasure to meet you.” He made his way inside after giving her his hand to shake and his eyes immediately found his brother’s. His small smile spread into a cheek burning grin as he made his way to Oliver and quickly scooped him into a hug. “Oli! It’s been too long! You haven’t changed a single bit!”

Thomas still smelled like Thomas.


“I think I’m in love.”
Benjamin was sprawled on his back on Charlotte’s bed, eyes fixed to the ceiling, yet only seeing sea green eyes.

Charlotte was used to her brother’s dramatics, so she simply continued to spin on her computer chair while reading one of those trashy magazines that she seemed to be obsessed with. Jacob had come in recently, then got bored and went back to playing with the various animals that the family home housed. Benjamin realized that he needed to make more of an effort to see his family. Unlike his brother…

“You don’t even know his name, Benjamin.” Charlotte sighed yet again.

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Benjamin sighed over dramatically and rolled onto his stomach, staring at his oblivious sister. She had never been a fan of Shakespeare. “I need to see him again. And I have! But for some reason, I just cannot for the life of me remember where!” It had been driving him insane since their meeting at the restaurant. If Benjamin could remember where he had seen the boy, he could make an effort to perhaps run into him again.

“Now you are just being daft. Stop it! If you and this strange boy were meant to be together, then it will happen, but you cannot rush it and you definitely cannot stalk him!” They have had this conversation one too many times.

“I’m not going to stalk him, Charlotte! I just want to remember where I’ve seen him before.”

“Well you can try to remember after supper. Come.”
The entire family -minus one lone brother - was attempting to rush down the stairs all at once – including the dogs, cats and one hamster in its ball. Benjamin scooped Jacobson in his arms before the small boy got trampled for food. The entire family was over, including Edward, who allowed the restaurant to be run without him for the day. Helena was bustling about, plating meals for the family and uncorking a new bottle of wine.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t get your favourite, Ed. The offy was too far, so I got the kind from that small shop down the road.”
A light bulb could have gone off in Benjamin’s mind if that was possible. The shop! The wine! That was where he had seen those eyes before! The small boy who had paid him no mind when he had gone to buy wine from the shop that night so long ago! How could he have possibly forgotten? He could have jumped up and down for joy, but simply settled for smiling widely and taking his seat beside his siblings.

“What’s got you in such a good mood?” Theodora trilled, a smear of bright green pain visible on her cheek. She was always up to something.

“Oh nothing, just excited to eat mum’s great cooking is all.”
She rolled her eyes, not believing it one bit, but not caring enough to pester.

As Benjamin dug into his mother’s amazing meal, he came to a halt. What would he do with this information? How could he proceed with it? Would he simply continue going to that shop every day and hope that they have a conversation that ends with dinner? No, he could not move that fast. Charlotte was right, it was getting weird. He needed to stop this. But maybe he could afford to see that boy just one more time…


Thomas had gotten settled in quite easily, getting along with both Johanna and James and fitting right in with the flow of the home. It was not long before he and Oliver were back to their old ways. Laughing at childhood memories and sharing their most recent ones.

Thomas had met a girl in one of his classes and was smitten. But he was too shy to ask her out to dinner. Oliver…he came clean. He did not want to tell Thomas at first about he and Johanna’s relationship, but was urged to by the woman carrying his child. And well, Oliver found it hard to deny her of anything. Thomas was not mad, just confused as to why Oliver felt that he had to hide it in the first place, but he understood and promised to not look at either of them any differently. In fact, he was proud of Oliver for staying by Johanna’s side and caring for their child. And then they told him of Johanna’s plan…

“Are you going to be able to? You seem pretty happy that the baby’s coming. Are you sure you’ll be able to just walk away and never look back?”

Oliver should have been the one to ask the question. He could see the changes in Johanna's mood as the months went on and yet never opened his mouth. But Thomas was right. Would Johanna be able to walk away? Oliver would be more than pleased if she decided to stay and be a part of their child’s life. He would like his son to have a mother, but he accepted Johanna’s choices and would continue to
support her no matter what.

The young woman sighed, moving a lock of hair behind her ear. She had thought about this enough times on her own.

“I keep saying that I’ll be able to; that this will all be easy, but -” Now James joined the room with a glass of tea that he gave to her. “I just don’t want to let my parents down, you know. I put them through so much with my drinking and my recreational drug abuse and then leaving them without a word of where I am or if I’m okay. I bet they thought I was dead.” Her face flushed. “They raised me better than that. But then I think of what I’m doing to my son. How I’m just giving him up and leaving him without a mother for who knows how long and I feel so guilty and think of how horrible of a person I am, but I know that I am not ready for this. I am not ready for motherhood or the responsibility that comes with it. But perhaps someday I will be and I will always be in contact with Oliver and I will always know what is happening in our son’s life and how he is. And I hope that someday he can forgive me, but my choice has been made. It won’t be easy and I will want to change my mind, but…”

Oliver wrapped an arm around her small shoulders and pulled her close. He had never known that she was going through such a tough time. He scolded himself for not paying more close attention to how this was all affecting her; she was, after all, carrying the baby.

The four ate supper after a long silent pause. While Johanna and James made their way to the living area to fight over the controller, Thomas pulled Oliver farther into the kitchen.

“I know you don’t want to hear this right now, but you have to call mum and dad…soon.” Oliver sighed and turned away, but Thomas just pulled him back. “I know they haven’t been great parents, but they deserve to know about this. And if they can’t accept it then it’s their loss. They don’t get to see how wonderful of a father you are and they’ll never get to meet their grandchild.”

“It won’t be their grandchild until it comes from you.”

“Oliver,” James sighed. “Don’t be like that. Mum and dad love you, really they do! They might have an…unconventional way of showing it, but they do love you and wish the best for you.”

“Unconventional? They kicked me out onto the streets with no care if I’ll find food or shelter. They didn’t call for months to see if I was even alive!” Thomas had to admit…it was true; their parents were horrible individuals. “But I will give them a call tomorrow. You can sit here and pester me until I do it.”

“I’m really sorry, Oli. I know I haven’t been the best brother, but I thought they treated you better than that. I thought it was just me they hated.”
Oliver nearly choked on the chicken that he had stuffed in his mouth.

“Hate you? Are you crazy? They couldn’t be more proud to have a son like you! A son who’s actually doing something with his life other than being a shop boy.”

“Mum and dad never talk to me. Ever since I left, the only way I hear from them is when I call and it goes to voicemail. You would think they’d be proud, but they never make the effort to see if I’m even breathing or not.”
Oliver could have kicked himself. He had been jealous of his brother…because he thought that Thomas had been the one getting their parents’ affection. They were both lonely.

“Can I tell you something?” Oliver murmured. “I didn’t really call because I was jealous of you. I thought you were getting all of mum and dad’s affection.”

“Really? That’s why I didn’t call!” The brothers shared a quick laugh, though they were both ashamed of themselves. “I really am sorry Oli, I should have known better.”

“I’m sorry too. How about we start over?”

Carter weaselled his way back into Oliver’s nightmares. The man had the decency to call. How long had it been? And he calls now? Why now? Why? Thomas was still with his brother; it had been exactly three days. Oliver still had not called his parents. Oliver had been unsuspecting; he had too much on his mind at current to care for Carter any more…and the bastard called.

“Oli, baby, how are you?” The breath had been knocked from Oliver’s lips as the voice registered in his mind. He did not know what to say. “I was hoping that you would have come to see me by now, huh?” A throaty chuckle. “How have you been, baby?” A thrill down his spine.
James had been nearby and saw the stricken look on Oliver’s face. Yet he did not know why, but he could guess…correctly. He had immediately taken the phone from the boy’s fingers and slammed it down on the receiver. It was all he could do to quickly get some water in Oliver's mouth.

“What did that asshole want?” Thomas growled when he was later told. Oliver had informed him
on every aspect of his life…including Carter. Why was he calling?

“H-he just asked how I was and then…James hung up. I thought I was done with him.”

“You are done with him!” Johanna exclaimed, scrunching her face at the baby’s harsh kicks; he disliked loud noise. “You need to get some closure. Perhaps a face to face meeting where you tell him that you are finished with him, you want nothing more to do with him and that you are enjoying your life without him. We can come if you want. James said you were planning on going in a couple of days anyway.”

Oliver would be kidding himself if he thought he could bare a face to face meeting with the man who attempted to ruin his life. Not just yet. Perhaps never. But he did know that he was finished with Carter. The man was no good for him. He would not have minded one bit if he never saw Carter again.

“But now that I know that your phone is working…” Thomas quickly changed the topic to lift the thick air from the atmosphere. He lifted the device from the cradle and quickly typed in a number, he gave Oliver the phone before he could even begin to protest. It was time…his parents had to know.

“Hello?” His mother sounded lovely over the phone. How deceiving.

“Mum, h-hi, it’s Oliver. Thomas is here as well.” Oliver could feel the sweat breaking on his forehead. The woman let out an airy sound somewhere between a chirp and an indication to continue. “I just…I meant to call earlier, like…much earlier, but…” Oliver quickly looked between those who were around him. Those willing to be around him. Each gave a thumbs up. “I just thought you ought to know that in a matter of months, you will be a grandmother.”

Oliver could swear that he could hear a fly buzzing miles away. His mother was never this quiet. Was she even there? Did he hang up? Oliver wouldn’t be surprised.

“G-grandmother, as in…you - Goodness Oliver, how did this happen? Can you get rid of it?” What else did he expect from her? Utmost approval? She was already scolding him.

“We are not getting rid of him mother!” Oliver flushed. She would not disapprove of his son!

“Him? A boy? How far along is this girl? Do you even know who she is?”

“She’s six months on and of course I know who she is! I just called to tell you, but I don’t need money from you or anything. I thought you would like to know and now that you do, you can choose to do as you wish with this information. You can choose to be in his life or not, your choice does not matter to me nor will it affect my life in any way. Goodbye mother…oh and Thomas says hello and goodbye as well.”

Oliver finally allowed himself a breath as he pressed ‘End’. It felt as if a weight had been taken off of his shoulders; he should have listen to Thomas and done this ages ago.

But even though Oliver told everyone that he was okay. He could not get thoughts of his ex out of his mind. Why did Carter call now? Did he need something? Money? Drugs? No! Oliver would not let himself be affected! He needed to be strong, for his son.

“Oliver, you are going to love me!” Johanna trilled. Oliver had just stumbled through the door after a double shift; he needed sleep. “Guess who I just got off the phone with? Charlotte Hobson.” Oliver just stared. Was that name supposed to mean something to him? Who was this girl? Johanna just scoffed, rubbing her stomach. “Sometimes I swear it’s in one ear and out the other with you! Charlotte Hobson is Benjamin’s sister! The beautiful man you saw at the restaurant! The head chef…mister amazing!”
Normal Oliver would have jumped for joy. Exhausted Oliver simply groaned.

“I can’t have anything to do with men and dating right now, Jo, especially with a baby on the way!”

“Who said anything about dating? I just spoke to her and she agreed to meet me tomorrow night for supper. I told her about you and the baby and she wants to meet you…and so does her brother.” She wore that devious smile of hers. “Apparently he wasn’t the only one who left an impression that evening at the restaurant. You are coming, so don’t even think about saying no!”

Oliver dragged his feet to his bedroom, nearly tripping over a pile of dirty clothes on the ground in the process. He just needed a shower and sleep…nothing more. Where were James and Thomas?

“If I say yes, will you allow me to shower in peace and sleep for as long as I want?”
 Johanna squealed, bouncing her way out of the bedroom to do god knows what. Most likely continuing her baby items search on the internet. She had gone crazy with James’s credit card.

Oliver nearly fell asleep in the tub.

“A date? Please tell me this is a joke! You got me a date with him? I don’t even know him!” Benjamin nearly squeaked. His sister had come to his side as he was preparing the veal and dropped this bomb on him.

“Oh relax, it won’t be a real date. Johanna and I will be there, you two will just…accompany us. You as my brother and him as her…baby daddy.”

And then she told Benjamin about the baby. He had a baby! Well, not quite yet, but that was happening. That was too much baggage that Benjamin was not ready and willing to take on quite at the moment. Not with the prospect of turning the restaurant three star! Plus the boy was obviously straight to be having a baby with a woman!

Wonderful! Even though Benjamin was too scared to go ask the boy out, it was nice to have the option available to him if he was ever going to grow a pair. Now that he knew Oliver was straight, he didn't stand a chance.

“It was a drunken night full of mistakes and regret and now they are paying for it dearly, but I assure you, my dear brother, he is homosexual.”

Edward yelled in the back about what was holding orders up. “And where in the hell is Charlotte?”

“Coming father!” This was not a quite restaurant. “Just come with us and if you feel nothing and wish to have nothing more to do with him then I will let Johanna know and we will never meet up again. Promise.”

She jogged from the back, tray in hand, before Benjamin could even begin to formulate a response. What was he going to do with that girl?

Well she effectively managed to get his mind away from the meals in front of him. Every so often the mysterious boy whose name he just learned would flit through his mind. The boy he would be meeting very soon.

Oh goodness! What is he going to wear?
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading. Comments would be lovely; they give me inspiration.

Updates every Saturday.

- C