Status: Updated when possible. Not often.

A Daydream Away


The brittle lead in my pencil snapped obnoxiously as I pressed it down on my test paper. My best friend, Daisey, turned to look at me as I feebly tried to stick the lead back in the pencil. Without a word, she handed me her hand-held pencil sharpener. I muttered a thank you and sharpened my pencil. I stared absentmindedly across the room. I caught myself staring at Kyle Amsel, my one and only crush. He wasn't even trying to look attractive at the time... but damn.

I quietly went back to the test, not bothering to give Daisey the sharpener back. I knew she'd steal it back at some point. I wracked my brain for answers, but the stress itself kept me from thinking correctly. Not caring whether or not I failed, I hastily finished the test and got up to hand it in. I had to stand in a short line, so to bide my time, I glanced at Amsel. I loved how his curly, messy hair stood out by his freckled face. Sure, he wasn't everyone's dream boy, but he was mine. The teacher tapped my arm.

"Kelsie," she whispered. I turned my head to see the fact that I was next, and the teacher noticed my staring. She grinned and took my paper. I smiled back at her lightly. Mrs. Bassett was one of the sweetest teachers I knew. Her straight dirty-blonde hair fell neatly across her shoulders, and her spectacles hung across her chest. She grinned at me, and I blushed as I handed her my test. I walked back to my seat and sat down, automatically pulling a book out of my bag. I opened it to the page I was on beforehand and started reading. I always read every chance I got. I felt Daisey trying to get my attention. Rat-a-tat-tat, she tapped her pencil on my desk. My attempts to ignore it were, alas, in vain.

"KELSIE," she yelled with a whisper-like tone, so that the attempt to communicate would go unnoticed by Mrs. Bassett. I practically threw the book down on my desk. (All while trying to stay silent, mind you.) "What could you possibly want?!" I whispered, being careful not to get caught talking. Pointing to her half-finished paper, she asked, "What's the answer to number seven?" I sighed exasperatedly. "I don't cheat, Daisey." I said. "But I'm your best friend!" She pleaded. "NO." I whispered. I felt Mrs. Basset’s green-grey eyes drilling into the back of my head, so I picked up my book and shut up, leaving Daisey to her own demise.

In the quiet commotion, Amsel had gotten up to turn his test in. Being as unnoticable as I could, I flicked my eyes up at him. Smiling and showing his glistening white teeth, he silently handed his test to the teacher. I smiled to myself, thinking about what a great boyfriend he would be. How sweet it would be to fall asleep in his arms every night... I snapped out of it, drawing my attention to my book. Being sucked into the writer's words, I let reality seep away, something that I often did whilst reading. Since I was reading a romantic novel, I replaced the main characters with Kyle and I. Imagination was powerful, and I took it all too seriously.
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I hope you like it. I'm INCREDIBLY excited about this!!!