Status: Updated when possible. Not often.

A Daydream Away

Stay Behind

The bell rang to dismiss us to class. As I slung my backpack over my shoulder, I subconsciously blushed. Was it possible that Amsel actually liked me back? Or was he just toying with me..? I silently dismissed both options, as I had to speed-walk to my next class. I stared at my feet as I walked briskly. "Kelsie!" I heard someone call. I looked over my shoulder. It was Daisey. Why didn't I guess that earlier? I grinned. "'Sup, nerd," I said. That had become a common greeting between the two of us. She chuckled.

"Nothing, really. So about Amsel earlier in there..." she started. "Hold it right there, Daisey." I said, the grin falling off my face. "I don't want to go into detail, and everything that happened was fairly vague, but I think he may possibly like me back." I braced myself for a classic Daisey freak out. She had this terrifying tendency to jump around and lose all common sense when she found out good news. I did well. She tensed immediately and squealed like a child.

"OH MY FU--" I clapped a hand over her mouth. "SHH! Shut up, there are teachers around!" I scolded. I was very pretentious when it came to avoiding trouble. I felt Daisey grin behind my hand, and I snapped it back before she got the idea to lick it. She giggled. "After class, I want the FULL story about what happened." she specified. I rolled my eyes at her. "I have to go; I'll be late for Algebra." I said. "Okay. Later, nerd!" Daisey called as we parted ways. I smiled to myself and walked into the room where the Algebra classes took place. Out of the eight classes I had that day, four of them involved... him. Thank god that this class wasn't one of them.

As the door closed and the teacher started to drone, I struggled to pay attention. I was too caught up in my thoughts, and I absentmindedly started to daydream. Daydreaming is so much better than real life, to me. You get to cut out your problems and focus what matters to you, not society. For me, it's Amsel. For Daisey, it's probably Sabrine (her current girlfriend, she’s a lesbian.)... Or her favorite comic... or both. Everyone has a different perception of perfect. "Belrose, did you hear the question?" I heard a monotone voice say. My head snapped up at the sound of the unfamiliar use of my surname. "Ma'am?" I asked shamefully. The teacher raised her eyebrow. "My office, after class." she said sternly. I sighed loudly, but not loud enough for it to sound condescending. I slumped in my chair and listened to the teacher's confusing words. I heard something about the square root of a triangle... which I heard as the square root of Amsel. God, I have a problem. Kyle Amsel is the solution to my equation.