Status: Updated when possible. Not often.

A Daydream Away

Son Of A...

"Pack up and head to lunch," Mrs. McQuatters said curtly. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and headed outside for recess. I set my bag back down on a picnic bench once I was out the door. I started to the courtyard, alone like I usually was. Daisey got out later than I did, so she'd meet me there. "Hey, Kelsie!" I heard someone call. I winced as I recognized the voice. Callie Carson was on my tail. I raised my walking speed in hope to lose her. "Hey, I want to talk to you!" she said again. "I'm occupied. Leave a message at the beep," I said. Cason let out a half-hearted laugh. I felt her grab my shoulder.

"Hey," she said. I turned around. She had a hard look on her face. This couldn't be good. With her other hand, she grabbed the collar of my shirt. "What the hell are you do--" I was cut off by her words. "Don't you dare steal Amsel from me. I know you like him. You don't have to tell me, I can see it. So back off." she snarled. I reddened.

"Y-you can't assume that..."

"Like I said, you don't have to deny it, because it's so obvious."


I was at a loss for words. Maybe it was obvious. She let go of my shirt. "Now stop interacting with him. He's mine, and I don't want a roadblock piece of shit like you sitting inbetween him and I." she growled. With that, she walked away. I was left gasping in fear. How did she know? Was she smarter than I thought she was? I kept walking. She couldn't tell me what to do. Now it seemed like a goal of mine to get to Amsel before that white-trash-excuse-for-a-girl Carson did.
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Another short chapter? UGH