Status: Inspire me.


It's not how hard you push, but rather in which direction.

Fear had long gone left my body, the only thing that was left was anger and annoyance. I was sick and tired of how this world went to shit, it wasn't fair. Why the hell would something like this ever happen? Was God punishing those who had done him wrong? I was beginning to think surviving a flood was more logical than trying to survive god damn zombies. I was starting to lose my grip on sanity, I couldn't take this kind of stuff anymore. I had practically lost everyone I ever loved. No, I did lose everything I ever loved. There was no discussion there.

My knuckles turned white from the amount of pressure I held on my bow and arrow, glancing towards my left, I saw Shaun nodding. He had seen a potential group of dead walking towards our perimeter. Nate and I had done pretty well in keeping our home free of those damned creatures. And I was going to do him justice. I knew deep down, they used to be human, but they weren't human anyway. I let my breathing even out, staring out into the woods, I tried to focus on the future undead that was about to walk onto my land. I was even surprised Shaun was out here with me, I did more than fine on my own. I was more than accurate and quick with my weapon, they've all seen me do it, time and time again.

Within seconds a man appeared right in my line of fire, my breath hitched as I realized he was more than alive. I narrowed my eyes, confused, Shaun swore they looked dead. Although, we had broken pair of binoculars and this guy looked like he hadn't showered in days. His expression wore my same look, it wasn't until I felt Shaun's hand on my shoulder, that I lowered my weapon. I swallowed hard, "Dear Lord, I almost killed you." I was really hoping he was dead, I couldn't handle anymore alive people. I was hardly getting along with the ones back at the house.

He nodded, his expression going hard. Something about him screamed a total badass, the way he held his crossbow and that build. There was no doubt this man knew his way around this fucked up world. "I'll say." He flickered a glance towards Shaun, his eyes squinting slightly at the sunlight that hit his face. "You gotta place somewhere."

Shaun cleared his throat, his finger still on the trigger, he motioned behind him, "Yeah, just up the hill." He moved aside, looking at the rest of the group that appeared shortly after him, "You with them?" The man nodded, "I see."

I rolled my eyes, glaring at Shaun, "Fucking hell, Shaun." I slid my arrow back into it's pouch on my back, pulling my arm through the loop of my bow, I spat, "You and your damn mouth." We knew nothing of these people, it irked my nerves how willing he was to just release the location of our home. Hell, it wasn't even his home. It was mine.

Shaun sighed, "They seem harmless enough, just probably looking for a place to stay."

I narrowed my eyes, pointing at the very man I almost killed seconds ago, "That's funny right, as you say that with him still pointing an arrow at my head." I flickered a glance at him, nodding in an angry way, "I lowered mine, you lower yours."

"I'll take my chances', thank you." He snarled. Someone has an issue.

"Anabel," His tone not too happy.

I spat back, "Fuck you, Shaun. The last people you brought in tried to kill me-"

"-Guess I ain't the only one." I turned back towards the man, taking my chances, walking straight towards him, my words ready to come of my tongue. He hoisted it towards me at a better angle, "Take 'nother step and this arrow will be through yer pretty lil' head."

"You stupid prick-" Shaun pulled me back, I struggled to get away from him, "Get off of me." I kicked and squirmed, but eventually giving up. I crossed my arms, "Fuck you." I spat.

He smirked, "I'll keep that offer in mind."

Another man stepped forward, "Daryl, enough." He spat. He looked at Shaun and I, giving us a look of embarrassment, "I apologize for his behavior, there."

Shaun shrugged, nodding off in my direction. "I could say the same." He held out his hand, "I'm Shaun, by the way. And that feisty mess is Anabel."

He shook his hand, nodding off towards me. "I'm Rick, my son Carl." He motioned towards the rest of the group, "This is here is Glenn, Maggie, Beth, Carol, and lastly Daryl."

He smiled lightly, "Well, welcome to Smithson's Ranch. We hardly have any animals, left though. If you need a place to stay, you are more than welcome too. This place is big enough for all of us."

I scoffed as he continued to tell the story of this place, I rolled my eyes and walked off towards the hill. Watching my footing along the way, Nate had placed barbed nails, point up all throughout this hill. He placed an intricate trail, in hopes it would cause less of those things catching up to the fencing. So far it had been working, not that we have had any of them trying to break in. We had been pretty successful since the beginning, not a god damn one had broken it yet. And I was crossing my fingers. I waited at the top of the hill, knowing damn well Shaun was going to lead them fuckers in.

Hearing branches snap behind me, I quickly had my arrow ready to shoot a damn zombie in their head. I groaned in aggravation when I realized it was just Mattie, he put his hands up in defense, "Fuck, Anabel." He chuckled, "Chill out, you know they can't get up here." Even if he was right, I still wasn't going to relax anymore. I was still on edge, I couldn't help it, it was instinctive and it bothered me how quickly they lost it once they stepped inside those doors. Those doors weren't always going to protect them. It would only take time.

I clenched my jaw, "Fuck off, Mattie." I ran my hand through my hair, breathing in the forest air, it calmed me in the sorts. It made me think of happier times, a time way before the world went to shit. Nate and I would run wildly in those woods, laughing, chasing, and just enjoying what Mother Nature had to offer. I wasn't afraid, I was never afraid being in those woods. Now? I wasn't necessarily afraid, but I was never too welcoming with what came out. I could never run in those woods again, not careless and definitely not without my weapon.

Mattie sighed, he gave me a long hard look. I knew what he was thinking. They all gave me that same damn look, nowadays. I couldn't control how I was feeling anymore. This world took every single god damn person that ever meant a god damn thing to me. I was only left and these people? They aren't my family? Sure, I've spent a good enough time with all of them, but they weren't blood. They weren't Nate, my momma, my dad, and Elise. Granted, I never knew my momma or my dad like I should have. But, this world took them. What I am to do when all of this is over and if it can be over? I see no hope for this world, anymore.


"Don't Mattie." I warned him. I wiped a stray tear away from my eyes. I just missed Nate. My brother, my rock. It had only been a few months since I last saw him and to be quite honest, I wasn't sure if I was going to be okay for much longer. I walked the edge of the hill, noticing one those things struggling to make it's way up here. It's body getting dragged and caught along the nails, I wrinkled my nose in disgust. I lined up my shot and pulled my back arrow, letting it hit right in it's left eye. I took a sigh as I headed down the steep hill, ignoring Mattie's call to stop.

Maneuvering through the nails and what not, I placed my boot on it's head and yanked the arrow out. Spitting on it's lifeless body.
Mattie shook his head as a long whistle came from his lips, "Still don't know how you do it."

I wiped the tip on my thigh, creating a long and thin blood streak across my jeans. Before all of this, I would have gotten so angry to have ruined a nice pair of jeans. But, this a different time, it didn't matter anymore. "It's called surviving, Mattie. Try it. Pick up a damn gun." I crossed my arms, narrowing as I saw Shaun and the new group make their way towards me. I twirled the arrow in my hand as Shaun finally made his way in front of me.

"Anabel, they're going to be staying with us." He acknowledged Mattie, "This is Mattie, he's one of us. How's the rounds going?"

Mattie cleared his throat, I know he was anxious and nervous about this group of people. Like I mentioned earlier, the last group Shaun invited in, almost killed myself and everyone else in the damn place. "Good. It's been real quiet."

He nodded, "Good. Well, you better get a move on. A lot of things can happen within the few minutes you just stood her talking to Anabel." He motioned towards me, "Why don't you led them in, let them get comfortable. Let them meet the rest. I'm going to stay out here for a little bit longer. Make sure things stay quiet for the night."

I groaned, walking towards the slit in the wired fence, I motioned for them to follow. I was halfway expecting Rick to follow first, but Daryl made his way behind me. "Watch yourself, it's pretty tricky if you aren't familiar with this shit." I ducked and weaved in and out of barbed wire and wire fencing, looking over my shoulder I watched them. "Step where I step."

Daryl grunted, "The fuck is this shit." I noticed he had already managed to snag himself.

I scoffed, "Keeps those damn things out, that's what kind of shit this is." I soon came to the small clearing, I pulled a key from my back pocket and unlocked the padlock and took off the chains. I pulled open the door, letting them enter first, he stopped short. "What?"

"How do I know ya ain't gon kill us?" His eyes narrowed, watching my face.

"I had a clear shot to your fucking head, you're still alive, aren't ya?" I spat. "Trust me, if I wanted to kill you, I would have done it already. Now, please. Get your ass inside." I snickered as he gave me a dark look. I gestured towards the door, "Well?"

He muttered, "What crawled up ya ass 'n died." He entered, followed by everyone else. I closed the door behind them, locking and chaining up the door. Turning around I was met with questioned looks. "What?"

Rick narrowed his eyes slightly, "How are Shaun and Mattie gonna get back in?"

I groaned again, pushing past the group, I set my weapon down. "There's three ways to get in and out of this place. This being one, the other two are located in the front of the house and the garage. Shaun and Mattie will get in just fine. We do this to minimize a chance of them ever getting in." I walked further into the house, leading them into the living room, I shouted towards the kitchen, "Get out here!" I looked at them, their tired faces, I could only imagine what they've gone through. "I'm sure Shaun will give each responsible a key to get in and out. We have rules."

As I waited for the rest of them to come from the kitchen, I explained, "This place is equipped for anyone to last a long ass time in here. Myself, Shaun, and Mattie are the only ones who leave this house. We lock it from the outside each time, we shield the others from what we see and if for any reason those things happen to slip through our makeshift obstacles, they're safe-"

"-How do they get out?" Rick questioned.

I plopped down in a chair, watching everyone awkwardly try to get comfortable. I started to unlace my boots, "They don't. It's the only solution. Plus, they wouldn't last. When we enter we always lock it up again. As for you guys, we'll have to work on a schedule. The door we just came through is my door, I'm responsible for that door being locked. It's highly unlikely that those things will be able to get through that maze of shit, so I think that'll be the main door for you guys getting out and getting a breath of fresh air. Everyone who stays here will have a responsibility. That's just how it works. You can choose and decide what you want to do. Whether that means helping with the cooking and cleaning or helping outside. It's the only way this will ever work." I looked up as the other three decided to grace us with their presence.

I stood up, exhaling deeply, I began, "This is Tess, don't let her pretty looks fool you. She was practically about to graduate Culinary school, she spends all day in the kitchen, preparing a meal. That over there is Ally, we all call her Doc, though. Before this world went to shit, she was a high ranked surgeon. You ever got a problem, you go to her. She's got her own little doctors room down in the basement. Don't matter what kind of problem, she's got drugs and everything to fix it. And this," My teeth clenched, I wasn't particularly to happy about this old man, "is drunk ole Donny." I bit my lip as he gave me a dirty look, I narrowed my eyes, "They'll find out sooner or later, you drunk bastard." I walked away, slumping down on the armchair, watching as everyone mingled and said their hello's. My eyes couldn't help but wander and fall upon Daryl, he sat in a chair, his leg crossed over, his ankle resting on his thigh. He looked out of place with these people, but, nonetheless apart of it. I was still bitter about the whole arrow pointed at my head thing, but even if I were in his shoes, I'd probably do the same thing.

Tess smiled brightly, "Hiya!" I couldn't stand the dumb girl, for a girl who excelled in the kitchen, she wasn't exactly bright outside of it. I watched as she exchanged laughs with the girl Beth. It was good for the two to be around the same age, Tess only being 19. I was only assuming Beth was 17 or 18.

I watched as Doc clap her hands, signaling for everyone to settle down and be quiet. "Alright. Even though, I'm probably not much older than you older folk, I play mother hen around here. I don't care if you don't like it, you're staying under our roof, you better behave yourselves. One thing I ask, I know Anabel can get a little mean and rude, but please just either ignore her or walk away. She isn't looking for a fight, she's just got a lot under that pretty head of hers." She flashed me a smile, even if I wanted too, I couldn't hate Doc, she had been the only one who showed an ounce of understatement towards me. "Considering you all are either staying for good of for just a little while, can we do that? Can we all just come to terms that no matter how long and how hard you try to argue, she just isn't going to let out. Can we all do that?" She waited for an answer.

Rick nodded, giving a cold hard glare towards Daryl, "Right?"

Daryl snickered, his eyes falling upon me, his eyes narrowing, "I ain't one to back down from a rotten mouth. I ain't scared," He leaned forward, his lip twitching, "Bring it on lil' girl."

My mouth twitched as well, my tongue running over my teeth, "Congratulations, in less than an hour, you've managed to piss me the fuck off."

He chuckled, but not in a good way. "Feelins' mutual." He leaned back, his eyes still boring a hole into my head. Something about him, just got under my skin.

Doc laughed, "I see you've got yourself a spitfire too. As long as you two can keep it controlled, I'm not going to bother." She smiled again, I could tell she was excited to care for more people. That was who she was, she always wanted to help. "Up there on the third floor are about four rooms. Should be enough for all of you to find a room. There's a bathroom up there, as well. We have running water, but it doesn't get hot all the time, however, you might get lucky. You'll pass a door to get onto the third floor, even though a raid from those things are very unlikely, we still advise you keep that door locked, once your all behind it. We have a bell that signals when breakfast is made and ready. We won't expect you to come down all at once, so we'll wrap and plate everyone up and leave it out on the counter."

She paused, taking in the looks from everyone, "I'm sure Anabel mentioned, that everyone will have a part in this house. More so later on than right now. You all have had a tough time and it's about damn time you get your energy and rest. The pantry that doesn't have a lock on it, is a free for all. It's filled with canned goods and snacks. The locked pantry is strictly for meals that Tess and myself make. Hands off." She cleared her throat and motioned towards the other room down the hall, "There's a room full of clothes in that room, right here. Feel free to go through and choose something clean and comfy to wear. If you'd like, I can wash the clothes you have on tomorrow and give them straight back. I understand if you feel more at peace with them. Once, everyone's all clean, we can eat and discuss the plans."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hopefully you all read the author's note. Baby Judith is not in it, sorry. Anywho, i have decided to write really long chapters to compensate for whenever I fail to update right away.

Please give me your feedback and thoughts on how Daryl and Anabel are going to get along. Pretty please with adorable Norman Reedus on top. :)