Status: Inspire me.


A lifeless face you'll soon forget.

"Oh come on Rick, it was probably an accident. He was probably blinded with rage-"

"-Shaun, enough. I'm sick of you trying to defend the damn man. He struck Anabel, he physically laid a hand on her." Rick was angry, fuming actually. I sat on the couch next to Daryl as we all watched Shaun, Rick, and Glenn get into it. He pointed to me, "She has a damn black eye, Shaun. No man should ever hit a woman, never."

Shaun groaned, grabbing at his hair, "It's Anabel, Rick."

Daryl jumped off, venom hitting his words, "What the hell is that suppose ta mean?" I leaned forward, grabbing his arm, pulling him back down. I gave him a look to tell him stop but as always, he ignored me. "Get off ya damn high horse."

Rick narrowed his eyes, his hands on his hips, I could tell he was getting more than annoyed with Shaun's logic. "I don't care if it's Anabel, Maggie, Beth, Carol, Tess, or Doc. Where I come from we don't hit women."

Shaun rubbed his temples, giving an apologetic look towards Luke and Harry, then focusing back to Rick, "What do you want me to do then, Rick."

Glenn rolled his eyes, throwing his hands in the air, "Get rid of them. Clearly we're having issues and it's only been twenty four hours." He flashed a look towards Maggie, I was a little envious towards the two. They were so in love. In a world that was going to shit they had managed to find the one thing that was completely scarce in a time like this. I never had a chance to fall in love, hell, I didn't even know what it felt like. I used to have a fantasy when I was younger.

It was the most cliche fantasy ever, a prince riding on a horse to come save me from the hell I lived in. It seemed like the perfect thing, I lived on a farm with horses and I definitely lived in hell. I was so engrossed with my thoughts that I didn't even noticed Rick calling my name, I snapped out of my thoughts, "What?"

Rick gave me a steady stare, "What do you want to do about them?"

I glanced at the two of them, my eyes narrowing at that sickening smirk, "Send them back out." I gritted my teeth, "Blind fold them, tie their hands, take them out to the town and make them fend for themselves."

Glenn groaned, muttering under his breath, "That never works like you want it too."

Shaun squinted his eyes, clearly angry that the whole situation had spun out of his hands, "What? You can't be serious, Anabel. The town is a complete dead zone."

I stood up, feeling a strong grip on my arm, "We can't just let them walk out. They know where we live. The town is their best chance." I shrugged, sinking back down next to Daryl, "It's either that or let me put an arrow in their head. Your choice."

He gave me a dirty look, "Just cause he hit you? Man up, Anabel. We've all suffered from black eye at one point."

Glenn scoffed, "I think your forgetting that a guy hit a girl."

Donny spoke up, a bottle of rum in his left hand, "Oi, I'm with Shaun on this one. Anabel deserves ta get beat on. Always have, always will."

I tensed up, giving Shaun the satisfaction, "Oh god, Anabel." He started to laugh a little, he wiped away a fake tear. "Just cause he hit you once, doesn't mean he's gonna do it again like your daddy."

Daryl shot back, his tone twice as angry as before, "Once is enough, you prick."

He threw his hands up, "I don't know why you all are trying to stand up for her. She hated all of you."

Rick spat, "Well things change. Now, it may be the old officer in me, but I think the only way to handle this situation is to get rid of the problem-" He held up his finger, narrowing his eyes at Shaun, "-the problem being these two."

Harry spoke up for the first time, his voice trembling, "But, I ain't done nothing, sir." His speech was choppy and unclear, it almost took me more than a moment to realize what he had said.

He shook his head, "It doesn't matter. You're affiliated with Luke and I can't take chances. I still have people to protect."

Shaun groaned, "You don't have to stay here you know."

I piped up, my tone dark, "Neither do you." I cleared my throat, giving him a glare, "If I remember correctly, this is my home."

Doc piped up too, her face serving all sorts of emotion, "Anabel, you don't know what your saying."

I ran my hand through my hair, groaning, standing up, "I need air."

She frowned, "It's raining though."

I spat, "I don't care." Walking past Luke, everything had happened all too fast. I heard yelling, the sound of chairs being scraped against the wood floor, the sound of boots thudding hard against the floor, gasps and cries. I choked on air, a strong grip had taken over my throat. Luke had me in a chokehold with a knife pressed against my throat. I hissed, "Get the fuck off of me."

He placed his mouth on my ear, "I don't think so, love." I could feel his smirk against my head, he pulled me along with him as he walked backwards. I almost couldn't look at their horror stricken faces. Daryl was fuming, I could feel it, with his crossbow aiming towards us, Rick had his gun aimed along with Glenn, Maggie, and Carol. It was so unnerving how fast these people could pull out their weapons, it really made me feel like maybe I wasn't the only one who had been changed as far as emotionally. He chuckled, "Whoa now. What ya'll gonna do? Shoot through her, naw. Ya'll aren't that dumb, now."

Harry bounced up and down, laughing like a little school girl. If I didn't know better, I would assume Harry was Igor to Luke's Frankenstein. "This is fun."

Maggie growled, "Let her go."

Luke pressed the blade of his knife closer to my throat, feeling the sharp blade made me uneasy. One small movement and it would slice through my skin. "She's a smart little bugger, ain't she?" He chuckled, "She had me all figured out. If it weren't for her little boy friend, she would be dead by now."

I choked again, gritting my teeth, "I told you, he isn't my boyfriend, you asshole."
He nodded, "Oh yeah, that's right. You're the whore."

Daryl stepped forward, his anger practically emanating off of him, "Ya deaf? Let 'er go."

Maggie shot Harry in the leg, her gun quick to aim back at Luke, "I said let her go."

Luke laughed as he watched Harry cry out in pain, pressing the knife harder till it broke skin, I felt blood trickling down, "All of you drop those weapons or your pretty little friend will have her throat slit. And what kind of fun would that be?"

I watched as they all gave me apologetic looks, I closed my eyes tightly, trying to prevent tears from bursting through. They snapped open when he started pushing me forward, with his body still close to mine, pushing me towards the basement, I started to panic. There was no way out except for the door we would be walking through. I tried to move, but he only pressed the blade further, "Ah Ah." He pushed me down the stairs, hearing him slam and lock the door, he bolted towards me.

I coughed up blood, the impact from being thrown down the stairs prevented me from being able to fight him back. He gripped my arms, throwing me against the metal rack that held canned food, a loud scream came from my lips. I tried to stand up, but my movement was slow. He picked up my head and brought close to his, hearing his mouth open into a grin made me sick to my stomach, "Your real pretty, you know that?" He ripped off my shirt, pulling me against him, I pushed him back, "When ya gonna learn, woman." He pushed me down on the cold hard ground, his hand reaching for my neck.

I squirmed, choking out screams, I reached around me, feeling for a metal can of something, I smashed it on the side of his head, he let go, staggering a little off of me. I managed to get up, running up the stairs, I was almost at the door. I could hear Daryl's frantic yelling to get the door open, I was so close. My fingers could just barely reach the lock, but as it would figure, Luke grabbed my leg. I let out another scream as he yanked me down the stairs, causing my head to hit every step on the way down. I cried out, "Fuck off."

He started tugging on my pants, kicking my legs all around, I managed to kick him in the jaw, running away from him, I grabbed another can, chucking them at him. I started to run, hiding behind one of the many racks we had down here, I bit my knuckle. I swallowed hard, this wasn't happening, this couldn't be happening. I could hear his footsteps approaching.

"Anabel, oh, Anabel. Where are you?"

I sunk down low, if I could just blend in with the shadows, he would keep walking and walking past me without noticing. I moved towards the wall, pressing my body as close as I could. I held by breath as I heard him walk by. I let it out as soon as he walked away, crawling behind the tables, I tried to reach the door. What only seemed so close by felt like miles away. I could feel the blood oozing down the side of my head, pain was ringing through my body. It was agonizing, I had never been in so much pain before.

I screamed as Luke grabbed my leg, pulling me out from underneath the table, he let out a loud laugh. He grabbed ahold of me, pinning me down with his body, he held the knife up to my neck, "Too bad I won't know what you feel like alive."

"Fuck you." I managed to choke out.

He only laughed in my face, pulling the knife away from my throat, he brought it over towards my left arm, digging the blade into my upper arm, I let out another loud scream, tears rushed out of my eyes. He only laughed again, sliding it slightly down, I could feel the blood pulsing out of my arm. "Oh, Anabel."

I only whimpered when he started tugging at my pants again. I was absolutely spent, I couldn't fight anymore. All my energy had been sucked out me, and it only made me angry that I couldn't defend myself. My breath all ragged, I choked out, "What do you think is going to happen when you kill me? That you'll walk out alive?" I turned my head away from him, murmuring, "Daryl's going to kill you."

I could hear the anger in his voice, "I'm not afraid of your little boy friend, missy. I can kill every single on of them." I could see him look towards the steps, "I'm just waiting for them to all come down. I'll pick them off one by one." He grinned, pulling me slightly off the floor, "It's just a shame you won't be alive to see it."

I yelped slightly when a loud noise came from the steps, my eyes widening as the door came tumbling down. I looked back at Luke and tried to fight away from him. Hearing their yells coming down the stairs, I kicked forward, sliding myself from underneath him. I staggered off to the side as I heard gunshots being fired at where I had just been moments before. Seeing their figures, I quickly glanced over where Luke had just been, to my horror, he disappeared further in the basement.

Rick looked right at me, turning over towards Glenn, "Glenn, take her upstairs. Get her out of here, now." He then glanced at Daryl, who hopped over the railing and into the darkness, Rick following shortly after.

"Come on," Glenn urged me, he helped me up, guiding me back up the stairs, he brought me to the couch. His eyes practically said it all, I wasn't a pretty sight. He glanced down at my bleeding arm, "Oh, fuck." He tried to put pressure on it, but it was only getting blood all over him. "Isn't Doc's room down there?"

I nodded, "Yeah. We can't go down there though." My head was spinning. Aside from storing food and other things down in the basement, there was a separate room for Doc. I was only thankful that no one but her could get in. Having Luke down there with just a knife was one thing but having him have access to all of Doc's tools was another.

Glenn frantically looked around, he reached over and tore apart an old button up shirt that laid on the arm chair. It looked like Mattie's but at this point, I don't think he cared. He started to wrap my arm, "This will have to do-"

I screamed as Harry smacked Glenn in the head with a frying pan. He staggered closer, dropping the pan, he lunged for me. I kicked him away, "Get away from me!" I got out from underneath him and stumbled into the kitchen, my hands roaming the counters for anything. I kept my eyes behind me, looking for Harry to return. My hand came across a kitchen knife, holding it out in front of me, I backed myself up in the corner. I hissed in pain, my arm was gushing blood and because of that, I was feeling very light headed. I only wished Glenn had finished wrapping it before Harry struck him.

Harry rounded the corner, coming closer to me. A devilish smile on his face, "You know when Luke found this place, we thought it was perfect. The only thing not perfect is all of people. Now, we're gonna kill all of you."

My hands were trembling, in fact, my whole body was trembling with fear. I narrowed my eyes, "I highly doubt that."

Harry inched closer, his eyes emanating crazy. He grinned, "It's a shame, really. I liked everyone but you."

I narrowed my eyes, "Fuck you."

He smirked, "I see Luke had tried."

I suddenly felt exposed, standing in just a bra and pants. I hissed at him, "Go screw yourself." I jumped and yelped as an arrow shot through his head, my mouth hung open as he dropped dead. Tearing my eyes away from Harry's now lifeless body, stood Carl. Determination and bravery on his face, he tipped his head forward. I nodded in return. He walked away, leaving me to collapse onto my knees. I was in shock, my face was probably expressionless. I couldn't register what had happened, everything that had just went on made no sense to my brain. I literally had no idea what to do with myself.

It wasn't until I heard frantic footsteps and the comfort of warm hands on my shoulder that I broke down. Daryl inspected me, his hand pressing firmly and tightly on my upper arm. He started to panic, shrugging off his jacket, he draped it over me. He picked me up bridal style, practically sprinting back towards the basement. I heard him yelling for Doc, but I wasn't entirely sure. Just like before, everything was all fuzzy and faint up until I couldn't remember or recall anything. It just happened in a flash.
♠ ♠ ♠
SO, I've been thinking. Would anyone read this from Daryl's POV? Should I rewrite this into a different story but from his point of view? Yay Nay? It's nothing set in stone, just wanting to know if any of you are curious.

Thank you everyone for reading, commenting, and coming back. It makes me all happy that so many of you are enjoying this. Please don't hesitate to leave feedback and questions or concerns.

OH. I saw this on Pinterest and I about died. Holla, let me get that recipe.