Status: Inspire me.


Give me a touch, cause I've been missing it.

"Fuck!" I yelped, tripping over a root that stuck halfway up from the ground. I hissed in pain, picking myself up from the ground, I started shooting off my gun. I felt so exposed out here, there was nowhere for me to actually go. I cursed the moment my gun ran out of ammo. I shoved the gun behind my back underneath my pants line, pulling out the knife I had grabbed from the Jeep, I started to run towards them.

It only took a few minutes to take out the last remaining monsters, falling onto my knees, I looked around me. I had no idea where I was, I wasn't sure if Carl was north or west of me. I sighed, standing up, "Carl?" I called out, listening, straining my ears. But, all I could hear was the sound of birds and rustling along the trees. I groaned. I tried to remember my trail, walking towards where I came from, I tried out again, "Carl?"

Spinning around, I froze, I heard movement, but my eyes couldn't find where it was coming from. It was starting to get dark, and I felt so much more exposed. I hissed, "Carl?" I strained my eyes again, giving up, I started walking again. Hearing branches breaking, I spun around again, "Who's there?" I hissed again.

I felt a strong pair of hands clamp over my mouth, I started to kick and thrash, but it wasn't until his scent hit me. I ripped his hand away from my mouth, spinning around, my eyes adjusted to the darkness and on his face, "Daryl?" I hissed.

"The one 'n only."

I started to hit him, "You fucking asshole!" I shrieked.

He grabbed my wrists, "Hey, calm the fuck down." He growled, letting go of my wrists, he threw them towards me. "What are ya doin' out here?" He demanded.

I scoffed, "Oh fuck you." I went to turn around, my heart pounding against my chest, spinning back around, "Did you guys find Carl?"

His eyebrows knitted together, "What? We all got split up. Carl? You brought Carl out here?" He half way yelled, getting angry.

"What was I supposed to do?" I hissed, "He wanted to look for Rick, he would have gone off on his own if I didn't agree." I pointed towards him, "Don't fucking blame me for this one. What the hell happened?"

He looked away from me, cursing under his breath, he turned back to me, his eyes clearly reading anger, "We cleared out his shop 'n decided ta look through his house. Some sick fuck trapped a shit ton of walkers in there. We couldn' take 'em all so we all started runnin'."

"Fuck." I ran my hand through my hair, "We need to find Carl." I whined.

Daryl gritted his teeth, "I can't fuckin' believe you brought him."

I was angry, did he not understand? I wouldn't have had control over his actions. "Oh shut the fuck up about that. He's one of you, help me find him." I spat. Walking forward, he yanked me back, "What!" I yelled.

He placed his hand firmly on my mouth, making my spin shudder, he hissed, "Ya gon' walk right into that herd of em. It ain't smart ta do that in the dark."

I ripped his hand off again, narrowing my eyes, "What the fuck you want me to do then? Let him fucking die out there? You're out your damn mind."

"I ain't sayin' we let him die." He spat back.

I got in his face, "Then what?!"

He got real angry, pushing me in the chest, "Get the hell outta my face!" He screamed.

I stumbled backwards, falling on my ass, I looked back up at him, anger washing completely over me. I stood up quickly, trying to ignore the stinging pain on the palms of my hands. "Fuck you." I spat. Running in the direction I came in, I had to find Carl. I couldn't let him stay out there by himself, it was my fault. I couldn't just stand there and let this happen, not like last time. I could hear Daryl hissing for me to come back, but I couldn't. I just had to save him.

I stopped dead in my tracks after a few minutes. "Carl?" I asked out, hearing no reply, I started walking again, the hair on the back of my neck standing up, every time my feet came into contact with the ground. I swallowed hard, I heard a whisper.


I looked up, my heart suddenly racing, "Carl?" My eyes met his, I placed a hand on my chest, a huge weight lifting off my shoulders. I leaned against the tree, running my hand through my hair. I looked up as Daryl made his way towards me, "Found him."

Daryl looked up, "Congratulations." Glaring back towards me, he motioned towards me, "What are we gon' do when those walkers come towards us, hm?"

I narrowed my eyes, "That wasn't a priority till now, asshole."

He pointed a finger towards me, "Hey, fuck you. It was ya dumbass who let the kid come."

I growled, "Are you fucking stupid? He. Would. Have. Gone. Otherwise. Get that through your thick fucking skull." I threw my hands in the air, getting real annoyed, actually, I was getting livid. It was crazy how much of a switch he had on me. "God, it's unbelievable how fucking pissed off you get me."

Daryl snorted, spitting towards my feet, "Get off ya damn high horse, ya dumb bitch."

Rolling my eyes, I walked towards him. I wasn't afraid of him. In fact, he fed into my bravery when it came to talking back to him. I could only imagine how other girls would act around him in this kind of situation, probably shy or whimper off into the corner. No. Fuck that. "I'm a dumb bitch? Kay, that's awesome. Thank you for pointing that out, asshole. At least I'm not some dumb fucking hick that runs around with with his tail in between his legs and relying on his big and mean bark. 'Oh look at me, I'm a fucking badass but deep down inside, I'm just this scared little puppy'. Fuck you, Daryl. You've talked and talked all throughout your life, let's see you put those words into actions."

He scoffed, "What about you, princess. Ya nothin' but a worthless piece of trash. Ya been beat on your whole life, nothin' more than jus' a punchin' bag." I had never been so angry in my life, I couldn't hold back my anger. Next thing I know Daryl is bent over, covering his face. I gasped, stepping back.

Carl whimpered out, "Guys! Stop fighting!"

I looked up, suddenly remembering he was up there. I bit my lip, "I'll be back." I jogged off, a little distance away, not to far. But, not close enough for them to see me. I stopped at a tree, sliding down the trunk, I hugged my knees. Tears just started to pour out. After a few minutes, I forced myself to stop. I took a deep breath, I was stronger than that. Or so I told myself. I stood up, walking back to where Carl and Daryl were sitting.


I harshly spat, "Don't." I walked past him, taking a seat opposite of him. I just watched as he started the fire, everything inside of me wanting to punch him again. If my gun wasn't completely out of ammo, I'd probably shoot him. I leaned over and grabbed a decent sized branch, pulling out my knife, I started to carve a point to it, it had only taken but a few minutes. Handing it over towards Carl, he gave me a soft smile.

Leaning my head against the tree, I chewed on my lip. I was only hoping and praying that the group made it out alive and realize my car still parked next to theirs. I didn't know how I was going to be able to survive out here, I was so tucked away and shielded from this kind of atmosphere. But, to Carl and Daryl, it seemed to be normal. I hugged my knees, staring into the glistening fire. This was the kind of time where I wanted Nate, I wanted him to comfort me and tell me that it was okay.

The night had passed quicker than I thought it would have. I figured it was going to drag on and on. I hadn't slept at all, I didn't think I could. I was still on edge, so afraid of what was to come. I felt Carl stir, looking down in my lap, I moved a piece of hair away from his face. He looked so peaceful, as if this world didn't exist in his dreams. I squinted my eyes as the sun finally rose and met my face, shielding my eyes, I glanced over towards Daryl. He was too busy staring into the burned out fire, he too, didn't sleep.

I sighed, moving Carl away, "Wake up, we gotta head back now."

He groaned awake, rubbing his eyes, he sat up, "We gotta find my dad."

I nodded, "I know. Come on." I didn't even wait for an okay from Daryl, I was still pretty ticked off from last night. Although, I did feel sort of guilty for giving him that subtle black eye. It was that kind of thing that I swore I would never do. I was never going to be like him. I never wanted to use violence as the answer and I did. I wasn't the only one who endured pain and suffering, he did too.

We came to a part where there were six or so walkers dead on the floor. I walked over one, picking up it's head, turning it side to side, "Gun shot." I looked up, squinting my eyes, I looked at the ground, pointing towards it, "Someone was here yesterday." I stood up completely, marching on. Like I had hoped, there was the clearing and in full view was the gun shop and house. I sprinted towards the cars, my heart racing. I froze when I heard the sound of a gun being pulled on me, I spun around, "Oh my god,"I breathed out.

Rick lowered the gun, dropping it, he embraced me. "Oh, Anabel." He pulled away, studying my face, looking at me over, "You ain't bit are you?"

I shook my head, motioning behind him, "No, but, I found Daryl."

He nodded, "He would have kept you safe."

I snorted, "Yeah, well." I took a step back as Carl raced towards Rick. I leaned against the truck, I was absolutely exhausted. I tossed my hair into a ponytail, this Georgia heat was getting to me. I shrugged off my jacket and placed it in the bed of the truck, placing my hand up to shield my eyes, "The house got overrun." Daryl gave me a quizzical look, but I ignored it. "I got everyone out except for Donny. He didn't want to come. I don't even know if they're still waiting where I had left them."

Rick frowned, looking around him, his arms still attached to Carl, "Glenn and Maggie weren't too far behind me. I tried to leave a trail. But, I've been waiting since middle of the night."

I blew upwards, "Well, we can't afford to lose anyone else." I hopped on the Jeep's ledge, pulling out my bow and arrow and a few handguns. "I'll go find them."

"Ya crazy?"

"You should try to see if Carol's in the same place. Carl can take you there." I stated, still ignoring him.

Rick seemed apprehensive, he rubbed his jaw, giving me a long stare, "Fine. I'll feel better if Daryl goes with you."

I rolled my eyes, tossing Daryl a few weapons, "Didn't see a way around that." I chewed my lip, "If she isn't there, I don-"

"-We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Be safe, keep your head high, your body low. I'll see you soon." He walked past me, and put a hand on Daryl, "Don't let anything happen."

He nodded, "Got it."

We both watched as they climbed into the truck and take off on the dirt road. I looked around me, walkers were scattered everywhere, some knew of our presence and were on their way, others were just aimlessly walking around. I looped my body through my arrow and strapped the arrows on my back, "I guess it's a good time as ever." I leaned into the jeep and got a few clips for my gun, changing out the empty one, I stuck it back in it's place.

He grunted, "Right."
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for those who've kept on coming back.
Much love.

Hey, so a good friend of mine has a Draco Malfoy story and you all should really check it out. It's absolutely amazing. Figured if you like this asshole, maybe you'll like another one. Click here loves
