Status: Inspire me.


Our minds are troubled by the emptiness.

The minute we reached the perimeter, I bolted past Daryl and up the hill and through the maze quicker than I had ever gone through it before. The walk back was absolutely agonizing. I was not only shocked and confused as to why I had attacked him with a kiss, but I was beyond embarrassed. He probably had questions and I was sure as hell not going to answer them. I wasn't entirely sure that I even had the answers. Although, I had questions myself. He had kissed me first.....

I cursed in my head at the locked door that stood on the otherside of the maze. I reached in my back pocket to get the key and fumbled with the lock and chains. I just wanted to go to my room and lie down. I just wanted to forget. Moments later I felt his presence besides me, grabbing the key from my hand he unlocked the chains. He reached for my hand again and placed the key back, he pushed open the door, allowing me to continue my avoiding attitude.

I was just about to walk past everyone, when Rick stopped me short, "How was it? Is it safe enough for Shaun and Glenn to come inside and eat?"

I avoided his stare, looking down at my mud caked boots, "I guess so."

"Guess so?" Rick questioned. I hadn't really gotten a chance to really know this man, but I knew he was a man of questions and he definitely wanted answers.

I took a deep breath, rubbing my lips together, I finally met his glance, "It should be alright." Daryl finally made his way towards us, standing on my right side, I shrugged away from him. I felt so uncomfortable and I didn't know why, it was no different than that time back in high school. I had given in to the peer pressure of going to a party, regardless if booze had it's effect, I still managed to lunge and throw myself at any guy. I remembered it quite clearly the next day and that didn't even feel as bad as this one. I couldn't put my finger on it, maybe it was the type of man Daryl was, or the way he'd get under my skin, I didn't know. All I did know was that I wanted nothing to do with him.

Rick raised an eyebrow, looking at Daryl, "Is it safe?"

He nodded, "Yeah, it's safe."

Doc walked through with a casserole dish in her hands, placing it down on the table, she looked towards me. "You okay, hon?" Her eyebrows furrowing together, she cautiously walked towards me, probably wondering if I was going to snap at her again for asking. She placed her hand on my chin and move me side to side, giving me a thorough exam, she smiled and turned towards Daryl, "I see she came home in one piece, I'll trust you next time."

"There won't be a next time." I snapped, suddenly recoiling my harsh tone. I wasn't going to admit to anyone in this damn house of my awkward encounter. I still couldn't believe I had done that. It replayed over and over in my mind. I couldn't stop. I was like an obsessive teenage girl who had gotten her first kiss, but this wasn't a wanted obsession.

Doc looked taken back, "What? What happened?" She turned towards Daryl, her eyes narrowing, "What did you do?"

He snapped back, "Me? I didn't do nothin'."

I scoffed, "Nothing happened." I tossed my locks into a ponytail, "When will you all learn that Daryl Dixon and I aren't a good pair." I went to walk away but as always, someone had to stop me.

"Anabel, sit down and eat with us for once." Tess murmured.

I shot her a dirty look, "Don't get sappy with me, Tess."

She groaned, "Seriously, Anabel. Ya never eat with us no more." She chewed on her lip, tugging at the hem of her shirt, "I think it's safe ta say, we all miss ya."

I scoffed, "Right." I walked off, heading towards my room, I slammed it shut. I walked over towards the window, moving the curtain aside, I watched the sun shine brightly over the fields that I used to run around in when I was younger. Memories like those really got to me, I missed not having to give a care in the world. I just wanted to walk outside and not have to worry about the sound of leaves rustling behind me. Although, I wasn't sure if I'd ever be the same if the world started to mend the broken. I'd probably be forever un-trusting and unable to get on with life.

I heard a soft knock, turning around, my eyes narrowed, "Go away."

In came Carol with a bowl of food, she smiled softly, "I brought you food, Anabel." She set it down on my nightstand, pressing her lips together, she looked around. Walking cautiously around my dresser, glancing at the picture frames I had out. She picked one up of Nate and I, a small smile rose to her lips. "You looked so happy-" She stopped short, setting it back down, "-not that you're not happy now."

I shook my head, crossing my arms, "No, you're right. I was happy." I swallowed hard, "I haven't been the same since then." I hugged myself, memories flooding my brain of Nate and I, "He got under my skin when we were little, but he always pushed me, you know?"

She squinted slightly at me, "Kind of like Daryl?"

I shot her a dirty look, "Excuse me?"

Carol took in a deep breath, "It might not be my place to say-"

"-Then you shouldn't say it." I spat.

"Hear me out, Anabel." She walked slowly towards me, "I've known Daryl for a long time and he's always been loyal to us. Hell, he searched day and night for my little girl when she went missing. And before that, everyone thought of him to be this rude and snappy redneck who didn't give a damn about anyone. I will be forever grateful to him, he risked his life. He got shot and stabbed in the process." She smiled slightly, "He's always had his back up against the wall and he can be a little abrasive at times but he's a good man."

I was getting a bit annoyed, "And your point?"

She sighed, "My point is, whatever happened between you two, don't let that affect your friendship with him. We've only been here for a week and a half and he's opened up towards you faster than he did when we first met him. It may not seem like he's opened up, but he has. He saved your life and stayed with you all night."

I squinted my eyes, "How did you know about him staying with me?"

She pressed her lips together, "I brought him food and water and even offered to look after you myself, but he didn't let me." She walked over towards the edge of my bed, patting next to her, "There's something about you, Anabel. Something that I think Daryl finds comfort in. You two are both overly defensive and protective of your own feelings. The two of you have a similar past growing up and you've both lost brothers and both of you have the burden of having to end their lives."

I sat down next to her, "And why would he seek comfort in me? He's known all of you guys forever."

"You two are more alike than not. Out of everyone here, you are the only one who completely understands how he feels. Give him a chance, Anabel. The last thing this poor man needs is a pretty woman like yourself ignoring him." She stood up and headed for the door.

"Carol?" She stopped and turned around, leaning against the door. "He kissed me." I stated and watched her expression change. "I asked him why and he just snapped. And then things happened where I flipped out and than walkers came around and he cleaned me up and I felt-I felt like I had to kiss him I did. And since then, I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to, but it just happened."

A small sigh escaped her mouth, "Like I said, Anabel. You're the only one who can understand him."

"That doesn't help what so ever." I mumbled.

She gave a soft smile, walking back towards me, she held my hands in hers. "You two are probably the worst kinds of people to be together but at the same time couldn't be so right." I was beginning to find a soft spot for Carol, she was just a sweet elder woman who probably didn't deserve all the pain she had suffered in the past. I didn't know a lick about her but I could tell she had been around someone who was abusive. I knew the signs, the same ones I've noticed about Daryl. "Please don't ignore him." She stood up and left the room, leaving me to think things over.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just got done writing my favorite chapter. It's the one after the next one. Comment and give feedback so I can post it faster. I promise it'll be your favorite so far. <3

Thank you for those who've commented already and subscribed and recommended.