Land of the Lost

Chapter 1

Lynnette POV:

I walked through F.E.A.R’s main compound, not in any real rush. I was restless, and I didn’t want to be cooped up in my room any more than I had to be. Sighing, I made my way out to the courtyard, known better as the training yard. I placed my hand on the hilt of one of my twin blades as I walked to the head of our army. “Lynnette, what can I do for you today?”

I smiled a bit as he spoke to me without looking up. “I’m bored; would you be willing to spar with me?”

“I don’t see why not. Go pick up the heavy wooden blades and we will begin.” The General said as he set down the sword he had been sharpening. I never caught the man’s name, but everyone I knew called him the General, so I did the same.

As I set my twin blades down I noticed that a small crowd was starting to form. This wasn’t completely unusual, but I still found it amazing that people wanted to watch a sparring match. I grabbed the wooden blades that the general had made specifically for me and walked back out to the ‘field’. “Whenever you’re ready,” I waited patiently for him to pick up his weapon. The moment he picked up his sword, I lunged at him. My right blade caught the side of his sword and I swung my left towards his stomach, catching him lightly with the tip. “Point.”

“You’re getting cocky young lady.” He swept my feet out from under me as he gripped my left wrist. In one swift movement he had the back of his blade pressed to my throat. “I believe you’ve lost miss.”

“Heh, look again.” I had my right blades point at his chest in what would have been a killing blow.

“A draw.” I heard someone within the crowd gasp. Smiling I slid from the Generals grasp and stood up.

“You’ve learned just about all I can teach you Lynnette. You are your father’s daughter alright. You’ve got his quick learning.”

I smiled at the praise, it wasn’t often the General handed out praise of any kind. “You’ve been a great teacher, very patient with me.” I brushed my chin length black hair from my eyes and looked up at the man rushing towards us. “This can’t be good.”

“F.E.A.R has requested that we send our best to the front lines to eliminate the rebel threat.”

“Why can’t he send one of the other units? Is the group really that large?” I asked with interest, it was rare that F.E.A.R request that I go to the front lines.

“The reports say that there are at least two of the rebel leaders heading this attack.”

“Finally, I get to show those worthless bastards to the gates of hell.” I smiled and handed the wooden blades to the General before going over to where I set my twin blades and running off to get ready for the battle.

Just over an hour later, the majority of the first unit stood behind me, facing the much smaller group of rebels. “What are our orders Lynnette?” One of you newer members of my unit asked quietly.

“Kill them, and take those two,” I pointed to the two leaders, “into custody. They are to be questioned.”

“What if we lose?”

“Then you’re dead. If we lose this battle and there are any survivors you are all dead.” When he nodded in understanding, I drew my blades and charged the small group; the newer members of my unit hesitated a brief moment while the others charged the rebels along with me.

‘They’re too slow.’ I was getting annoyed with the newer troops. As I thought about the newer men in my unit, the sudden clash of steel on steel brought me back to reality. I glared at the guy, noting that he was one of the four leaders. ‘Good, I should be able to kill these guys easily enough.’ I knew I was getting cocky when my moves started getting messy. I kicked at his legs, bringing him do his knees, then I went to slit his throat when someone cut my side open.

I pressed my hand over my injury and backed away from the fight a bit. Looking around, I didn’t notice anyone who would have been close enough to hit me. I sheathed one of my blades, took the pressure off of my side and charged the man again. He raised his sword to block my attack, but dropped it as another member hit me in the back of the head. The last thing I saw was the light brown sand rushing up to meet me.