Land of the Lost

Chapter 10

Lynette POV:

“Tell us later, when you’re feeling better. We can’t do anything with one of our own in a state unfit for battle, now can we?” I smiled at Jake’s attempt to make me feel better.

“I suppose not. The girl that Jinxx brought to the hospital, her name’s Kotta. She was in F.E.A.R’s army with me. In my unit, she left months ago…let her stay, she will do everything she can to help those around her.”

“We’ll talk to her when she’s awake and feeling up for it, don’t worry kitten.” CC nudged my arm lightly and started walking towards my small house while Jake told the people who were still gathered in the square to go back to business and to relax.
“I’m surprised that not more of a scene was caused.”

“Lynnette, judging from the amount of energy you used, I’d say that you silenced everyone who would have said anything to you. Truthfully, I think people will start to fear you now.”

“Fear…by that you mean that they’ll think I’m likely to use magic against them…?”

“Exactly, but some will know that you’ll risk your life for them. I’d say that in two days’ time you’ll officially be in the legion.” CC walked me right to the door of my house and was about to leave.

“I don’t want to rest, I want to spar…If we were in a battle, I wouldn’t be able to take a break. I want to find out what my limits are. Will you help me?”

“I swear kid, you are just taking advantage of me not being able to say no to you.” CC mocked glared at me then smiled, “Alright, come on let’s go to the training grounds where we both know you’ll kick my ass.”

“I don’t want you to hold back too much.” We made our way to the training yard that was just outside the town. We had to move to the outside due to how much CC and I destroyed. We got into position and as I charged him, I got a weird sense of de ja vu. I brushed it off and kicked at CC’s legs and swung my right blade at his throat. As soon as CC’s knees hit the ground he blocked my attack and punched me in the stomach, knocking me back a few feet.

The fight went on for nearly an hour before we both landed a solid blow ending the fight. The back of my left blade was firmly pressed against CC’s throat while my other blade was knocked from my hand. CC had a tight grip on my right wrist and the back of his blade pressed against my throat, chest and stomach.

“Looks like a draw.” I smiled and nodded, lowered my blade and took a step back. CC let go of my wrist and sheathed his sword as I picked up my other blade. “You looked a bit lost when we started, what’s up?”

“I remember the fight, when we first met. I just can’t believe how arrogant I was, thinking that I could bring you and Jake down pretty much on my own. You’re barely holding back and will probably have a few bruises while I’m already fucking sore.”

“I wasn’t holding back as much as you think.” We brushed ourselves off before we started heading back towards town. I had the feeling we were being followed so I stopped and looked behind us. I slowly drew my blades and looked around. I could feel the presence of something not of this world.

“CC, get the others and be quick about it.”

“What are you talking about?” I looked over at him and stood in front of him, with my back to the gate.

“There’s something out here, I’ll hold off whatever it is if it attacks; I want you to go get the others because I don’t know how long I’ll be able to hold them off.” As soon as I finished speaking, five shadow demons appeared in front of me. “Go, I got this.”

I heard CC take off for the town, and could only hope that he could find the others quick enough. I took a deep breath and relaxed my arms and slowed my breathing. I was no longer feeling the soreness from the sparring match not even a minute ago; instead I was feeling the energy a fight always brought me.
Taking one more deep breath, I charged the closest demon. My right blade struck his staff making sparks dance every time metal hit metal. I was so focused on the one that momentarily I forgot about the other four until I felt a staff pierce my side. I quickly backed off and glared at the demons. “It’s now or never. You can’t let them win.” I let electricity spark over my two blades then charged at the demons again, ignoring my injured side and my muscles that were protesting.

I knocked the staff from one of the demons and slammed both blades into its chest as I kicked out at another demon that was starting to attack from behind. I pulled one blade from the shadow demon and threw it at the one I kicked at. He knocked it aside and grabbed my leg, and pulled me towards him. I threw myself backwards, pulling the shadow down with me as I hit the hot sand and kicked him in the face. I quickly moved backwards and stood up, weaponless. The shadow I stabbed in the chest pulled out the second blade and threw it at me so fast that I didn’t notice where it landed until I felt pain in my right thigh. I yanked my blade from my leg and whimpered in pain. I stood with most of my weight on my left leg, barely putting any pressure on my right. I threw a fire ball at the closest demon, and caught him off guard. I ignored the pain in my leg and charged the demon and tackled it, shoving my blade into its skull. I stood up slowly, only to have a shadow knock me off the body of its fallen comrade and about five feet from where I was.

I looked up as it walked slowly towards me, looking like it was going to kill me. I struggled to sit up and nearly yelped when a long thin blade shot from the demons chest, where its heart would have been. The demon turned to black mist as it died, revealing that Ash was the one who had killed it. “You alright Kitten?” He turned to look at the small fight that was going on; Andy and Jake were taking on one demon while CC and Jinxx were handling the other two. Ash offered me his hand to help me stand. I took it and stumbled into him.

“I think I have a broken rib, and the demon I killed injured my leg…” I was grateful that Ash let me lean against him. “I was so scared…I had no idea if you guys were going to get here quick enough.”

“Easy Kitten, you’re safe now. Just breathe and calm down. We can’t have you breaking down just from one battle.” I smiled a bit and nodded. As the sounds of battle faded I realized just how exhausted I was. The adrenalin rush was over, leaving me in pain from my injuries and the sparring match. The guys walked up to where Ash and I were as soon as the demons were dead.

“Lynette, are you alright?”

I looked up at Andy and nodded, “Yeah, I’m alright; a bit shaken up from the near death experience but otherwise alright.”

“How’s your injury?” I looked at Jinxx then down at my leg.

“I’ll probably need stitches, I had my own blade thrown at me.”

Andy and CC sighed and looked around. “There’s nothing else around, we’re safe for now. I just want to get my injuries checked out, then I want to sleep. So if you don’t mind.” I moved out of Ash’s hold and limped towards the gate before the pain became too much and I fell to my knees. Seconds later I was being picked up and carried. “CC what the fuck!?”

“Oh stop complaining, it’s not the first time I’ve carried you.” The guys laughed at that and I glared at them.

“Shut up, god you guys are so mean to the injured.”

Jake laughed harder, “I think she’s fine, she’s acting like her usual self.” CC brought me to the hospital as soon as we entered the town; and the others went to put their weapons away saying that they’d meet us there. As soon as CC laid me on one of the empty beds I was out cold from the pain. I welcomed the comforting darkness as long as it meant that I wasn’t able to feel anything.