Land of the Lost

Chapter 11

CC pov

I leaned against the wall in Lynx’s room, waiting for her to wake up. It was like she was in the hospital every other day since she met us. Jinxx wrapped her broken ribs as best he could and stitched her leg after cleaning out the wound. That girl was a fighter alright; despite the pain she was in she continued to fight her own people to give us time to join her. I have to wonder just how much pain she really was in because it’s been two days and she still hasn’t woke up. I sighed and moved to the chair that was next to her bed. The guys and I agreed that one of us should be here when she wakes up, so we’ve been taking shifts ever four hours or so.

I was staring at the door, waiting for one of the guys to come in the room when Lynx woke up. I don’t think she knew that there was someone in the room with her, because when she looked over at me she practically screamed and jumped off the bed.

“Goddamn it CC! You gave me a fucking heart attack!” I managed to keep from laughing at her, but wasn’t to stop from smiling.

“Sorry Lynx, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Despite my best efforts I ended up laughing at her reaction, and was pleasantly surprised that she was laughing too. I love the sound of her laugh, she seems so alive when she’s happy. “How are you feeling?” I managed to ask after the laughing fit ended.

“I’m…sore, heh it hurts to breathe a little but I think I’ll be alright.” She winced in pain as she sat up, “How long was I out for?”

“Just over two days. You’ve been in here a lot kitten, you’re starting to worry us.”

“I’m sorry…I don’t mean to. CC, about when we first met…I’m sorry…”

“No, don’t even start apologizing. Enemies fight each other, and at this moment in time we are not enemies.” I smiled softly at her, letting her know I didn’t hold anything against her. Truthfully, that day I was surprised at how beautiful she was, which led to me almost getting myself killed by her.

Lynnette pov:

I looked up at CC and smiled slightly. “You know, I need to come up with some nickname for you now. Since everyone has taken to calling me kitten and you’ve decided to name me ‘Lynx’ you need one too.”

CC laughed, making me smile more. “How about no? I can only imagine the offending names you call all of us when we’re not around.” I looked at in in faux innocence.

“I’m shocked, why would you ever assume I call you five egotistical men anything other than your names?” I smiled, “Maybe I’ll just never tell you since you’re making a big deal over it.”

“Hey, now you’re just being mean.” CC pouted, making me laugh again and hurting my side.

“Stop making me laugh you ass, it hurts.”

“Glad you’re finally awake kitten.” I looked up as Jinxx spoke and walked into the room.

“I’m sure. I’ve been in and out of here so many times in just a month that I’m sure you want me as far as possible from here.” It was weird, I felt safe as soon as Jinxx entered the room yet I knew that CC wasn’t going to do anything that would cause me harm. What was wrong with me?