Land of the Lost

Chapter 15

Lynnette Pov:

The two of us stared each other down for a few moments before I charged him. The demon blocked my initial three strikes and hit me in the side with the end of his staff, as if he knew about my injury. I put some space between us and pressed my hand over my side. I pushed down the surge of fear that started to surface as I channeled electricity into my blades. I took down a shadow demon before with just my magic; I knew I could do it again. The question was would I get close enough to destroy this creature.

I was unprepared for the shadow to make the next move. Every demon I’ve seen has always allowed their opponent to make the moves while they simply fought back. This one was different, and I suddenly realized why they were my fathers’ personal guards. I barely avoided the end of the staff as I sidestepped, what I didn’t see was the knife that the demon had which lodged itself in my right side. I jumped back as I felt the blade pierce my skin and pulled the knife out. I cried out as the serrated blade cut me more. “There’s no way for me to land a solid blow to this thing. And with how things are going I’m going to end up getting myself killed.” I put pressure over my newest injury and threw balls of electricity at the shadow. They didn’t affect it at all.

The demon moved with such speed that suggested that it truly was never part of this world. It appeared directly in front of me, and without any warning stabbed it’s staff into my stomach. My vision instantly started going black from the pain and blood loss. I stared at the demon before I closed my eyes and let the darkness take hold. “I’m sorry…Jinxx…”

Jinxx Pov:

I knew Lynx was getting pissed that the guys and I were keeping her from training, but we were just trying to give her wounds time to heal as much as possible. I talked to Ash and Jake about training her after the others and they both agreed saying that they needed to see where her skills were.

I walked into the center of the town looking for our elusive kitten, still unable to find her. Whenever she got pissed she’d make sure that none of us could find her until she came to us herself. I stopped at the café and motioned for Clair to come over. “Hey Clair, have you seen Lynx?”

“Yeah, she was here a few hours ago then started acting strange and headed towards the main gate. I don’t know where she went after that. I think she’s pissed that you guys have been ignoring her.”

“She’s injured, so we’ve given her a few weeks off to heal.” I smiled a bit, thinking back to when she threw a fit and shocked Jake and Andy when they tried to calm her down. “We want to see if she’s willing to train with the newer recruits until she’s fully healed.”

“Like I said she was here a few hours ago, but I didn’t see where she went.”

“Thanks Clair.” I laid some money on the counter for later since I knew the guys would drink until Clair or Chance would drag them out. I headed towards the main gate looking for any sign of Lynx. I stopped one of the guards and asked if he had seen her.

“She was here a while back, then headed along the wall towards the east gate. She was acting like something was watching her, got all paranoid like.”

“Thanks Caden, let me know if you see her.”

“Will do.” I knew Caden wouldn’t really look for her nor would he tell her that we were looking for her. I followed the wall to the cemetery and stopped. There was a chance that she had decided to go there, since it was the one place in this town that almost no one ever went to. As I walked down the paths I started to get an uneasy feeling. In the center of the cemetery there was a small clearing. In the middle of it was Lynx’s blades and a large pool of blood.