Land of the Lost

Chapter 16

Jinxx POV:

I called out for Lynx, knowing that if she was injured and somewhere in the cemetery she’d answer. I spent over an hour looking through the cemetery looking for her before I let myself believe that she was taken. She would have said something to one of us if she was going to leave, and the fact that she left her twin blades behind suggested that she didn’t leave willingly. I’ve seen shadows take people before, and they leave no trail that anyone could follow, but we did know where they took her. If she was right about everyone being held in F.E.A.R’s main hideout, we would get her and the rest of the legion out as soon as possible.
Leaving the cemetery, I headed directly for the training ground knowing that’s where the guys were. By the time I made it there, the training was pretty much done. I went up to Ash first and waited for him to dismiss the group.

“Jinxx, what’s up man?”

“She’s gone.” I didn’t elaborate, they knew I was looking for Lynx and the fact that I showed up without her told him everything he needed to know.

“By who, F.E.A.R? We would have known if he entered the town.”

“No, a shadow. In the cemetery there’s a large puddle of blood and her blades were in the middle of it. She’s injured and judging from the residual magic there, she put up a fight.”

“We have to get her out of there.” Ash picked up his sword and went up to Andy, telling him everything that I just told him. We could destroy F.E.A.R tonight if we were truly ready. But I knew that we would be losing well over half of the people we had picked to come with us. Even if Andy didn’t give the order to leave tonight, I wasn’t going to sit by and let Lynx suffer in that bastards domain for longer than she absolutely had to be. I was more than willing to go it alone and get myself killed if it meant that she’d be safe.

“Jinxx, Andy said that if we go now we’ll just be getting ourselves killed. I know you want to get our kitten out of there as soon as possible, but we can’t let our emotions cloud our judgment.” I looked up at Ash as he spoke and glared at him.

“I’ll go alone if I have to.”

“No, we need to get the groups we need before we do this. We’ll get her out, but we already have a plan set in motion Jinxx. Lynx would want us to follow the plan not rush off prematurely. We’re going to talk it over with the whole group, and decide what to do. Don’t do anything stupid, she’ll never forgive you for getting yourself killed you know.”

“I…I don’t like not being able to do anything for her…”

“You know, it’s adorable to see you this worried over a girl.”

“Fuck you.” I glared at Ash and knew I was blushing somewhat. Ash just laughed and all but dragged me to where Andy, Jake and CC were.

After a few hours of arguing over the fact that I was not going to leave Lynx in the hands of F.E.A.R the guys agreed that we’d head out at dusk to make it to F.E.A.R’s domain, then we’d attack at first light. I just hoped that she would be okay. Lynx was just so different from the other girls we knew, there was something about her that screamed innocence.


“I can’t believe how defiant that child is. She should be grateful that I went out of my way to bring her back.” He tossed the girl into the cell I assigned to her. Blood was running down the side of her head from the punishment recently given. All disobedient children need to be punished, I warned her multiple times that if she ever disobeyed me she’d regret it. “Despite our best efforts, she refused to give up information on the rebels who were holding her hostage.” I looked in the general direction of my shadow demon and nodded. I didn’t care how we got the information out of her as long as we got it.

“Let the girl rest for a few minutes before trying again. I want whatever information you can get out of her.” Just as I was leaving the room, I heard the crack of a whip and listened for any sound of pain from the girl. Nothing, we’ll break her soon enough. The sound of her screams will echo through these halls very soon.