Land of the Lost

Chapter 17

Lynnette Pov:

I managed to stay quiet through each beating that the shadows gave. I knew they wanted information, but I was not willing to betray the legion. I finally understood why every person I was told to interrogate stayed silent, and I would rather die than betray the only friends I had. When the shadow’s whip cracked against the side of my face I hissed in pain, but otherwise stayed quiet. F.E.A.R didn’t know about my magic, and I wasn’t willing to let him find out. “I’m sure they’re working on a plan to break into this place. I should just wait patiently, but I’m sick of just sitting around.”

I glared at the shadow and stood up from the chair I was in. I felt the electricity in the air and sighed as I walked right up to the demon. I put my hand against its chest and unleashed the magic I was holding inside. It was pathetic really; the demons that were used for interrogation were lesser demons with no real abilities. The demon dropped to the ground before turning to a strange smoke and ash mix. I looked around the hall before I forced myself to climb the cell wall to the gap at the top and dropped down into the hall.

My ribs felt like they were on fire, and I welcomed the pain. I would allow myself to rest once I got out of F.E.A.R’s domain and got back to where I truly belonged. The whole escape effort was just more proof that I was still as naïve as ever. As I rounded a corner I ran directly into F.E.A.R himself.

“Lynnette, mind explaining why you’re out of your cell and one of my shadows are dead?”

“No, not really.” I backed up a few feet to put some space between us when I heard and felt an explosion at the entrance of the building. Faintly, I could hear the clash of metal on metal and the strange hiss like sounds that shadow demons made.

“Everything you hold dear to you, will be destroyed.” I turned and ran back down the hall that held the private cells and the interrogation rooms were. I had one thing on my mind while I ran through the halls, and there was no way in hell I was going to stay in this place longer than I needed to. I just wanted to get back to my friends and get on with my life.

Rounding a corner I cursed my luck when I came face-to-face to a shadow demon. With no weapons on me there was little chance that I’d be able to get past the demon with no new injuries. I could use magic of course, but that would attract too much unwanted attention. Hand to hand combat without weapons was never my strong-suit but it was all I had. As if the demon knew my decision, it attacked almost before I had a chance to decide on my first move.

My back hit the wall when the demon all but threw me across the hall. For a moment, it felt as if I was going to pass out due to lack of oxygen. I knew one of my bad habits when sparing or fighting was that I thought too much, and all but refused to let my instincts take over. Knowing that I’d probably get killed any other way, I relaxed more and watched the demon’s staff carefully. When the demon swung the staff at me, I caught it and rammed the top part of it into the demon’s chest and sent a wave of electricity through the staff, killing the demon within seconds. “I don’t know why I bother hiding the fact I have magic. Killing the demons with a sword or magic doesn’t matter, there’s no way to tell how it was destroyed.”

I glared at the staff in my hands then sighed. I didn’t have a choice in the weapon I used, but I hated staffs and spears. I slammed the head of the staff into the floor, breaking off a few of the points. “I swear that I’ll fucking destroy this place myself if those idiots don’t do it.” I half limped half stormed my way down the hall, taking the long way around to the main entrance of the building. At the entrance was the holding cell where most of the legion was being held, along with the few torture rooms.

I leaned against the wall not too far from where I could hear a fight and tried to catch my breath. My chest was hurting more than I thought possible, and the other injuries were starting to hurt more as well. I gripped the staff tighter and made my way towards the fight. I saw a demon over Ash and Jinxx, and glared at it. I charged it, and stabbed the staff into it sending a large wave of electricity through it like I did the last one. “Seriously, you guys are useless without me.” I looked over the guys and smiled a bit. Seconds later I was getting a bone crushing hug from Jinxx and CC. I sent a small wave of electricity at both of them and glared. “Broken ribs here assholes.”

“Sorry Lynx, we were really worried about you. Jinxx especially.” I looked from CC to Jinxx, who was blushing lightly.

“Okay…? Umm we need to get out of here before we just sit here talking.” I looked at the rebels that were freed before I killed the demon and nodded towards the entrance. “Let’s get out of here.”