Land of the Lost

Chapter 18

Lynnette Pov:

Things were going too smoothly. F.E.A.R knew I wasn’t in my cell, and I’m sure he knew that the leaders of the legion were here as well. “Guys, we need to leave now.” There was an oppressive air around us as we made our way to the exit. I glanced behind us and tensed as the shadows got darker. “Jinxx…”

He stopped and looked back at me, “What’s up?” I was vaguely aware of the others stopping as well. I was going to do something that I knew I was going to regret, and set back the legion’s plans for peace.

“I need to do something, and I know you guys won’t be happy with it.” I looked at the ground before looking up at the guys, they all looked at me with the same confused look. Jinxx was the only one who seemed to know what I was planning.

“You have to come back to us Lynx.” I could see that he clearly didn’t want me to do what I was planning.

“I have to do this Jinxx. I promise, I’ll come back to you.” I leaned up a bit and kissed him softly before I ran into the darkness, hoping to finish this once and for all. I promised him that I’d return to them, so I was going to do everything I could to keep that promise. “Poor guy probably can’t process anything right now.” I smiled a bit as I thought back to the kiss, I had completely taken him by surprise. Faintly, I could hear the rusty door closing at the front of the building and knew I was alone in the depths of hell.

I soon found myself face-to-face with F.E.A.R and knew that I had to end this stupid war that he had started. It was a suicide mission, but it had to be done. Everyone had lived in constant fear since my ‘father’ took over ruling this place. It was time for his reign to end. “You really think you; a mere child can do anything?” His voice was starting to piss me off.

“Yes, actually I know I can destroy you, or at least this place and all of your shadows.” I focused on feeling the natural energy around me and let that add to the electricity that was sparking off my hands faintly. “This world doesn’t need you.”

“Those rebels have corrupted you Lynette, there was a time where you would have done anything to kill them and protect what we worked so hard to obtain.”

“My loyalty belongs to my friends, the people who actually care about me. And because of you, I have to break a promise to them.” I glared at F.E.A.R and let the magic build up like it had when I destroyed the shadow that injured Kotta. I could feel the ground shaking ever so slightly as the energy built up more and more.

“You don’t know the meaning of the word, you are but a mere child.” That pissed me off, I was always loyal to my friends, which is why I ended up in as a member of F.E.A.R’s personal guard.

“I know more about loyalty than you think. But that doesn’t matter now does it? After all, you’re going to have to rebuild everything that you are on your own after I’m done here.” I glared at F.E.A.R and focused on bringing bolts of lightning down onto the building. “I don’t care what happens to me, as long as you die.” I knew F.E.A.R wouldn’t fight me because he was just that lazy. He hated getting his hands dirty, and always had his minions do all the work.

When the first bolt of lightning hit the building, he looked around trying to find the source of the explosion. I laughed and released a bit of the energy that had built up, causing three more bolts of lightning to strike the building each one causing more damage than the last. “See, this is what happens when you keep your soldiers from their true potential.” Bits of stone started falling around us. For a moment I had the urge to run from the building, but instead of acting on it, which would have been smart I stood my ground and watched as more and more of one of the places I used to call home collapsed.

It was strange, during both fights with the shadow demons I was actually scared of dying; but being faced with death by being crushed didn’t even bother me. As larger pieces of stone started falling, F.E.A.R took off down the hall, probably hoping to get out before the building collapsed. I took off after him, throwing balls of electricity at him. The ceiling caved in right in front of me, blocking me from giving chase to F.E.A.R. I knew that there was almost no time for me to get out of the building, but any chance was still a chance. I turned on my heel and ran towards the entrance, hoping that I would be able to get out before the entire building collapsed. As usual, I was wrong.