Land of the Lost

Chapter 2

Lynnette Pov:

I woke up being carried by a man with shoulder length black hair. I don’t think he noticed, not that it mattered since I fell back into unconsciousness moments later. The next time I woke up I was no longer being carried. I heard voices not too far from me, I can only guess that they had no idea I was awake.

“Tell me again why we’re keeping her alive? She’s part of F.E.A.R’s army.”

“For the final time, she can provide us with useful information.”

“Look I get that, but why are we bringing her back home?”

“I’m sure the Prophet wants to be the one to interrogate her.”

“Jake, I think she’s waking up.” The man I’m assuming called Jake got up and walked over to where I was tied up. He knelt down next to me, picked up a needle and stuck it into my neck. A pain-filled whimper escaped me before I was met with darkness once again.

CC Pov:

I felt bad about keeping the girl drugged up, but I knew that given the chance she’d try to kill us. “I don’t get it.” I ran my hand through my hair as I spoke.

“What do you mean? What’s not to get? A simple recon mission turned out to be a fight to the death, you almost got yourself killed.”

“I know, but-.”

“No, you’re lucky I got to you as soon as I did. She’s a trained killer man.”

“Aren’t we all…We should be back by daybreak if we keep up this pace.” I looked behind me shaking my head sadly, we lost a third of the men we left home with. “How many were badly injured Jake?”

“More than should have been. We should have scouted the area more thoroughly. I didn’t think we got that close to F.E.A.R thought.”

“I told you I thought that was one of his shadow demons. But it vanished before I could verify what it was.” Jake slowed his pace a bit and looked back at the small group.

“They’ll be glad to get home. This wasn’t supposed to happen. That girl is different man. She was trained really well in sword play. We need that, I wonder if we can somehow convince her to join us.”

“Jake, as much as we need that, did you see the way she looked before we stopped that last time? She wanted blood, I don’t think we can convince her unless we let her kill.”

“Dude, don’t even joke about that.” One of the other guys in our little group said as he fell in step with us.

“Sorry Lex, not meaning to put you on edge.” Jake put his hand on the guys’ shoulder as we walked. “When do you think she’s going to wake up?”

“With what we gave her? I doubt she’s going to be waking up for a while.”

“I hope you’re right. I really would hate for us to wake up to find more people dead.” It seemed like everyone started walking faster as the sight of our home appeared on the horizon.

“Almost home.”

Lynnette pov:

The next time I woke up, I had absolutely no idea where I was. I panicked when I realized I was tied down to a bed. I looked around frantically trying to find out where I was. I struggled against the bindings, not understanding why I was tied up. I looked up as the door opened, a guy just a few inches taller than me walked in.

“Good, you’re awake.” I looked at him and tugged lightly at the bindings.

“Where am I?”

“Right now, you’re in solitary. We’d like to ask you some questions. If you cooperate I’ll untie you.”

I looked past the man as another walked in. ‘Holy shit he’s fucking tall.’ The guy who spoke to me looked behind him when he noticed that’s where I was looking. “Andy, good timing.”

“Jake said that you wanted to see me anyway, so I came here figuring that you’d be with the girl.” I looked between the two men and struggled again against the bindings.

“Look, I told you that we’ll untie you if you answer our questions.”
Andy pulled a chair up to the bed and looked me in the eye. “What’s your name?”

“I…” I looked between the two, I couldn’t really remember. “I don’t know…” I hoped he believed me, but judging by the look in his eyes he didn’t. Neither of them did.