Land of the Lost

Chapter 20

Jinxx Pov:

We found Kotta easily enough since she was the only one at the southern guard tower. She smiled a bit when she saw us and set her crossbow down. “Jinxx, Ash what’s up?”'

“We just wanted to ask you a few things.” Kotta nodded and leaned against the one solid wall of the tower.

“About Lynnette I’m sure.” Ash nodded and Kotta sighed. “If anything she knows how to survive in the desert, so that’s a plus. No matter which way she went, she’d be looking for some kind of place to take shelter in. A rock formation or something similar to that.”

“So she’d be hiding out in the desert until she felt good enough to make it back here? That makes sense.”

“Unless she got too far away from here and has no idea where she is, but yeah that’s pretty much how she works. Lynnette is very easy to figure out, I mean when I decided to leave F.E.A.R’s army she tried to stop me, and said that the next time we met would be in a battle to the death. But please, she’s so loyal to her friends that she’d kill herself instead of hurting them.”

We thanked her before letting her return to her duties. “I’m going to go look for her Ash.”

“You should wait for the rest of us.”

“Sorry, but I’m not going to wait. If I leave now I might be able to find her before something else does. I know the shadows aren’t gone, not completely and if one finds her I don’t think I’d be able to forgive Andy for making us wait.”

“And if you don’t find her? What then?”

“Ash, I will find her.” Before I could say anything else he nodded.

“Then I’m coming with you. I’m not going to let you go out there on your own. Besides, if you were to find her and ended up in a fight you wouldn’t be able to focus on just keeping her safe while fighting off the shadows.” Ash had a point, unfortunately. There was no way I would be able to keep her safe if there was more than one shadow that attacked us.

“Fine, but we leave now.” Ash nodded before we headed to where we kept out weapons. I grabbed Lynx’s blades and a short sword for myself. Ash grabbed his standard long sword and a few other weapons before we headed out of the town and into the desert. I hoped we found her before anything else did. We headed to the remnants of the tower Lynx destroyed before picking a direction that she would have possibly went in.

We found a few placed that looked like someone had stayed. The blood we found suggested that whoever had stayed at those places was injured pretty badly. At the third stone structure we found, there was a high amount of residual magic. “She was here recently.”

“You sure? I don’t see anything.”

“Ash you need to learn to trust me. There’s a lot of residual magic here. She can’t be too far.” I started to head off in the direction of the residual magic when Ash stopped me.

“It’s nearing midnight, it’s going to get extremely cold. Let’s just stay here for the night, and as soon as it’s light out we’ll start looking for her again.” That caught me off guard, but I had been so focused on trying to find Lynx that I hadn’t realized how late it had gotten. I nodded and Ash released my wrist, making his way into the small stone structure. None of us were claustrophobic, but just being in that small ‘cave’ I was starting to question if I really was. I had it in my head that we’d find her tomorrow, and it was with that thought that I managed to fall asleep.