Land of the Lost

Chapter 21

Lynnette Pov:

I have no idea how long I had been wandering through the desert after F.E.A.R’s prison collapsed. I whipped the blood from my face as I sat on a boulder, to catch my breath. I looked around before getting up and continuing my way to wherever the fates decided to bring me. At first I thought I was headed back towards the town, but there was no way in hell that I was anywhere close to that place. “I wonder if they’re looking for me…probably not.” I tripped and fell face first into the hot sand, and didn’t bother trying to get up. My right shoulder was dislocated, and there were at least two breaks between my elbow and wrist on the same arm as well as my ribs. I think more broke during the collapse but with the amount of pain I was in I had no idea.

I faded in an out of consciousness a few times. I knew my head wound needed treatment, but my magic was strictly destruction. I found out the hard way when I tried healing my arm and set myself on fire. There used to be a time where I treasured the silence of the desert, but now that I was officially an enemy of F.E.A.R silence meant death. I pushed myself into a sitting position and looked out into the empty desert. The way I was headed was towards some mountain; at least I assumed it was. It was still pretty far off, but there was more and more vegetation the farther I got from the collapsed building. That’s not saying that there was a lot of green, but there was still some.

I pulled out the makeshift water flask and drained the last of it. With my injuries, lack of food and now no water I doubted I’d be able to make it another two days. The sun was starting so set, judging by it’s position it probably had to be about four in the afternoon meaning there was probably another three hours of sunlight left. And because I had the absolute worst luck, there was nothing that I could use as a makeshift shelter, so I just laid down as slowly as I could to keep the pain to a minimum. If this was counting as giving up then so be it, but there was just no way in hell I was going to be doing anything other than just lay where I was. I let the darkness take hold, too tired to continue to fight against it much longer.

I woke up, probably hours after I passed out. To say I was surprised would have been an understatement. I opened my eyes and stared almost unbelievingly at the fire that was just a few feet from me. The warmth was something I wasn’t expecting, but I wasn’t about to complain. I could hear a hushed conversation, but couldn’t make out any of what was being said. I didn’t bother to try sitting up, I could still feel the broken ribs and I had absolutely no desire to irritate them even more. In the back of my mind I knew that nothing was going to happen, but after spending god knows how long in this forsaken wasteland I wasn’t about to trust anyone. Between the time it took for me to wake up and register the pain that was still shooting through my side, I started to become more and more aware of my surroundings.

I still had no clear idea as to who was sitting just a few feet from me, but almost instinctively I knew that I knew them. With that, I let myself sleep again, knowing that I needed it and that I’d thank whoever it was who just saved me.