Land of the Lost

Chapter 22

Lynnette Pov:

I woke up again, and this time the sun was up. I pushed myself into a sitting position and looked around the makeshift campsite. There were three other bed rolls around the fire, two of which were empty.

“Good, you’re awake. We weren’t sure you’d make it through the night.” I looked up at the man who spoke and instinctively went to grab my blades before remembering that I didn’t have them. “Even if you had weapons we would have removed them.”
“Who are you?”

The man smiled a bit and knelt next to me. “You really don’t remember me do you kid? I’m Rohan, former elite soldier of F.E.A.R’s army. Now I’m a member of the Legion, from the northern city at the base of the mountain.” It took a few moments to place him.

“I was told you were killed in battle.” Rohan was my unit leader when I first opted to join my ‘father’s’ army.

“Nope, I left and worked for something even better. Now what are you doing this far north kid?”

“I destroyed the prison, and left the army a while ago.” Something told me not to give too much information away, that Rohan couldn’t be trusted.

“Since when does the prized daughter have magic? Do you know how rare that is?”

“Yes, I know it’s rare for people to possess magic. Only a few are able to. Why does it matter?”

“We can use you in the Legion.”

“I’m not really interested in joining you. I just want to go my own way if you don’t mind.”

“You’re in no condition to be wandering around this place on your own. Why not come with us?”

“My loyalty belongs to my friends, which I’m now starting to question if you really are my friend.”

“Think what you want, I saved your life, so you owe me.”

“I don’t owe you anything.” I stood up shakily and went to leave, only to have Rohan grab my broken arm. Almost instantly I sent a large wave of electricity at him and forced myself to keep walking in the direction I came from before Rohan found me.

“You ungrateful bitch.” Rohan pulled his sword from it’s sheath and started after me. It didn’t take him long to catch up to me since I was barely walking.

“Yeah, I’m fucking ungrateful! I just spent god knows how long without the only people I fucking care about and you expect me to just blindly go with you. You say you’re in the Legion, but if you were you’d know who the fuck I am.”

“You don’t even know what Legion I’m talking about. We rebel against F.E.A.R something that you work for still. You say you destroyed the prison but there’s no way a stupid little girl, could manage that on their own.”

“I brought down that tower easily enough.” I didn’t stop walking the entire time I spoke to him. If there was any chance that any of the guys were looking for me, I wanted them to find me as soon as possible. Rohan was extremely unstable and I knew that I would not be able to survive a physical fight with him.

“I doubt that.”

“I sent a wave of electricity through you, do you really want to test me? I’ve destroyed F.E.A.R’s shadow demons from the inside out, I can do the same thing to a living person just as easily.”

“You really are F.E.A.R’s daughter aren’t you? Only those as corrupted as he would suggest that.” I stopped walking and turned to face Rohan, glaring at him.

“F.E.A.R is not my father.” Things happened almost too fast at that moment. I shot a large wave of electricity at him as he threw his sword at me, the tip of the blade aimed for my chest. I moved out of the way of the weapon, but not fast enough. The sword lodged itself in my side, straight through so the tip was a good seven inches from my back. I collapsed and barely kept from pulling the sword out of me. The only thing I was satisfied with was watching Rohan die slowly as the electricity continued to stay in his body, frying him from the inside out.

“Yeah, I’m a killer…but in this world it’s kill or be killed.” I heard soft footfalls coming up behind me, and without thinking I turned and shot electricity at whoever it was, and regretted it instantly.