Land of the Lost

Chapter 25

Lynx Pov:

I woke up some time after Ash entered the small cave, curled up against Jinxx’s side and staring blankly at the opening of the small cave that Ash covered with an extra cloak he had. There was nothing that should have woken me up, but I had the feeling that something was about to happen. I managed to get out of Jinxx’s hold and silently crawled over him and Ash before exiting the small space. I looked out, just past the cloak and sighed. The full moon was at her highest point, meaning it was about two in the morning. I slid out of the cave and looked around, the moon providing more than enough light to see by.

I made my way to the top of the cave and looked around; there was absolutely nothing out here. At least nothing that I could see. Even the air was still, almost as if it were working with me to tell if anything was around that would possibly cause a threat. I started shivering as I looked around, and gave up not long after. I slipped back into the cave and made my way over to where I had fallen asleep against Jinxx. I settled back against Jinxx and tensed slightly as he wrapped his arms around me.

“Where’d you go?” Jinxx asked tiredly, startling me.

“I felt like we were being watched and I went to check it out.” I pressed closer to him and shivered again. “It’s cold…”

“That’s why you don’t go wandering around the desert at night idiot.” I smiled a bit and sighed. “Go back to sleep kitten.”

“Don’t start with that, Ash is the only one allowed to call me kitten, and you know it.” Jinxx tipped my head up a little and kissed me lightly.

“Go to sleep. You still need rest, if you don’t want one of us to carry you back to town.”

“You’re mean you know that?”

“Yeah so I’ve been told.” I smiled again and managed to fall asleep within minutes.

Jinxx Pov:

Ash and I woke up almost as the sun broke over the horizon and just waited for Lynx to wake up. She looked far too innocent to be welding a blade and fighting like she has been. “Did you feel like we were being watched last night Ash?”

“No, not really. Why? Did Lynx?”

“Yeah, she felt the need to actually go out and check to see if anyone was around.”

“I wouldn’t worry too much about it Jinxx. She’s probably just extremely on edge right now, she’ll be fine once we get her back home.” I knew Ash was probably right, but Lynx usually wasn’t wrong about things like that. I looked down at the still sleeping girl who was now pressed against my leg, her head on my thigh.

“She’s really relaxed with you Jinxx. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this at ease, even when she knew she was safe.”

“I think she’d be like this with anyone honestly.” I ran my hand through her hair and smiled as she sighed contently. “You think we should wake her up? If we leave now we’d be able to make it back within a few hours.”

“If you want to wake up the she-devil then go ahead, I still don’t want to die.”

“Come on Ash, she’s not that bad.” Lynx sighed and sat up, rubbing her eyes.

“You guys are loud.” We both laughed at her, making her glare at us.

“Sorry kitten, but we have to go.” Ash exited the cave almost as soon as he was done speaking.

“You feeling any better?”

“A bit, my side still hurts, but I’ll be fine.” She yawned and sighed. “Tired, once we get back to town I’m going to go back to bed.”

“Why am I not surprised at all by that?” I got up and pulled Lynx up with me as we made our way out of the cave. We didn’t make much conversation as we headed back to town. If we were lucky we wouldn’t run into any of the other guys until we were already in town.