Land of the Lost

Chapter 27

Lynx Pov:

I glared at the girl in front of me. I vaguely recognized her, but couldn’t place where I knew her from. “What the fuck do you want?”

“You fucking slut! You killed Rohan, and for that, I will kill you.”
Right, this was the chick who was still asleep when I tried leaving the small camp. She raised the crossbow and aimed it at me.

“Go ahead. Try it and see just how fast you get fucking ripped apart.” I think the only thing I ever was thankful for from being in F.E.A.R’s army was the fact that I had absolutely no problem killing whoever threatened my friends.

I couldn’t wait for the bitch to pull the trigger of the crossbow. With how pissed off I was, the sky had started darkening, as clouds blocked out the sun. We stared each other down for a few minutes before she pulled the trigger. As soon as she did, I released the energy that had built up. A lightning bolt hit her just as the bolt left the crossbow. It didn’t get far enough before it was caught in the lightning. I went a bit overboard with killing her, and made three more strike her before I was satisfied that the threat was gone.

“Geez, never piss the kid off. She’ll fucking electrocute you until you’re nonexistent.” Ash said as he looked from the dark spot on the sand to me.

“You should be thankful I don’t electrocute you. You scold me for getting sick and you go and get yourself shot.” I knelt next to Ash and Jinxx, “So he’s going to be perfectly fine isn’t he?”

“Unfortunately, but I’m sure we could get rid of him easily enough.”

“Wow Jinxx, I see that you really fucking care.” We all heard someone coming up on us and looked over in the direction at the same time. “Holy shit, did you have to summon everyone with that lightning show kitten?”

“You really think I planned that?” I stood up and smiled a bit as the other three leaders of the legion came up to us.

“Lynx!” I braced myself as CC plowed into me, hugging me tightly.

“Hey CC, missed you too. You mind letting go? My ribs are still sore and your bone-crushing hug isn’t helping at all.”

“I figured you two went off to find her. But I didn’t expect you two to go off on your own.” I looked over at Andy who was trying hard to be mad at Jinxx and Ash.

“Andy has been worried the entire time Lynx. First you vanish then Jinxx and Ash leave almost at dusk without telling anyone where they went.” CC said quietly to me, when he noticed that I was looking over at Andy.

“It’s his job though, he is the leader of the legion.”

“So why is Ash clutching his shoulder?” I looked over at Jake and smirked.

“He got himself shot with a crossbow. But I think Jinxx healed it, Ash is just being a baby about it as usual.”

“You’re really mean Kitten. Maybe we should have just left you out there.” Jinxx and I both glared at Ash.

“I could end you right now you know. Piss me off, I fucking dare you.”

“Jinxx, your pet is threatening me.” Ash pouted at Jinxx as he whined.

“I have half a mind to set you on fire myself.” Jinxx got up and walked over to me, “You alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just drained from using that much energy to kill one pathetic person.”

“Andy, I’m being threatened by our two magic users. Aren’t you going to do anything?” Ash turned to our leader and his best friend.

“No, grow up and let’s go.” He pulled Ash up and pushed him lightly in the direction of the town. The rest of us followed at a slightly slower pace since Jake and CC wanted to know everything that happened since the prison was destroyed. I was actually surprised that they didn’t question how close Jinxx and I were to each other. Either they already know, or they had absolutely no idea, I wasn’t in a rush to tell them anything. They’d have to find out on their own, or Jinxx would tell them.