Land of the Lost

Chapter 28

Jinxx Pov:

The moment we entered the town, CC tried to drag Lynx off to spar with her. I just watched in amusement as she didn’t put up a fight at all. I don’t think Lynx was ever able to say no to him. I knew she was extremely tired, and didn’t want her to get hurt any more than she already was. “CC, she’s not sparing with anyone today.”

“Why not?”

“She just spent two weeks alone in the desert, injured. She’s going to rest.” Lynx smiled and freed her wrist from CC’s hold.

“I promise, once I feel better we’ll spar. And I will kick your ass.”

“Kitten why don’t you stay with Jinxx, so he can keep an eye on you in case something goes wrong.” Lynx and I looked up at Ash.

“What do you mean?” Lynx asked, obviously confused.

“Nothing kitten.”

“I agree with Ash, if there’s something Jinxx can do to help you then you should be with him.” She looked from Ash to Jake and sighed.

“I’m going home to sleep. I don’t need someone to babysit me. If you guys really don’t want me to be on my own send Kotta over. I’m sure she’ll be pleased to have the chance to yell at me.” She left our group and headed for her place.

“Really Ash? You had to say something?”

“I was just trying to help you out, sorry for trying to get you laid.” Jake and CC burst out laughing at what Ash said while I ended up blushing lightly.

“I knew it Jinxx. You and the kitten are a thing.” Jake said as he tried to stop laughing.

CC looked at Jake confused, “Wait I thought she had a thing for Ash, not Jinxx…?”

“CC you need to learn to pay attention to things. Lynx doesn’t like me like that. If she wants to be with him then that’s her choice.”
“Wow Ash, I never expected you to be the kind of guy who’d not go after a girl like Lynx.”

“I was just as confused about it, but I’m not gonna question it.” I left the group and headed to my small house.

Ash Pov:

“He’s going to have his hands full with Sammi who is going to be extremely jealous when she learns that Lynx is with him.” I looked over at Jake who nodded.

“Sammi’s nice, but she doesn’t quite understand people or their intentions. I think he’s better off with Lynx as it is. How long do you think it’ll take before she moves in with him?”

“I’d give it a week tops.”

“You want to make a bet? Whoever loses has night watch every night for three weeks.” Andy offered and smirked.

“You’re on. What’s your bet Prophet?” Jake asked. “I’m going to agree with Ash. She’ll move in as soon as she can, and with how she and Jinxx are it’ll take a week.”

“I say two weeks, just because she tends to avoid people as often as possible.”

“So CC and I are saying two weeks while you and Jake say a week. Whoever loses you know what you have to do.” I almost felt guilty about placing bets on the two, but at the same time it was going to be extremely entertaining to see which ‘team’ was right.