Land of the Lost

Chapter 31

Lynx Pov:

I woke up still in Jinxx’s arms. It took a few minutes to remember exactly how I ended up at his place. I yawned and snuggled closer to Jinxx, wanting to get a little more sleep. Yet, like usual I never exactly got what I wanted. Jinxx ran a hand over my side, “You up I take it?”

“If I say no can I go back to sleep?” I sighed and leaned my head against his chest.

“Sure, if you want one of the guys to drag you out.” Jinxx laughed as I glared at him and tried pulling the blanket up higher. “Come on, get up.”

“No, I don’t wanna.” He tipped my head up and kissed me lightly. I sighed into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck as he moved so he was on top of me. He slid his hand down my side to my hip and broke the kiss to bite my neck. I felt him smile against my neck as I moaned lowly from the bite.

“Now get up.” Jinxx moved off of me and got off the bed.

“That’s mean.” I sat up and glared at him. He cupped my cheek and kissed me softly again.

“I know. Now get dressed, if I’m right CC or Ash will want to drag you around with them since they were forced to be without you for a while.”

“You don’t seem too worried about that.” I smiled as I pushed him back enough for me to get up. I went to where I dropped my pants the night before and pulled them on.

“It’s because I know you won’t do anything.” As I put the two belts on Jinxx got dressed and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. I leaned back against him and put my hands over his.

“So I’m guessing I’m staying here with you?”

“If that’s what you want. I don’t mind, but if you want to get your own place again you can.”

“Why would I want to leave when I finally have everything I’ve wanted right here?” I turned around in his arms and kissed him again. “I’m gonna go find CC and spar with him. You should make your way to the hospital before Sammi starts looking for you.” I pulled away from him and headed for the door.

“Lynx, there’s never been anything between Sammi and I. You don’t have to worry about it alright?”

“I know.” As soon as I slipped out of the house I ran down the dirt road to the café in the center of town. “Clair, if you see CC, tell him that I’m at the training ring waiting for him.”

“I will, it’s nice to have you back. The guys have all been really worried about you, Jinxx especially.”

“I know. I stayed at his place last night.”

“Oh? Any fun details you want to share?” Clair sat at the bar next to me, smiling.

“No. We just slept and yeah…nothing happened.”

“You’re blushing Lynx. Either something did happen or you wanted it to but it didn’t.”

“Nothing happened, I kinda wish it had but it didn’t. Anyway, tell CC where I’ll be. I’ll talk to you later Clair.” I got up and went to the training area. I climbed onto a semi-large boulder and sat down, meditating. When I was in F.E.A.R’s army and had a ‘day off’ I would meditate to either clear my head or just to relax.

About an hour later, I heard faint footsteps getting closer to where I was. I smirked and drew my blades slowly and waited. As soon as the person was within range, I jumped off the boulder and swung my blade at them, only to have it blocked.

“You know, it’s nice to have my favorite sparring partner back.” CC pushed me back and within seconds the training grounds were filled with the echoes of metal clashing against metal. Truthfully, it was probably the most soothing sound I’ve ever heard. After all, I was a trained assassin.