Land of the Lost

Chapter 32

Lynx Pov:

The sparring match lasted longer than we thought it would. It was early evening by the time I even considered giving up and going to find Jinxx, but CC looked like there was no way in hell that he was going to call it quits. We had been at it all morning and afternoon so we were covered in sand, sweat and blood from the few blows we each managed to land. We were both breathing hard and our arms were shaking from the strain.

“CC, you sure you don’t want stop? You look tired.” I was hoping that he’d give up first, because I was almost too sore to even block his attacks.

“No, I’m actually perfectly fine. You on the other hand look like you’re about to pass out.”

“You wish.” I think there was a mutual agreement that after the next attack we’d be done since we both nodded. Our blades barely touched as we both went for ‘killing blows’. It was pretty interesting how quickly my skill improved after the short time I’ve been training with CC. In seconds the ‘fight’ was over, CC had the dull edge of his sword pressed against my throat as I had the hilt of one of my blades over his heart.

“Heh, good job kitten.” CC lowered his sword at the same time I lowered mine. “To think that if I were to fight you in battle that I’d end up having you kill me…you’ve improved a lot.”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t be this awesome if you hadn’t agreed to spar with me every day. Think we should head back now?” As I spoke I looked around, suddenly feeling like we were being watched.

“What’s up Lynx?”

“I just feel like we’re being watched. Let’s get back to town.”

“So, you and Jinxx huh?” CC asked as soon as we entered the town, causing me to blush deeply.


“How long?”

“Uhh, well…a few days technically. Though I kissed him before I ran off in the prison…”

“We already know kitten. Poor Jinxx could barely function after that, and Ash and I literally had to drag him out of the prison.”

“So what do you know about my place going up in flames?”

“That was yours? I wonder if Jake set it.”

“I wouldn’t doubt it. Besides, Chance told me about the bet you guys made. I wouldn’t put it past any of you.”

“We didn’t plan that Lynx. We do a lot of shit, but why would we risk burning down the entire town just to get you to move in with Jinxx.”

“I guess.” I stopped walking and looked behind us again. "There’s something out there.”

“Don’t worry about it kitten. I’m sure it’s nothing.”

“The last time I felt like I was being watched I was taken by F.E.A.R’s shadow demons. I’m going to worry about it.” We stopped in front of Andy’s house where we usually split up after sparring. “Do you have night watch tonight?”

“Yeah, want me to stop by Jinxx’s place to get you before I take watch?”

“That’d be great. See you later.” I continued down the road to Jinxx’s house. I let myself in and instantly went to the bathroom to bathe before going to the hospital to have Jinxx help me with my almost non-existent healing magic. I dug through Jinxx’s clothes to find something clean, and pulled on the clothes that actually fit rather well before putting my belts back on and leaving the house to go to the hospital.

I greeted a few of the guards at the hospital doors as I walked in. It was abnormally quiet, which really freaked me out. I hated being in places that were too quiet. I slipped into Jinxx’s office and sighed when I noticed that he wasn’t in. Deciding to wait, I sat on his desk and hoped that it wouldn’t be too much longer before he came back. From what I saw on the way in, there weren’t too many patients since most of those we rescued from F.E.A.R’s prison were already back to training and the few who weren’t either had died or had opted to work at the various shops around town.

Getting bored almost instantly, I hopped off the desk, went to the bookshelf he had and found a book on mythology. I picked it up, went back to the desk and started reading while I waited for him to get back. I was maybe a quarter through the book before Jinxx entered his office. I looked up at him, set the book down and hopped off the desk.

“Why are you wearing my clothes Lynx?” Jinxx asked as he pulled me against him.

“No reason.” I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck as he leaned down to kiss me.

“Well I find it to be extremely hot.” Jinxx backed me up until I hit the desk and set me on top of it, as he kissed me again. This kiss was much more heated than the others were, and I knew that this time everything was different. Jinxx moved back a bit and kissed down my neck to the collar of the shirt I had on, he slowly unbuttoned it and bit down lightly on the juncture of my neck.
I pulled the unbuttoned shirt off and instantly pulled the black tank top I had on off, catching Jinxx and myself by surprise.
“You sure you want this kitten?”

“Yes, now less talking.” Jinxx obeyed, much to my surprise and wasted no time in getting rid of the rest of our clothes. He kissed me almost possessively as he claimed me on the desk. In the back of my mind I knew that this was the best decision I’ve ever made and knew that I would never regret it.
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Lynx's outfit that she steals from Jinxx: