Land of the Lost

Chapter 4

Lynnette pov:

Jinxx stared at me in shock for a few moments before speaking, “Seriously? How? When?”

I laughed, “It just happened, I was just thinking about what I could do here to help, and I remembered people called me Lynnette.”

“That’s great; at least we’re making progress. That’s just more good news for you then, I’ve had the guys looking around for a place for you. We’ve found one, and if you’re ready to leave-” I didn’t even let him finish before I answered.

“Yes, I’d love nothing more than to get out of here. I’m sick of staring at these four white walls every day.”

“Well come on then kitten.”

“Kitten? Since when do you call me a kitten? You’re usually calling me kid, which happens to be a fucking goat.” Jinxx laughed and walked out of the room without answering. “Bastard.” I followed after him and easily caught up to him.

“Jinxx, you never did tell me how I ended up here.”

“CC and Jake found you in the desert and brought you back. It’s a boring story, and not all the important.”

“You’re hiding something. I don’t know what it is, but you are.” He led me to a small café type place and to a table where four other men were sitting. I recognized Andy right off and smiled a little in greeting before looking at the other three.

“I see you’re finally allowed to walk about without a leash.” I glared at the guy who spoke. I recognized him as the guy who stuck me with the needle, it was a very blurry memory but a memory nonetheless.

“And you are? I don’t think I ever got the name of the guy who drugged me.”

“Jake, head of the second unit.” I racked my head for terms that might fit with a ‘second’ unit.

“Intelligence? I can see that, you do look pretty shifty.” The other guys laughed.

“Yeah, how’d you know?” I looked at Jake confused; that was a good question. I looked down and spoke quietly. “I really don’t know.”

“Technically the third unit is the recon, but my unit pretty much infiltrates wherever we’re going first, long before the recon unit gets there.”

“I hope you know that none of what you just said makes any sense to me.” I sat down as I spoke and looked to the guy on my right. “You are?”

“Ashley, or Ash call me whichever kitten.” My eyes narrowed at the name.

“Don’t call me that.”

“Retract those claws girlie, that’s just how Jinxx has been referring to you as.”

“My name is Lynnette, not Kitten.”

“Lynnette the kitten, it suits you,” The guy I had yet to be introduced to spoke up, laughing at the glare I shot at him.

“That would be CC.” Jinxx finally said as he sat down on the opposite side of Ash.

“What is with you people giving me a nickname without even knowing me? It’s rude you know.”

“Why not? I mean you are pretty much our pet.” Ash said before sipping his drink.

“Still going with that? How many times do I have to tell you, I don’t know who or what F.E.A.R is.”