Land of the Lost

Chapter 5

Lynnette pov:

I looked between the five guys waiting for an answer. When Ash was about to answer a woman screamed not too far from us. We all stood up at the same time and as I was about to take off in the direction of the scream someone grabbed my arm. “Jinxx let me go.”

“No, let Jake and CC handle it.”

“Let me help Jinxx.”

“You can’t do anything right now. Follow me Lynnette.”

“No.” I shook his hand off my arm and ran towards the crowd that was forming. I slipped through the crowd and looked at the scene before me. A large shadow type thing was holding a small child by the arm while a woman was trying to pull the child to her. I went to go help the woman only to have one of the guys pull me out of the crowd and away from everything that was going on. “What the hell?”

“You’re going to get yourself killed if you try something that stupid.” I looked up at CC and glared.

“I don’t fucking want to sit around and do nothing.”

“Andy and Jake have it under control. Let’s just get you away from here. I don’t care that you’re a girl, the fact is you can’t remember anything and that means you can’t fight.”

“I can fight…”

“No you can’t.” CC dragged me into a smallish house and let go of my arm. As I looked around the room I saw Ash and Jinxx walk in.

“Then fucking train me CC, you’re supposed to be one of the leaders of the fucking legion.”

“She has a point.”

“No Ash, she doesn’t. Even if she could fight with us she’d still be a liability.”

“How the fuck would I be a liability Jinxx?”

“You’re unpredictable Kitten, I don’t mean to upset you but that’s the truth. We can’t trust you not to turn on us.”

I stared at Jinxx in shock, “Why would you even think that? If I left here where would I go? I have nothing.”

“Jinxx think about it. She wants to help us, let her.”

Jinxx sighed and nodded. “We need to tell Andy what the kitten wants.”

“Will you please stop calling me kitten? I don’t like it.”

“Fine, Lynx will you give us a few days to come up with a training program for you. We won’t be going easy on you either.” I looked at CC and smiled, ignoring the new name he came up with.

“Thank you.” I hugged him, surprising him.

“Yeah, no problem.” I stepped back from CC and glanced around the room again.

“So umm, what is this place?”

“It’s your house kitten.” Ash laughed at the glare I shot at him.

“If looks could kill Lynx, but he’s right. This is your place so take your time and get used to it.” Jinxx put his hand on my shoulder before leaving.

“Ash, where can I read up on F.E.A.R? I want to know what we’re fighting against.”

“That would probably be the chapel; we’ll look around for anything concerning F.E.A.R and the other random legends.”

“Alright, thanks guys.” When Ash and CC left I sighed and looked around the small house, trying to get a feel for it. “It’s not home, and it probably never will be but it’s better than nothing.”