Land of the Lost

Chapter 6

Lynnette pov:

It had been over a week since the incident and the guys had kept to their promise of training me. Every day we had gone out to the outskirts of the town and sparred. During each sparring session more and more memories would come back, most being of fighting. It became obvious after a few sessions with Ash and Jinxx I was better with twin blades than I was with a two handed sword.

Ash, CC and I were heading back into town when I spotted another shadow demon of F.E.A.R’s. “What is that doing here?”

“They come every now and then. Just ignore it and keep moving.” I listened to Ash and continued walking with them to my place.

“You mean ignore them and let them do whatever they want. Four young boys were taken out of this place and no one has tried to stop the shadow demons.”

“H-how did you know?”

“Please, you really think I stay in that house all the time CC? I wander the streets, talk to the people. I bet you guys don’t even know that the majority of the people here who aren’t in the legion want to fight. But they won’t join because they either have children or are too young. I know most of the legion is made up of men, but there are plenty of women who want to join as well.”

“I guess we never really thought about that.”

“Of course not, you’re all men. You think with your dicks not your heads.”

Ash laughed and put his arm around my shoulders. “You’re a smart kitten, but for now let’s just focus on getting your memory back. You’re already improving in your sword play, and your speed is amazing. Your muscles remember what to do, it’s your head that’s keeping you from moving forward.”

“You make it seem like I’m doing it on purpose Ash.”

“I know you’re not. But you haven’t remembered much.”

“I know I used to be in F.E.A.R’s army…” Both CC and Ash stared at me in shock.


“Yesterday…But that’s all I got. I have no idea who I was before all of this.”

“I think the others need to know kitten.” CC said as we got back to my place.

“Tell them if you think that’s what needed.”

“Kitten, they might be able to come up with something that will help.”

“Ash I know that. I’m just sick of everyone treating me like I’m some fragile child. I’ve been in battle, I’m not afraid to die. Especially if it’s for something or someone I love. I’m not going to sit by-”

“Shut up Lynx, we all know that.” CC ruffled my hair and walked into my house. I sighed and motioned for Ash to come in as well. “All I’m saying Lynx is that you have to let us help. We’re busy too you know.”

“Oh yeah? Like hanging out at the bars every night when you’re supposed to be on duty?”

“You gotta stop stalking me girl.”

“Aww but why? It’s so much fun.” In the few weeks since Ash and CC have been sparring with me, we had become closer. I started seeing the two as brothers more than anything else.

“Hey, Lynx have you been reading these?”

“Yes CC, that’s why they’re out.” I set my blades on a counter and sighed. “I find the story of the fallen angels fascinating.”

“You know kitten, it’s said that the five of us are the descendants of those fallen angels.”

“I’d believe it. You guys have the egos for it.” CC laughed and sat on the counter.

“You’re mean you know that?”

“I get it from you two since you two are the only guys willing to even be in the same room as me. Andy still thinks I’m going to kill someone, Jake probably thinks I’m unstable and Jinxx…He’s probably just glad that he doesn’t have to put up with me much anymore.”

“You’re thinking too much kitten.” Ash once again put his arm around my shoulders and I leaned against him. “Andy is busy and Jake is helping him. Jinxx is our only trained medic, he’s busy with patients.”

“Yeah, yeah, get out. You guys have guard duty tonight, and I want to bathe. And no Ash, you are not welcome to join or watch.” I shooed the guys out of my house and leaned against the door after I shut it. I waited a few minutes before moving and went into the kitchen area. I moved a few of the books that were hiding a book on magic. “They’re not going to be pleased when they find out, but I want to help the legion and they’re not taking me seriously.”

For the majority of the evening and the next night I stayed up, honing my skills with magic and adding magic with my swordplay. Ash and CC told me that Jinxx was the only one of the legion who had magic of a high level, and I wanted to change that. If I could learn on my own, then more members of the legion should be able to learn with help.