Land of the Lost

Chapter 7

Lynnette Pov:

I woke up to someone pounding on my door. I got up tiredly from the couch where I apparently fell asleep after practicing magic. I went to the door and looked up at Andy surprised. “What’s up?”

“Ash and CC told me you were part of F.E.A.R’s army. Is there anything else you remember?” I stepped aside and motioned for Andy to enter the small house. I shut my magic book and put it on a shelf with the rest of the books I put away last night. I sighed and sat on the arm of the couch.

“I get flashes, but nothing concrete. I do know I was part of F.E.A.R’s army, a higher ranking member most likely.” Andy nodded and leaned his hip against the wall in front of me. “I’m really trying to remember because I want to help you guys as much as I can.”

“I can see that, and you’re probably right. You’re very skilled, you’re fast and surefooted. I’ve watched your matches with Ash and CC, and you predict where the next moves are coming from. You have the capability to do some real damage, which is why I’m hesitant about fully letting join the legion. It’s not that I don’t trust you Lynnette. I can’t lose what we’ve made here. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I got it. I know it’s not because you dislike me, but you just can’t bring yourself to trust me completely. And I know I have to prove that you can trust me.” I nodded and sighed. I held my palm up and created a small ball of fire. “You said that Jinxx was the only one who could use magic, well you’re wrong.”

“When…?” Andy stared at me surprised.

“I spent every night studying magic, until I could use it willingly. I’ve started adding it to my swordplay. I want to help Andy. Let me.”

“Alright, alright you win kitten. I don’t know what group you’d fit in, so I’ll talk to the guys about it. But for now, I want you to look at the rough layouts of F.E.A.R’s headquarters and tell me what you remember from that.”

“So you want me to start off in the recon/intelligence unit? Sounds fun.”

“Like I said for now I just want to see what it will trigger, but I’ll talk to the guys for you, see where you’ll fit in.”

“Okay, thanks Andy.” I smiled a bit and stood up. As soon as I stood up everything around me went black.

' “Lynette!” I looked up and smiled as another girl around my age ran up to me. Kotta, she was my best friend and in my unit in F.E.A.R’s army. I set my book down and hugged her. “Hey girl, it’s been so long.” I tightened my hold on her and smiled wider. She was handpicked to do a recon mission in the farther camps for my father.

“Kotta when did you get back?” I was so excited, I hadn’t been able to focus on my training as well as I should have with her gone. She just smiled and avoided the question. It wasn’t that unusual for her, so I paid little attention to it. So instead of pushing for an answer, I motioned for her to follow me and we went out into the city.

“I know you won’t agree with me Lynnette, but I think we should leave F.E.A.R, we can offer so much more to the world than just our skills in the army.”

“My father has done everything in his power to make this work for us. Why would you want to leave?” I was genuinely confused, this was the first she ever said about it.

“You haven’t seen what’s out there, people are suffering because of F.E.A.R…I know he’s your father, but you have to think of the people.”

“Kotta, I don’t see anything wrong with how my father runs things. F.E.A.R or otherwise, my father is a great man and doesn’t deserve this disloyalty.”

“You’re blinded by his power Lyn…I’ve been out there I see the people suffering all the time. They’re starving because there’s little food. I watched your fathers shadow men kill innocents, women and children. Isn’t that what you’re telling this army not to do? That the innocents have nothing to do with it?”

“Yes, but-”

“NO! I’m sorry but I can’t sit by and watch this happen. I’m joining the rebel army, my skills will be of use to them. Besides I’m more of a healer than a fighter. Just please don’t tell your father.”

“I…I understand. This is goodbye then. The next time we meet may be on the battlefield, and I will not back down just because you are my friend.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything different. You’re an amazing person, but you’re sheltered. You only know the world within the confines of F.E.A.R’s domain, you haven’t seen anything yet.” Kotta ran off into the desert before I had a chance to say goodbye and I just stood there watching her run; not making any attempt to stop her.
“I hope for your sake I don’t have to see you again, I wouldn’t be able to stand it if I were to be the one who had to kill you.” '

I opened my eyes slowly and stared at the lantern next to me. I looked around and sat up, “The hospital again…what happened?”

“You passed out, don’t you remember?” Andy walked through the door and sat at the edge of my bed. “I carried you here after I couldn’t wake you up. Seems like the medicine Jinxx gave you is working. What happened?”

“That’s what I’d like to know. One minute you’re telling me to check the layout of F.E.A.R’s HQ and the next I’m waking up here.” I froze and looked at Andy scared. “I…There’s something that I have to tell everyone…I can’t believe that it took this long…” Andy nodded and left the room, only to return a few minutes later with the others.

“What’s up Kitten? I thought you were getting better?” Ash patted my shoulder as he sat in the chair next to the bed. CC and Jake stood next to him while Jinxx stayed at the foot of the bed with Andy at his side.

“I thought I was too. So…I’m F.E.A.R’s daughter…” I looked down at my lap as I spoke not wanting to see their reactions.