Land of the Lost

Chapter 8

I knew they were all surprised, hell I was too. I wasn’t expecting to find out that I was F.E.A.R’s daughter. It was something that I actually dreaded. Just knowing I was related to the bastard who was killing innocents pissed me off to no end. “I don’t know about you guys, but I want to destroy F.E.A.R and his army. No one deserves to live the way we do, in constant fear and having to sleep with one eye open just in case something bad happens. I’m not going to sit around and do nothing. With or without you, I’m going to destroy him.” I looked each leader in the eye as I spoke knowing I was being defiant, but also being true to who I felt I really was. “I can only hope that you guys continue to help me train. Fuck who I was in the past. Right here and now, I’m Lynnette a member of the Legion of the Black, the rebel army that stands against F.E.A.R. And I refuse to back down.”

“Well said kitten.” I looked back at Andy confused by why he was smiling. “We can seriously use your help in bringing down fear.” The rest of the guys cheered and congratulated me except for Jinxx.

“Jinxx, what’s up?” I asked and cocked my head to the side. He met my eyes and smiled.

“Nothing, just thinking. Andy said he wanted you to look through the layouts that we got from F.E.A.R’s HQ. Do that for now and we’ll see where we can put you.”

“Kitten,” I looked up when Andy spoke to me. I gave up trying to correct them on my name. They were going to call me whatever they wanted anyway. When I cocked my head to the side Andy continued. “I think you should show them what you showed me before you passed out.”

“Right,” I smiled a bit and held my palm up, took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a few moments. The next thing I heard were gasps coming from everyone around me. I opened my eyes and smiled more at the bright orange and red ball of fire in my palm.

“When did you learn this kitten?” Ash asked as he looked between the ball of fire and Jinxx.

“I spent all my free time studying magic, wanting to do something for the Legion, and yeah it just kinda happened.”

“Have you always had this gift?”

“No.” I answered Jinxx instantly and sighed. “I never knew I could use magic until I started reading about the fallen angels who had these gifts.” I looked down, “When I was a child my mother would tell me the stories of the five fallen angels who saved this world. I never believed any of it until I read something that I’ve seen in only one other place.”

“And what you believe that we’re descendants of those five?” CC asked

“I don’t know, I want to say yes because it makes sense. Can you guys leave? I’m not feeling too good.”

The guys left the room after telling me to get better. I sighed and laid back down and just stared at the ceiling. “I never could do magic before…father always kept me from reading anything in his study. What if…what if I’m not his true daughter…?” I got up and went over to a window and leaned against the cool glass. “It doesn’t matter, you don’t have to be related by blood to have a family. But why do I feel like he’s betrayed me? Lynnette you idiot, you’ve betrayed him by staying with the rebels, but I don’t care; people shouldn’t be living in fear of what’s going to happen in the future.” I looked down at my hands and smiled slightly, “I am a member of the legion of the black, the rebel army. We will destroy F.E.A.R and we will live in peace.” Satisfied with my decision I went back to the bed and laid down, sleep claimed me almost instantly.